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RE: CPS And Foster Care: 10 Testimonies Of Pain

in #familyprotection6 years ago

I guess no idiot took some time to think why there is a subsidy program for adopting kids. If you get paid to adopt kids, it means you are not adopting at all. You are simply doing business gaming the system.

Additionally, if these families need additional income to foster these kids, doesn't that mean that these people are not financially secure enough to be foster parents to begin with? Money isn't a must to be a good parent. But if you are giving away money, the worst parasites are going to pop up.

There is an easy fix fox CPS (at least an Austrian Economics based one).
Make sure no one gets paid! When there is no pay, less parasites will be attracted and there won't be a system to be gamed.

Thanks for posting. 100% upvoted.


You bring up some excellent points @vimukthi. Unfortunately, so many foster parents think of the dollar signs and make that the main priority. Just take care of some kids and get paid for it. Easy money! Very few of them will love the children as much as their parents.

When there is no pay, less parasites will be attracted and there won't be a system to be gamed.

True. Those who really want to help would come forward. Unfortunately pedophiles would also still be attracted to being a foster parent, even if they weren't paid.

Thanks so much for the follow, resteem, and upvote! Following you back. :)

Pedophiles would be attracted regardless. Without pay at least poor pedophiles won't be able to continue their actions too long. I see lots of resources being wasted fighting good parents. These resources can be easily diverted to take action against real criminals that create actual victims.

Keep up the good fight!

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