in #fanfiction3 years ago

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Sky's POV



Today again I was getting a lecturing session from my parents. They think I am not responsible enough and it's high time I should get married. I should stop fucking almost every girl I see and blah blah blah.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and said,"I know it dad, stop lecturing me. I am not a kid."

My dad huffed in anger, he looked at my mother and said while pointing his finger at me,"Are you seeing this honey? Just look what he has become? I can hardly recognize me as my son that I used to know, what happened?"

I snorted.

If only you really knew what happened.

"He is still our son honey, we need to be with him no matter what." my mom said looking at my dad.

He tsk and said now looking at me,"You won't be getting any female maid from now on and NO you won't be hiring a new person. You always end up hiring a girl who does everything else besides cleaning your house and cooking for you. I don't want to end up having grandkids from girls who have such low dignity."

"I always use protection dad." I said in a boring tone.

"Oh Wow! Congratulations for always using protection while banging your so called maids. I couldn't be happier!!!!" He said in sarcasm.


"I have already publish add on social media and I will be assigning a housemaid, who will be male and gay. So that you will be hundred miles away from him considering that fact how homophobic kind of a person you are." my dad said putting effort on the words male and gay.

I don't have any problem with a guy as my housemaid. If I cannot fuck then at least I can chill out with him like playing games or whatever. But when it comes to gay people, then it just creeps me out. I mean how the hell a boy can possibly like another boy , more over kiss or have sex with him.

So ew and gross.

I shudder with the mere thought of it.

I cannot risk myself being surrounded with a gay. What if he tries to seduce me and end up sexually harassing me? Thank God male cannot have babies otherwise it could become worse.What if he will spread his disease to me and end up turning me gay too!!!???

"NO!!!!" I yelled suddenly.

"I am not asking for your permission. Either you hire a maid of my choice or you start living with us, choice is yours!!!" my father shouted again.

There is no hell way I will live with them.

"Fine, do whatever you want. I am out." with that I left without looking back at them.

I was really pissed with all the bickering and I needed to release my frustration somewhere. I know just the right person for this.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed the number.


"Where do you want to go now and blow your frustration?" he said as soon as he picked up my call.

"You know me so well Ryder, let's meet in our regular club in half an hour." I said.

"Okay,I'll be there." he said and cut the call.

After talking with him I hop inside my car and start driving towards the club. It was past ten at night and this is just the right time to hit the bar and girls.

Ryder is my one and only friend. He has been there with me all time. He is the only exception when it comes to sexuality. He claims to be bisexual but I have never seen him with a boy yet or maybe he is been with few but he has never done anything in front of me considering my homophobic nature.

Ryder is a model, even though he flirts a lot but he is not a playboy like me. He says that he is still waiting for the right one and he is sure that he will find that person sooner or later.


After driving for almost twenty minutes I finally reached the club. I don't care how I was dressed because being famous has many perks, girls will drool over you even if you are just in your pj and t-shirt.

I park my car and enter the club only to be welcome by loud music, the smell of alcohol, hot girls, people grinding on each other and making out.

This is my stress relief.

"Hey buddy!!!!" Ryder came running towards me as soon as he noticed me.

"Hey dude!!!." we were talking a bit louder since music was blasting here.

"Come with me, I have someone waiting for you!!!!" he said in a loud voice.

"Okay!!!!" I said with a nod.

He took me inside the VIP area and there were four smoking hot girls waiting for me. They all were really beautiful and hot. The dress they were wearing was almost revealing everything making my pants tight. If I could then I would have fucked them all at once, but I need to choose one since I have a concert tomorrow and I don't want to miss it due to my lust.

"Choose one." Ryder said with a wink.

It wasn't that loud in the VIP area and we can pretty much talk in a normal voice.

I took a very good look at all the girls but there was one who was making me almost cum just with her expressions and her very sexy hot body.

"You, come with me." I said pointing towards the girl.

She bit her lower lip and made her way towards me in the most sexiest way she can.

I did not waste any time and took her to the room which is always booked for me. As soon as we enter inside the room she captured her lips with mine and gave me the mind blowing kiss.

