To treat healthy kids?!

yes, it's not a mistake, it's cruel and absurd reality and outrage of CPS in Tolyatti.

The doctor's reputation is more important than kid's health...

A 3-year old daughter of Madina is being under forced treatment from tuberculosis though all analysis shows she is healthy!!

The eldest son of Madina was taken away as well because the mother tried to save her daughter from doctors-torturers.

How did it happen?

In May 2017 Madina's daughter was 2 years old, and she was about to go a kindergarten, so she needed to make all necessary analysis.

Medical investigations showed low hemoglobin and dissemination in the lungs (many foci of compaction in the lung tissue.

Both kids were prescribed to have samples of Mantoux and Diaskintest - skin tests for tuberculosis - and both showed a negative result!! But the doctor offered children antituberculous drugs for prevention.

Madina's heart felt they weren't needed, her kids were healthy, and she did NOT give them to kids. Later all medical analysis showed kids felt better, and dissemination became much less! (without drugs!).

The mother told the doctor about it, and she became just mad! Suddenly!
She prescribed hospitalization! To healthy kids! The mother wrote a rejection, and then the hell began...

Doctors and the representatives of the CPS came to her house the next night and insisted to take kdis to the hospital. She rejected again. Then they made T-spot analysis for tuberculosis, and in 2 days called Madina and informed the analysis were positive.

But mother's intuition can't be wrong, and she asked to make analysis again in another private medical center, but she heard only threats in reply!

She was told if she didn't go to the hospital at once, the CPS would do all they could to take "sick" kids from the single mother.

Madina was too frightened to lose kids and agreed...

From September to December, Madina and her daughter were in the TB dispensary, but numerous analysis showed the girl was healthy!!

In the end of the year Madina insisted to taker the girl home. And doctors even didn't prescribe preventive medicines to her brother!

The mother hoped it was the end, but how wrong she was...

The pressure from the CPS and school teachers became only more active. They called her, came to her house and asked all the time about the sick girl and the threat to the society. Madina explained her girl was healthy, but they didn't listen to it.

In early January, the CPS filed a lawsuit for compulsory treatment, an action for limiting the mother to parental rights for both children, and both of them were granted by the court!!

From December to April, the children were with their mother while the trials were going on. Madina could not convince the court that she was a good mother, that numerous tests did not confirm the diagnosis.

How was it possible? The only answer can be right - corruption.

The CPS controlled any steps in the court process, these systems are connected, we all know it.

Madina was sure the main problem was that the doctor who proved the tuberculosis diagnosis had the high medical degree, and she just couldn't aceept her own fail, her reputation would be spoiled forever. It was better for her just to poison the girl with medicines but not to accept her mistake...

Since April 24 she is on compulsory treatment in the Samara dispensary.
The mother wrote refusals all the time, but since June the girl started to be treated by medicines without mother's permission!!

Moreover, doctors and the CPS threatened that if Madina continued to write refusals, she would not be admitted to the child.

A criminal case was initiated against Madina under Article 125 on the abandonment of the child at risk!

The second tragedy came very fast: Madina's son was taken away too!!

He was put to the infectious diseases hospital for examination, even without considering his illness: he has heart failure. Now the boys feels bad and gets diseases in that awful medical prison called "a hospital", but the CPS didn't react on any claims.

Since September 2017 Madina is torn between Samara and Togliatti - one hundred kilometers between her two children

Madina's lawer says that the case is very complicated because very serious people are against the family...

At stake there are their posts and reputation, if their failute will be proved, they will lose everything, that's why they do all possible to make Madina keep silent and stop struggle - in other words she must agree with taking kids away!!

But the mother is ready to fight till the end...

Now some public organisations are waiting for details of this case to make it loud.

It's video that is spread in the social webs, and it was sent to many officials and to the representatives of the Russian Parliament.

In the video Madina is descriving the situation and ask for help.

Let's wait and pray for this family...

Thank-you @taliakerch for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

thank YOU, Friends!

So this is happening in Russia?

Yes, this is worldwide and just so evil. How is that even possible - that the same system is setup globally? It has to go deeper than 'CPS' (even though we do all know that they are infiltrated by something sinister). Clearly CPS is taking orders and given special immunity by something bigger - UN?

This is just so heartbreaking and I pray for those two small children and their mother that is fighting with everything she has to save her children.

It's going to have to come to a point where people worldwide stand up against this (for our children) against this machine that is destroying lives. Not enough of the masses know this is happening or how bad it has become.

Yes, you're on the right track @youhavewings . Don't let anyone tell you it's a crackpot conspiracy. Our treasury handles 149 social security cards for foreign countries. My thought process is that, through FED RESERVE UN NATO IMF, all nations rotate trading bonds (certificates and notes) so that the system here is output internationally.

Follow the money... follow the money.

Anyone that participates in something like this for money is absent any empathy - psychopaths do things like this.

I would agree with your thoughts....reasonable assessment.

I've seen this first hand with a family member's experience - I spent 4 years investigating and trying to help. It's rather shocking what is going on and I do not think it is possible to understand just how pervasive and bad this is unless you do have a person experience with it or have someone close to you affected. And yes, here in the U.S. states get at least $8k a child for removing them from families. More for adoption. It reminds me of the corporate jail system - it's just criminal and inhumane and deeply shocking and yes....not crackpot conspiracy - this is actually happening on a large scale.

You can go on any social media site and type in 'support group' for families fighting CPS and find thousands of heartbreaking stories Ugh! It's just too big. And especially in domestic courts, there is no 'due process' and that needs to change.

If you have a story to share about your family member's dealings with CPS, please make sure to use the #familyprotection tag so that we will see it.
These stories need to be documented on the blockchain, and shared so that others can learn and hopefully avoid the same pitfalls in this corrupt system.

Okay, @canadian-coconut It will probably have to be done in anonymous terms as the case is still going on (unbelievably). And it involves and upheld by not just CPS's authority but by family court (corrupt judges and ad litems). But I will think of how to share her story to help others going through this.

absolutely. I have shared stories of friends and cases that I have been involved in, but I changed names and left out locations to be on the safe side.

Okay then, @canadian-coconut......deep breath. I admire you greatly for all that you do for these families - you have got to be one strong cookie ;) And thank you for the other - I will pay it forward as I always do.

yeah, this city is in Russia, but CPS evil has no geography, it's everywhere...;(

Dios mio que todo salga bien

Ужас... как так вообще можно?

я сама в шоке. страшно, что это происходит рядом.

So it is for cps there is no gegraphy, there is no place in the world where they are not and cause pain, what an outrage. Thanks for sharing!!!

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