in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

@familyprotection and all other civil organisations are real power and real protection of families which suffer from  juvenile justice.  

Sometimes it seems the whole world is against you: social workers, their rules and stupid laws, corruption, illegacy, money-motivated officials....It's a great "wall" which is almost invulnerable. Almost. Because civil power and civil protectiob means really much,

This very case is a bright example of it.

The family have 6 kids. It's an ordinary Russian family, not rich, but honest and loving. They moved to another place of living in September, 2017, and they didn't expect they would be under social workers' pressure from the first day.

They came to their house with numerous tests and observation. The family rented a small house that required a repair, and they started to make it. Repair means a definite disorder in the house, because parents tried to renew it fast having not very much money for it. 

Juvenile officials saw violation of rules anywhere: too small beds, things weren't in their places, not very clean house and so on. Of course, because the repair was being made! But as we already know logics isn't for them, they have their own aim...

Officials almost immediately threatened that the children would be taken away. Parents were in panic.

What to do? Where is protection aganst this evil? But they were not passive, they tried to fight!

The parents appealed for support to many political parties, social movements, the mass media. 

They made numerous claims and told about these illegal requirments everywhere. They understood that only together they will have a chance to win. There are 10000s of cases when parents tried to fight in silence, just with the hwlp of the law, and they lost... 

This time  after the intervention of the public organisations and journalists, the situation was completely changed! Juvenile workers stopped their terror! Unity is power!

The situation was interrupted by higher-level police officers in the affairs of minors, and now the family is not threatened now. It took a family for about 6 months to have a war against social workers, and who knows, what the result would be if they didn't attract attention of mass-media and society to the situation.

The sceme was rather simple:

  •  parents made this case loud,
  •  mass- media helped to spread the information, 
  • officials saw this material and brought it to the attention of responsible persons

and the real Justice has won this time! 

Of course, not always it's so simple to be loud and visible, but a try is not a torture - as a Russian proverb says.

We must try till the very end, never give up and never let anybody ruin our families so simple!


Really a good family post, thank you very much.

I am so glad that they did not succumb to the pressure. Unity is required to fight against these devils. The family came out very strong by being together and being loud. Thank god the children are safe with their parents

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