in #farming6 years ago



The American continent is the hometown of Cayenne (Capsicum frustescens). This plant can grow well in the tropics. Chili cayenne can flourish at an altitude of 0-600 mdpl. Cayenne pepper can also bear fruit at an altitude of 1000 mdpl but the harvest period is not as fast as in the tropics. Chili cultivation also has a low risk of harvest failure rather than large red pepper, this plant is more resistant to pest and disease attacks. Selection / selection of chili seeds Lots of companies that offer quality chili seeds for example hybrids etc.

But if the price of seeds is expensive and difficult to obtain we can get the seeds themselves. Period of fruit that can be used as seeds is the period to 4th to 6th. That's because in that period more chili seeds but the fruit is relatively small. To select a good seed we can select it from its plants, strong and healthy plants have relatively better seeds.

How to get a quality seed begins with picking chili fruit and cut the fruit to take the seeds on the fruit, then seeds are soaked in water. Good seeds are drowned beans, for floating seeds we can throw them away. After the immersion process then the seeds placed in the sun to dry usually takes 3-4 days. Tips from me for the storage of seeds should not be done too long because if the seeds are stored for too long then the growing power will continue to decrease.

Seeding First prepare a polybag measuring 5x10 cm, then enter the planting medium to more than half the polybag. Media seedling consists of soil, charcoal husk and manure. Before the seeds are put into polybag the seeds are soaked in warm water for more than 7 hours of immersion. After that new seeds inserted into polybags. For watering the seeds done in the morning and afternoon.

Seedlings will be successful after the seeds are 2 weeks old. After 2 weeks the seedlings are ready to be moved to the land. Tillage techniques and planting Soil processing begins by plowing the land about 50 cm deep. Addition of dolomite can be done if the land is too acid, the addition of dolomite ranges from 1-3 tons / ha depending on the level of acidity. After that go into the process of making beds, beds made with a width of 100 cm and height of 30 cm and the distance between beds about 50 cm. The addition of compost on the land ranges from 12-15 tons hectares.

After that proceed with the installation of black silver plastic mulch. Make a plant hole with a distance of 50 cm between plants then move the seeds from polybag to the field Treatment of plants For watering the plant is only done in the summer only. Watering can be done by soaking the beds made every 14 days once.

The first fertilization is done when the plant is 30 days old. Further fertilization is done every post-harvest. Further fertilization using liquid fertilizer and compost. for urea and NPK as additional fertilizers.Penyiangan also very necessary in cayenne cultivation. And the last always clear the land from the weeds. Control of pests and diseases Chili cayenne plant is a plant that is resistant to pests and diseases but it does not merely make pests and diseases are reluctant to attack.

Pests that usually perangan are caterpillar pests, aphids, mites, fruit flies for the disease is leaf spot, antraknosa, rotten, withered. For its own control can be done with technical and kimniawi control. For example, for caterpillar caterpillar technical control can be done by cleaning the caterpillar during the night is usually the caterpillar arises when the night this way must be done simultaneously. And for chemical control can use insecticide.

Harvesting Harvesting can be done when the cayenne 90 days after planting. With the age of the plant that reaches 2 years then the harvest can be done up to 16-18 times the harvest. Period of harvest can continue for 6 months even more.

Cultivation of pepper plants can produce up to 25 tons per hectare, but it should be noted the older age of the plant then the productivity continues to decline. For harvesting is usually done in the morning, by picking fruit and stem. The perfect fruit is a fruit that is about 3-4 cm long and has a good density, fruit characteristics like that which have a high selling price in the market.

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