Crimes Of The Children And Families Directorate of The Scottish Government

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The purpose of this post is to expose the multiple ways that the “Children and Families Directorate” of the Scottish government gang harms children and families. 

We’ll start by looking at some of their stated objectives on their own website.     


Children and Families Directorate

What we do

We work across government and with delivery partners to support systems and behavioural change to improve outcomes for children, young people and families  (end quote)

So just to be clear, one of the core, stated objectives of this organization of the Scottish “government” is to change the behavior of children and families.  Behavior modification.  Not chilling enough for you? Let’s continue…..

One of the main government gang organizations that works under the Children and Families Directorate is called “GIRFEC”.    

What is GIRFEC?

GIRFEC is an acronym that stands for “Getting It Right For Every Child”.  In short, it is a division of the Scottish “government” that deals with children and families.

From my research into this organization, it appears that participation in it by children and families, on one level, is voluntary, at least at this time.  However, that’s not true for all families.  More on that a bit later.  Of course, everyone living in Scotland still gets extorted to pay for it, but I digress…..

It should be pointed out that many “government” programs begin as being voluntary, and then after a large segment of the population participates, it becomes mandatory.

Now let’s have a look at some of the main characteristics of this group


GIRFEC ensures children and young people get consistent and effective support for their wellbeing wherever they live or learn. Making good practice the national standard in Scotland.

This includes: 

a description of how people working with children, young people and parents understand and consider a child or young person’s wellbeing;

making a Named Person available as a clear point of contact for children, young people and parents,  who will provide advice, information, and support, and help to access other services if needed; and

a single planning framework – the Child’s Plan – to ensure a consistent approach to how a range of extra support that is not generally available is planned, delivered and coordinated to a child’s specific needs and circumstances. This plan is developed in partnership with the child and their parent(s). (end quote)

Something that catches my attention is “a single planning framework”.  Let me take the gloves off here and point out a moral qualm about that, and about those who implement it.

A mind-controlled, extortion-funded member of the government gang should not have this power.  Their position is illegitimate from the start. 

Secondly, how can a central plan be in the interest of thousands of individuals? It can't be.  All it can do is create standardized, predictable "outcomes" that social engineers desire.  

Two key phrases I think should be looked at in more detail.

Named Person and Child's Plan


A Named Person will be a clear point of contact if a child, young person or their parents want information or advice, or if they want to talk about any worries and seek support…..

…...A Named Person will normally be the health visitor for a pre-school child and a promoted teacher - such as a headteacher, or guidance teacher or other promoted member of staff - for a school age child. ….

…..Local authorities and health boards are the main organisations that have a duty to make sure a Named Person is available to children and young people wherever they live or learn….. (end quote)

Now let's have a look at a more accurate definition of a Named Person in clear language, without euphemisms.

An extortion-funded, morally ignorant person who will invade a family and have an authoritarian hand in manipulating the child’s life (and, by extension, the family).    

Another thing I find eerie about this is that “health boards” are involved.  Call me cynical, but I think somewhere in the near future that if a child is not vaccinated, then they might qualify for “looking after” by the “state”.    

Now for the “Child’s Plan”


Child’s Plan 

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 ensures a single planning framework – a Child’s Plan – will be available for children who require extra support that is not generally available to address a child or young person’s needs and improve their wellbeing.

Who ensures a Child's Plan is working well?

Overall responsibility for delivering a Child’s Plan sits with an organisation, such as a health board, local authority or independent school. The Lead Professional will ensure the Child’s Plan is managed properly. The Lead Professional will;   

make sure that the child and their parent(s) understand what is happening at each point so that they can be involved in the decisions that affect them;

ensure the Child's Plan is accurate, up-to-date, taken forward and reviewed regularly; and consult and work with the childs Named Person. (end quote)

So let’s define “Child’s Plan” more accurately:

Child’s Plan – A centrally controlled social engineering mechanism, created by immoral people, that aims to standardize the thoughts, values, and beliefs of children.   

We can now see that the “Named Person” and “Lead Professional” will both be interfering in the family and the child’s life.  In other words, two extortion-funded authoritarians for every child!

Let’s continue examining this totalitarian nightmare, shall we? What is a “lead professional”?


The Lead Professional will be a practitioner who is chosen because they have the right skills and experience to ensure the Child’s Plan is managed properly, and who can work with the child, their parent(s), their Named Person and the other services who support the child.

