Far Horizons Steem - Game Complete - Game 1526338556 [2018-09-08] 1536422806419

(Image courtesy of NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the Day")

Far Horizons Steem

Game Complete!


@muksihs @pupmisfit

Hopefully everyone had fun playing the game! A new game signup will be posted soon!

Summary Stats

SP Species               Tech Levels        Total  Num Num  Num  Offen.  Defen.
# Name             MI  MA  ML  GV  LS  BI  Prod.  Pls Shps Yrds  Power   Power
1 Motorbikians     81  92  66  73  73  71      0   1    4    0       0       0
2 Sporkians        99 141 112  52  73  56 111927  22  325   79  368400   21219

Average Mining tech level = 90 (min = 81, max = 99)
Average Manufacturing tech level = 117 (min = 92, max = 141)
Average Military tech level = 89 (min = 66, max = 112)
Average Gravitics tech level = 63 (min = 52, max = 73)
Average Life Support tech level = 73 (min = 73, max = 73)
Average Biology tech level = 64 (min = 56, max = 71)

Average number of warships per species = 138.5 (min = 0, max = 277)
Average warship size = 213,000 tons
Average total warship tonnage per species = 29,550,000 tons

Average number of starbases per species = 2.0 (min = 0, max = 4)
Average starbase size = 700,000 tons
Average total starbase tonnage per species = 1,400,000 tons

Average number of transports per species = 24.0 (min = 4, max = 44)
Average transport size = 187,000 tons
Average total transport tonnage per species = 4,490,000 tons

Average number of shipyards per species = 39.5 (min = 0, max = 79)

Average number of populated planets per species = 11.5 (min = 1, max = 22)
Average total production per species = 55964 (min = 0, max = 111927)

Species: Motorbikians

Government name: Corporation
Government type: Stock Driven

Tech Levels:
   Mining = 81
   Manufacturing = 92
   Military = 66
   Gravitics = 73
   Life Support = 73
   Biology = 71

Atmospheric Requirement: 24%-96% O2
Neutral Gases: He, NH3, N2, CO2, HCl, H2O
Poisonous Gases: H2, CH4, Cl2, F2, SO2, H2S

Fleet maintenance cost = 23445 (4357.80% of total production)

Species met: SP Sporkians

Enemies: SP Sporkians

Economic units = 144533

Species: Motorbikians

   Coordinates: x = 18, y = 15, z = 18, planet number 6

Available population units = 24

Production penalty = 0% (LSN = 0)

Economic efficiency = 100%

Mining base = 13.3 (MI = 81, MD = 2.00)
   538 raw material units will be produced this turn.
Manufacturing base = 6.7 (MA = 92)
   Production capacity this turn will be 616.

Total available for spending this turn = 538 - 538 = 0

Shipyard capacity = 0


Species: Sporkians

Government name: Trident
Government type: Utilitarian

Tech Levels:
   Mining = 99
   Manufacturing = 141
   Military = 112
   Gravitics = 52
   Life Support = 73
   Biology = 56

Atmospheric Requirement: 9%-36% O2
Neutral Gases: He, N2, CO2, HCl, Cl2, H2O
Poisonous Gases: H2, CH4, NH3, F2, SO2, H2S

Fleet maintenance cost = 56540 (33.56% of total production)

Species met: SP Motorbikians

Economic units = 119774


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63549.46
ETH 2562.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66