#Golden Box (Last Part)


When did you talk about Baba? "

"Mama, the bird, the ark, the light, the father"

In spite of trying to tell Mama everything, Zenin could not tell anything properly.

"Hey you have heard our words." Someone had called for your father a while ago. He was saying that he had got a family visa. Now he will not come here, we will go to him, and his whole year Will be with you. "

"Whole year?"

Zealous run

"The whole year!"

Mama also looks proud in the style of gold.

On the next night, the bird's eye opened with a bird's eye. He was about to rise and move towards the canopy to see something else again in bed. There was someone else in the room today. One old woman standing on the side of the canopy, wearing a big black suit. There was a green sheet on the shoulder shoulders, in which all the golden rings were running like golden stripes. There was a big bag in the wrist hand. Without looking at the golden side, he was about to raise the box and pour it into the bag that the zenith was uncontrolled.

"This is my son and my box, do not play it."

Now, for the first time, grew up to Zaranuddin. His face was a smile

"But dear daughter, now you are going to your father, what you need for it!"

"So what would you do to her?"

"Now I will give it to another child, which is needed at this time"

Now Zenin became a bit cheerful

"But you can not let it stay with me"

After hearing innocent prayers, something grew up thinking. Then bid

"Well, let's do one thing. I'll drop it to you. And as long as you use it for good things, it will be with you, but when ..."

"I will use it for good work. The cooked promise."

Zerin knew that it was not good to cut someone's talk but patience was impossible at that time.

Smoke again again. He placed the box on the floor and turned into a small bird in the Pulse lid and flew out of the window. Once the golden box is touched. He had to see his father. But this time she was in the kitchen, she was not in the room of Baba. This place was very different. A narrow room, which was given to a corner in a corner. Painting and plastering space from the walls of the room were enclosed and two and three rugs were covered with walls. One of them was crying sitting on a corner of the corner. His mother was sitting beside her.

"All of you joke my. 'The dirty clothes, the backpacked bag' says,"

Dirty clothes, backpack bag? The golden beast shakes. This girl used to study in the classroom.

On the next day, after going to the Zarnian School, instead of sitting on the front seat, the most isolated sitting in the last row sat with a broken bag. The girl looked horrific as she looked like a golden cloth shaped bag, dirty dressed bag, ran away from her. But something went out of the golden mouth

"Do you want to play an atomic?"

"Yes ... I .... fall ... tie ... k ... not ..."

The girl responded in a tremendous word.

"All right, play in the break, I'll teach."

And on that day, a golden and aged bag made a whirlpool, even though his feet started to tear. In a few days, other golden companions began to play with a tall bag and then one day Zenin went to his father one day.

So it was the story of the golden and golden box. It is said that after a long time out, the golden Pakistan returned. Did he fulfill his promise, and always used the golden box for good works? She is now old enough and is looking for a child to give a golden box. It also has a subser sheet that runs golden stripes like light rays. Lives in Lahore Maybe you have seen somewhere?

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