My Fangirl Life

in #fandom8 years ago

I wanted to make this blog post about my fandoms, and my life as a fangirl of many things and I know that the term fangirl has kind of a negative light today, but I wanted to talk about my experience of being a fan of different things. My first ever fandom was probably Gilmore Girls, but back when the show was on there wasn’t much of a way to interact with fans that were into the same show as you. With social media, and blogs now people are finding ways to interact with people today. With the addition fan art, fan fiction, and fans posting Meta about their favorite characters on the shows that they love fandoms are more active than ever before. Today being a part of a fandom is like being a part of a family, and the people on the shows that you love are interacting with you as you watch the show. The best thing about fandom for me is the others that watch the same shows that you do, and the fact that you can interact with other people as well as share your theories about the show.
The biggest fandom that I am a part of, and the one that I am most thankful for as it has brought so many online friends into my life and I am so thankful for them. This fandom would be the Broadway/Theatre fandom and in this fandom most of us talk about the shows that we love, and we share our experiences together. We are kind of like a giant family in the Broadway/Theatre fandom, and I love that about us as a fandom we also share our art and a skills with each other. The way I met the most people in this fandom is from the social media platform Tumblr, and the Broadwaynetwork on that website. When I joined Tumblr I was just a girl with a blog, and I wanted to interact with other people that loved Broadway/Theatre as much as I did I met a few people online, but I wanted to interact with as many people as I could. A few years ago when networks that were a way for people to connect with one another on Tumblr became popular, I applied to join the Broadway network not sure if I would get in or not due to the amount of applications, and the fact that my blog was not just a theatre blog. I have met people, and I have really enjoyed getting to know them and learning more about them I have also enjoyed having them a part of my life.
The second area of my life in fandoms is the TV shows I watch, and I am not as active in these fandoms because I can’t make fan art, and I don’t feel like I could write the fan fiction as well as the authors that are very popular. I consider myself a general fan of the TV shows I watch, and I do this by rebloging a lot of different things, keeping up with the cast on social media and occasionally posting an opinion about what is going on with the show. This side of the fandom also has the ship wars, and I feel that these bring out the real vicious sides of people and so I try and stay as far away from this side of the fandom. These shows are: Once Upon A Time, Supergirl, Doctor Who, Sherlock, The 100, The Flash, IZombie, Agents of Shield, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and many others. I have met a few people thorough these fandoms, and I enjoy interacting with them.
The third and last part of my fandom life is Webseries, these are found on youtube and they are adaptations of different novels, short stories, plays, and poems that are set in our world. I am a fan of these because I am a fan of books, and I am a fan of most adaptations so I enjoy checking out the new ones that come. My contribution to this fandom is rebloging the fan art, rebloging the fandom meta and fan theories, and interacting with other people as they watch the show as well as occasionally posting an opinion about the show. My biggest part of this fandom is Carmilla, but I am a fan of a load of different webseries. I sometimes post comments on the videos, and I sometimes interact with the cast, and the character accounts on trans media.

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