The legndary tales of Timaeus Pt.3

The throne room gates opened slowly... and Timaeus walked in

His father Thynar was there to the left of the throne dressed in dark mail covered in rubies and jewels, wearing a helmet crafted in the shape of a dragon's head and wielding a silver and steel forged sword at his side.

His armor was Identical to that of his household guard Cyrus.

To the right of the throne was the one they called Singreothar the dark sorcerer. Dressed in a dark doublet with unearthly patterns and a staff that looked older than the kingdom of Narsil itself.

Timaeus could see a bright shining light glimmering between his cloak, it was clear Singreothar was wearing armor beneath his doublet and it was obvious that the make of this armor was not that of the average village smith.

In between them on the throne of Narsil, sat the King Thangail.

"Timaeus!" The king shouted, it is so good to have you back in the kingdom after all these years.

Timaeus: "Your grace, the honor is mine, I am pleased to be back home, I have received the gift of the elder star elves and am ready to serve you now"

Timaeus: "Father, It is good to see you again after so long"

Thynar: "The pleasure is mine my son for it pleases my heart to see what a fine warrior you have become, your mother would be proud"

Timaeus:"I had certainly hoped to see her was she in the end?"

Thynar: "We can discuss that in private my son, for now make your acquaintance with the court and pledge yourself to Thangail to complete the ceremony"

Singreothar approached

His aura gave Timaeus a chill in his bones as if it were winter, this man was certainly powerful, so powerful that unknowingly even to himself Timaeus had tensed up and was now on guard

Singreothar: "You must be the warrior who passed the test of fire, remarkable I say, it has been 500 years since anyone has see or held the blades forged in the fires of Tiamat"

Timaeus: "You know of the trial of fire?!"

Singreothar: "Indeed I do boy, these blades are of the highest interest"

Timaeus felt uneasy.. but at that moment King Thangail spoke up.

Thangail: "well Timaeus, shall we begin the ceremony pledge"

Timaeus: "Of course your Grace"

Timaeus knelt down before the king and placed both swords before the throne.

Timaeus: "Behold Ragnaroth and Siren, the swords born in dragon fire" "I pledge these swords and my life to your service your grace"

Thangail: "I Thangail do here accept your service before the Elders, ancestors and stars to behold, may you be true to your word for I now entrust my life and safety of this kingdom to you, Rise now as Timaeus commander of the Narsil army"

Thangail: "I King Thangail now dismiss you Thynar of my service as commander and relinquish you of your daily duties, you have served the kingdom well and now you may rest"

Timaeus was very pleased to know his father would now get to enjoy the spoils of his many years of service

Thangail: "May you serve us well Timaeus and give your life to this kingdom, now rise and stand with honor"

Timaeus got up and with that the ceremony was over.

Thangail: "You are free to go for tonight Timaeus, I am sure your father has much to discuss with you, you will be here tomorrow ready to serve your king but for tonight, enjoy your return"

Father and son left the royal castle and headed to the nearest tavern to exchange stories

Thynar: "Rather anti-climactic wouldn't you agree son?"

Timaeus: "Indeed, I had hoped I would of received a more grand ceremony as you did many years past"

Thynar: "Times were different, King Andunar's rule was different than this... whatever this is now"

Timaeus was puzzled by his father's words and afraid to ask the next question fearing his own suspicions would be correct.

Timaeus: "Singreothar who is he really?"

Thynar: "My boy, Had I known it would turn out like this... I would of sent word for you to never return and now that you are here I fear that demon has everything he needs to bring his plans into fruition"

Timaeus: "What plans? what are you talking about Father?!"

In that moment his father stood up abruptly

Thynar: "We must leave this place, there is a passage in the back room which leads to a secret place, there I will reveal everything to you"

They walked to the back of the tavern where an old wine shelve sat, Thynar moved one of the bottles and the shelve moved to the left, behind it were stairs descending.

Thynar: "This way, time may yet be on our side"

With that Timaeus descended down the stairs ever curious yet nervous as to what he was about to find out.

End of chapter 3.


Thank you to everyone who liked this chapter, please stay tuned for chapter 4, and check out chapter 1 & 2 :)

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