Why you should not be doing BACk-Bitching!!

in #fantasy7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time there was a King with a kingdom that has all the prosperities and all the resources.It was a self-sufficient state with good and rich people.One day the King decided to organize a feast for the all holy and pious Brahmins of his state.Every saint was called and the arrangements were made to everyone's astonishment


The head Chef was given with all the responsibilities of the feast.As the people attending the ceremony appeared to be huge the Chef decided to cook in largest courtyard of the palace.The courtyard was open from the top with the clouds being the only roof.
The preparations of the feast started and everyone got busy with the work.

21 Inner courtyard with circular open roof.jpg

At that moment of time ,an Eagle strode above the palace roof holding a living snake in her claws. The snake caught by the eagle in self-protection spew venom in the air which accidently fell into the vessel in which the food was being prepared.
Unaware of this mishap ,the head chef continued preparing the meals and no one present in the courtyard even had a single clue of what a catastrophe had been scheduled,in near time.

As a result,the saints and the Brahmins who came for the feast had plenty to their satisfaction and the King was overjoyed to see their satisfaction.But suddenly,everyone started getting sick and in a series of events ,died.Now when the king got the information of such a mishap he was immensely terrified and distressed.The incident was a big issue because it marked the death of thousands of pious brahmins and the curse of such a genocide has to be levied upon someone.

Addressing such a situation even God got confused as to punish whom with the faultery. Will it be the snake,who in self-protection did whatever he could or will it be the eagle who didn't had food over days and was starving to live.Will the punishment be given to the head Chef who made the feast or to the king who organized the entire ceremony,and didn't had a hint that the food had become poisonous.

For very long time this case stuck in God's head as to who is the culprit .

Then after some time ,some brahmins came into the kingdom the king and asked a women the directions of the palace.The women told them the address but also told the saints that to be careful as the King has been accused for poisoning brahmins and has had a bad past with feasts and donations.

As the women said those words God decided that the real culprit for the entire incident has to be the women and levied the account of all the sins over her.The disciples of God then asked him that how did he punished the women in this entire case,as she didn't even took a part in the main story.

God replied in a relieving manner
When anyone commits sin then he has a sense of happiness or satisfaction that he had achieved by doing that but in the above case neither the King,nor the Chef nor Eagle nor snake got a defined happiness by the act.The real happiness is enjoyed by the women here, who got a mirth just by deciphering the entire incident to the travelers and back bitching the king over his back.Therefore for the all the sins that had been committed by the King unknowingly will be accounted in the ladies ledger and she will be suffering because of it.


Hence, by the above story we come to know that till date whenever someone has done back bitching with a bad intention ,that person has received a part of the sin committed by the original sinner into his account too.Often in days we think that we never really committed a sin then why is God punishing us with harshness and bad Days.The Source of this pain is nothing else but this habit of ours that directs so many miseries into our living ,more often unknowingly .

So from now on help yourself and refrain from saying ill about others.You never know what is coming upon you.

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