In most circumstances, the child and parent(s) will know what information is being shared, with whom and for what purpose, and their views will be taken into account.   (end quote)

We can infer from this that the views of the child and parents will not be taken into account in some instances.  This means that this so-called “lead professional” will arbitrarily make decisions for the child, which could very well be contrary to the child’s or parent’s wishes.    

Let’s sum up GIRFEC in plain, euphemism-free language, shall we?

GIRFEC – An authoritarian, extortion-funded, social-engineering gang that interferes with and harms children and families.    

But that’s just the so-called voluntary part.  Another aspect of GIRFEC is more overtly criminal.    

There is a section of GIRFEC which forces it’s way into families, much like any other “Child Protection Service”.  Young people that are in this part of the system are called “Looked After Children”.    

There are two main categories that these young people fall into.  “Looked After Children” (can they make the name any creepier?….) are either:

Looked after in the home 


Looked after outside the home.

In the home, meaning, there is an extortion-funded authoritarian that comes into the private dwelling of a family and interferes with their lives.

Outside the home, meaning, the child is forced to live directly under the diktats of the government gang, away from their family.

How does a child come to be “looked after”?   

They have to go through something they call a “Children’s Hearing”. 

How does a child get a "children's hearing"?


Why are children asked to go to children's hearings? There are lots of different reasons why a child might be asked to go to a hearing. These are:

if people are worried about their safety 

if they are having problems with going to school 

if they have been in trouble with the police 

if people are worried that they are not being properly looked after at home 

(end quote)

Can these be anymore overarching and vague? “If people are worried about their safety”.  Or maybe they sold some lemonade without permission and had trouble with the police cult?  Or if they don’t enjoy going to the forced youth indoctrination camp called school.  These things make “Big Brother” unhappy, so ya gotta go get bossed around by an extortion-funded, ignorant authoritarian in a gown.  And then you get sucked into the system.  WOW.

So how many children are currently “looked after” by the control freaks in the Scottish "government"?  

Over the past few years, it has fluctuated between 15,000 and 16,000!

And here is where it gets much darker.  

Children being abused in “state care”.    

There is an ongoing “independent inquiry” into the abuse of children under the so-called "care" of the Scottish "government" and its associated institutions.  The inquiry was started in 2015 and, according to a report from the BBC last year, over 200 victims had already stepped forward to give evidence.  

Over 60 organizations are apparently being investigated, with some of them being “state schools” and church groups.    

Another report from the BBC stated that the three original members of the “inquiry panel” resigned, with one of them claiming “government interference” and another saying “the inquiry was doomed”.    

So who replaced the original three? A supreme court judge named Lady Anne Smith.  Just her.  Here’s another case of a “government employee” investigating “the government”.  How is that “independent”? Move along, folks.  No conflict of interest here…...

But it doesn’t stop there! There are other organizations playing a role in this “inquiry” that will have access to evidence and documents.  Among them are the Scotland “Police” and Church of Scotland.  So now there is a church organization investigating church groups?

Unfortunately, this appears to me to be a sham of an inquiry and that very few, if any, people will be punished for their crimes.  The final report is supposed to be published in 2019.  Take that for what it’s worth.    

In conclusion, I'll summarize the Children and Families Directorate of the Scottish Government:

An extortion-funded cabal of mind-controlled, authoritarian criminals who steal, brainwash, and abuse young people and break up families.   

Sources for this article

Scottish Abuse Inquiry Updates from BBC 

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Hi @globocop! Thanks for the invite! Unfortunately, I just received the message. I'm living in Asia right now,, so the time difference can sometimes be challenging to work around. Anyway, thanks again, and keep up the great work! Cheers

Wow, this is deeply creepy and sinister. These Alphabet Agencies are getting more and more convoluted by the day.

Yep. From what I know on this subject, this particular organization has to be one of the worst of its kind. And that's saying a lot.

Excellent work. I liked very much everything that one discovers, it is not easy as the corruption ends with everything

Here is what was promised. Thank you

As my friend in London so wisely stated "This is a good reminder of what we need to know to protect our families from barbaric psychopathic!"

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!

Thanks. That is a wise and succinct statement.

Yes he is one of the wisest people I know.

good friend, you have done an excellent job. Thanks for sharing, I agree, every day this system does more damage. Let's continue in the fight for the care of our children

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