
One child per mother ever! Good catch Mountain, and you're exactly right about population issues. This storyline is very early after the world's creation and the birth of all the races, so this isn't an issue yet.
SNEAK PEEK: (which isn't likely to come up in this storyline anyways) Valdari started in greater number at creation and live much longer lives than the other races. As the years pass and the planet is mostly populated, the other races start to outnumber them due to their higher rate of procreation and Valdari numbers dwindling from death (obviously). Well, this leads some Valdari to start breeding with [SPOILER human women ALERT] which allows them to have more than one child. Thus a half race population emerges. This is also influenced by an interaction between the two races' gods as well, but that's for another story. There end up being some both Valdari and humans that look disdainfully on the "half-breeds" and the fathers that conceive them. They're called "gift stealers" since the Valdari are "stealing" the gift of multiple children and some cross bred children have hints of Valdari eyes, giving them a higher perception of 'the stars' as the Valdari say... or in a more common term for us: magic.

Awesome, that's a great conflict hook!

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