my life history and social services

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

In the previous post I talked above, what my life has been, only mentioning some things. And let's dig a little deeper into what my story is.

I am the first of three brothers, being below me a male and another female. I did not grow up with my parents together, because when my younger brother was only 3 months old, my father leaves and leaves my mother alone. Without even giving financial support to their children or at least worry about our food.

Even though my maternal grandmother provided us with financial help, it was not enough since my mother did not have a job. So my mother chooses to go to social services, in order to force my father to fulfill his responsibilities and provide us with the corresponding subsidy. But this was the beginning of the trauma, my father refused outright, and did not want to give us financial support that, being his children, corresponded to us.

My mother begins to complicate things, since my father's lawyer starts attacking, my mother cornered by the social service I look for a job to show that she can afford us and that she can take care of us. Here begins the fight for our guardianship, this is where she begins to show that she must remain with our custody since our father never fulfilled his responsibilities and his role as father.

Even so, it was not enough, my mother was not economically stable and my father was not responsible, besides this he was a violent man (he attacked my mother many times). So here continues the trauma, social services comes home, and takes us to my little brothers and sisters and a shelter for children. My little brother is separated from my sister and I, since he is a man, but he was the one who was the weakest and weakest. All the time I wonder how much I have suffered alone! It was an extensive time where we were separated, many months that for me were eternal, the fear I felt enveloped me. I did not eat, I just cried, and I longed to see my brothers and my grandmother. I just thought about how they were and felt that time was eternal.

My mother finally managed to show the court that if she could take care of us, she got a decent job. My father also had the right to see us on the weekends, but you know ... It was weird when he came to see us !!

Happiness came finally, we went back to Mom and we were united, but the pain and suffering of those moments are there, I even have repercussions as a result of this. And those are the criticisms that I have for social service, they allowed our father to separate us from our relatives who really loved us, all this was their fault. This process generated many consequences in us, the fear of abandonment, insecurity, nostalgia, worry. And many questions that still remain in me. But thanks to this and the ravages of my experience in social services I owe that desire that from a very young age grew in me to help others, to serve with my knowledge to those who need it, I am a clinical psychologist and I work with children .


Thanks in advance, for the support and motivation to tell my story. @Familyprotection


best photo look in my life .

Hi. yes friend, and very referring to many stories ... to mine for example

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