Announcement: Steem Fantasy Uefa Champions League

in #fantasyucl7 years ago


Welcome to Steem Fantasy Uefa Champions league guys!

After the succes that Premier League Fantasy has here on steemit i thought to bring UCL Fantasy here too.
With @acydo blessing i will copy the rules from FPL league because they are perfect and need no change.

Rules for joining the Fantasy UCL
There will be some rules to sign up as to fight any sort of abuse.

You have to link your FantasyUCL account with your Steemit account in the comment section to be a part of the League. The code to enter the league will be made public but excess accounts will be removed if they do not qualify the rule requirements. This is to eliminate a single person entering many accounts to increase chances of winning.

Your Steemit account must be older than 1 week from today when this post is made and have some normal activity on it that doesn't look like its just an alt account that is being used only for competitions and other tournaments. This will be judged manually by me and I reserve the right to remove suspicious ones if I feel the need for it.

All the rewards in SBD from the SFPL posts will be kept in "Savings" on my account until the end of the Season and then distributed to the winners.

1st place will receive 30% of the total SBD.
2nd place will receive 15% of the total SBD.
3rd place will receive 10% of the total SBD.
4th-10th place will receive 3% each of the total SBD.
11th-23rd place will receive 1% each of the total SBD
24th-48th place will receive 0.5% each of the total SBD making it 100% of the SDB rewards.

What you need to do now to get started:
Go to and create an account. If you already have an account but it gives away personal information you wouldn't want made public on the platform, feel free to create a new one.

It looks like you may need to select your players in the squad before you are able to join any leagues. Once you've done that go to the tab "Leagues" and press "Join a league->" where you enter the code: 03835IUJ

I am willing to use @acydo as an escrow if he is not to swamped already with his projects.

@carlosdaniel @mirzacho @fajri @tzap90 @rickie @jwolf @mohammad32 @artz @arsenal49 @luism86 @vaporhaze @generation
@photo-moment @uewlang @praz735u5 @dmalaver @numpypython @kyriacos @sportsgeek @progressivechef @cmoljoe @creativewoman
@miniature-tiger @patcole02 @heoric15397 @raisul @futuristgear @stefanarnaut @dontstopmenow @flowily @harferri
@arfa @sminchow @steeminator3000 @howtostartablog @acidyo @uwelang @transilvania @avelee @oendertuerk @investwarrior
@yuniasyaf @harryp3 @jawadovic @sahbouch @whipdaddy @machhour @gadgetsan @sasan @herverisson @scaevola @gunn3rfourlif3
@costanza @kopiferenc @hellhen @captaincanary @abh12345 @littlevoice @dan90 @elalec @cloudspyder @lifebitesized
@kryptocek @arathron @arsenal49 @luism86 @vaporhaze @praz735u5 @dmalaver @kyriacos @progressivechef @oyamurty
@trendo @howtostartablog @nguyentanh @abh12345 @jeanpi1908 @bondar19 @oenderturk @anomiej @borran @amartinezque
@captaincanary @sirpaul @elfrances185 @manofbeerd @dontstopmenow


Hi, as a sign of my support for the tag #sports and #football, I vote for you and begin to follow you

Thank you very much!

interesting one, i consider being active - you copied my account name wrong above btw

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