Spanking kids (Family protection)

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Do they hit/beat kids in AFRICA/NIGERIA??


I don't think this is child abuse, they are so many ways a child can be abuse but not like this.

I think we need to differentiate between, child abuse and punishing your kid for maintaining the wrong track.

Did your parents hit you when you were young?

Do you know there are many different traditions for raising children as there are different cultures??

Is one better than one?

Not necessarily so, as long as it is acceptable within that culture and the method of discipline produces the expected result of turning out responsible, productive, emotionally and socially stable adults.

There is a thin line between spanking to correct a child for the sake of the children and beating a child out of frustration and anger.

The latter is a form of cruelty and abuse of position.

The term 'Beating a child out of frustration and anger is child abuse'


It serves only to relieve the parent's emotional upset. The former serves the function of a shepherd's rod in bringing back an earring sheep to the fold.

It provides a child with a save boundary.

A child needs structure, boundaries, training, and discipline. A train makes progress only when it runs on its tracks, it is derailed..........and that is problematic.

The track do not restrict.
They provide structure and freedom. In the same way, structure for a child means freedom to grow into a true human..........a social, cultured, and responsible being.

If a child details, or rebels against those structures that are in place for his/her own good, loving parents will do whatever it takes to get the child back on track. And by the way, spanking is the last resort in child training.

We use other methods of correcting a child's behavior, like time out, withdrawal of privileges, rewards for good behavior, parent counseling, and counseling and mentoring by older siblings, aunt, uncles, and in severe cases by religious teachers.

In African culture, the extended family is a great resource in a child's upbringing.
Hence, the often quoted African proverb says;

'It takes a village to raise a child's

To answer to the question I asked you earlier.
Yes! I was disciplined, spanked, and I also received serious beaten and correction from my parents, and some older people in my culture, and am am glad they did.

Did the method work..

Of course it did, it worked for me

It is left to you to answer if the method in your own culture works for you...I only know myself too well.

I am better off today because my parents and other adults loved me enough to correct me when I was young, loved me enough to spank me when I was stubborn and delinquent.

They did not hit me in anger, that am sure about because I have no marks or scars on any part of my body gotten from whips, this is because they were not sadists taking out their frustrations on a child.

Today, I have no regrets and no emotional scars, because I never doubted that they loved me when I was rebuked or spanked.

Modern cultures frown at corporal punishment, but my parents, and the culture in which I grew up, subscribed to dictum on child raising.

This monarch and acclaimed wisest man in the olden days once said:

'He who spares his rod, hates his son, but he who loves him, discipline him promptly'.

I guess if you go by that Monarch's philosophy, you will say that my parents loved me dearly.

I might not have understood it this way as a teenager, but looking back now as an adult, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for my parents for those lashes that goaded me back to the straight and narrow way and back on the track.

"Is there any problem with that??
Or do you wish to call the cops on my parents for spanking me??
Be my guest!"

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no type of violence generates education, be it from different cultures, when we hit someone, especially the infants, later it will generate rebellion

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