Him And Nothing Else 003: Get Me Out | A Dear Evan Hansen Fan-Fiction

in #fanfiction7 years ago

[Chapter 2: L'appel Du Vide]

I hate this place.

Connor was never the type to follow his parents' wishes.

In fact, his mother made it clear that he is free to do whatever the fuck he wants.

But his Dad had to be the hero who makes things right.

Because he loves this family so much.

So much that he was willing to send his son to this hell hole.

He couldn’t have done that earlier?

A campfire smoke from the other side of the lake can be seen from his room again, now along with a distant sound of Kumbaya.

How many kids attended this camp? How the hell can I hear their god-awful singing from my room?

Not my room. My prison cell.

He wonders if he would be around that fire too had he not ignored his mom’s idea to join a summer camp three years ago.

That’s why you are here, idiot.

If you didn’t keep doing what you want, you wouldn’t have ended up with the wrong group of people.

The smoke reminds him of what he did with all the vacations in between his high school life so far.

I seriously need a joint right now.

He can’t have one right now, of course. Not when all of “his friends” are aware of his current location.

He stood up, took the Swiss Knife from the secret pocket of his jacket, and started with his nightly routine.

Unscrew this, unscrew that.

Push and Pull.


He loves the feeling of being outside every night. Away from the other freaks that needed “healing”.

This time he was making his way along the lake’s shore, using the quickest path to the summer camp.

He went there the first night he discovered a way to go outside, a few days before the campers arrived.

Back when his regrets started kicking in.

He remembers walking around that place, appreciating how empty it was.

How different would all of his summers would be had he been part of the silly camp life.

What could have been.

He remembers sitting on one of the logs, pretending to be in the middle a campfire song with weirdos from different places.

This time he can watch real people sing around the fire.

Real people enjoying a stranger’s company.

He wonders why he hasn’t sneaked by since the camp started.

He would always just look for new spots to breathe open air.

Always staying clear from possible places where people could see him.

They don’t want you there, that’s why.

But he continued walking, for once he wants to be part of something, even if it’s just from afar.


Connor stopped on his tracks, quickly turning to see where the voice came from.

“Shit! This can’t be!”

“What did I do? I thought you like me?”

“It’s not you, it’s thi-this!”

“Okay, what’s that got to do with our make out session?”

Connor felt like a bucket of ice cold water was poured on his back.

I shouldn’t be here.

“Please be alright-please…”

But curiosity got the better of him.

Because the voices were both male.

Even more, the panicked one sounded familiar.

He has no idea why, but he just had to see who it was.

You’re doing it again. Stop.

Don’t you remember what happened the last time?

He hesitantly followed the sound while hiding behind all the plants that he could find.

Two topless guys were seated on some sort of a thick blanket. The thinner of the two was busy trying to kiss the other who was frantically typing on his phone.

The larger guy was wearing glasses and judging from the reflection it was easy to tell that he just received a long-ass message.

And from his movements, he definitely just received bad news.

Jared Kleinman?


Connor started to move away when the thinner one took Jared’s phone and began kissing Jared.

Jared wrapped his hands round him and started kissing back.

"Everything is going to be fine. I'm here for you."

"I just-I-I-"

The two proceeded with their make out session as if they were alone.

But they didn't know that Connor was there.

That he could not look away.

“Disgusting little faggot.”

He heard that voice inside his head again.

The urge to vomit began rising from the pit of his stomach.

I have to get out of here.

He started to run away.

Away from what he saw.

Great, another entry to the long list of secrets to keep.

This fanfiction will also be updated here:



[Photo from Dear Evan Hansen]

@gabbspitargue on: AO3 | DeviantArt | FanFiction


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