"Wow!" I said.

"This is just the beginning, sexy." she said seductively.

After that our clothes flew here and there. I had the most amazing sex ever with her. How I wish to fuck her every night, too bad I am into one night stand only. So I guess I will fuck her today as much as I want tonight only.

Whole night went with lots of moaning and grunting. I fucked her till she lost her consciousness.

Best fuck ever!!

Ray's POV



How could this even happen, why me?? Why is it always me!!!??

I lost another job again. This is the fifth job that I lost due to my sexuality.

I know they give stupid reason for firing me but I am not dumb. I have seen this world more than these people and I know the exact reason why I always get kicked out of my job.

"He is so freaking beautiful and I am pretty sure he must have used his looks to get this job."

"Did he use his body to seduce our boss and got the job?"

"How can he get promoted so fast? I wonder if he uses his looks to get this promotion."

"I heard that his parents throw him out from house because he is gay. I would have done the same if I were at his parents place."

These were the things that I have become habitual of hearing no matter where I will go and work. My sexuality is the reason I get fired because my boss thinks that I am not good enough for their company.

Why don't they understand that there is a thing called hard work and intelligence. This is the reason I get a job or get a promotion.

I couldn't afford not to work. I have to feed myself and live. I don't care what people think of me. All I care is that this life was given to me and it's my responsibility to take care of it.


"They fired you again?" Kevin, my only hope and the person who loves me more than he loves his own family. He is younger than me but due to his high intellectual ability he was able to finish his studies at a very young age.


I nodded.

"Tell you what, I have good and bad news for you. Wanna hear?" he said.

I nodded again.

"I was going through something and I stumbled upon an advertisement. You know the singer Sky Darvid, right?" he said.

"Yeah, who doesn't know about that jerk, what about him?" I said in annoyance.

Everyone knows what kind of jerk that Sky guy is. His attitude is as high as sky and he is full of arrogance. I have never once in my life seen him waving his hand towards his fans at his own will, he is such a faker, I just hate him.

Yeah, I did have a crush on him back then but when I didn't know what kind of person he was, everything that I felt for him, it just vanished. He is freaking homophobic.

"That's the good and bad news. Good news is he is hiring and bad news is he is hiring." he said awkwardly.

I raised my brow in confusion and said,"Okay ... weird, but I am not into music and shit, how it will be beneficial for me?"

"Actually, look at this." he said, giving me his tab.

I looked at his tab, there was an ad regarding hiring a male maid for him. The person will be given a place to live and food to eat. And there were few more things mentioned in it. One thing that I didn't understand why they were hiring a guy who is gay? I guess I'll ask them later.

Considering my current situation it is a perfect job for me. I am due on rent and been skipping dinner for the past few months just to save some money for an emergency. Kevin did try to help me financially but I cannot ask him every time I need money, right? And I can pretty much do every household task, since I am living alone for the past eight years.

"So"? Kevin asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

I thought for a while and said,"I guess I need to put my hatred for Sky aside and go for this one. I mean I will be the only person who will be working, so I don't have to listen to the comments from my co-workers. I will give it a shot."

"Okay, that's what I assume you will say. Don't hate me for this but I have already sent your resume and you have an interview exactly hour." he said looking at the watch and then me.

I was shocked.

"The hell Kevin!!!!! I need to prepare and all, what if I fail at this interview and won't get the job!!???Why didn't you inform me earlier!!!?" I said launching towards Kevin and making him close his eyes with fear.

"Umm...I forgot??" he replied while peeking with his one eye.

"YOU FORGOT!!!!??WHAT DO YOU MEAN...Ugh!! Anyway, I will deal with you later. Let me just go and prepare for my interview. The place is so far, it will take at least half an hour to reach there!!!" I went inside my room and changed into formal clothes as fast as I could. I put my documents in my bag, gave a hug to Kevin and went outside.

I hail a cab and ask the driver to take to the Kreepolrerk mansion. He gave me a weird look at first but started driving later.

I hope I won't screw up and will get this job.

Wish me luck guys.


{A/n: How is the first chapter?? }

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