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RE: Conflict Of Interest: The Politics Of CPS

I dont believe in coincidences. I am reading this article after spending the morning in court, after a year long case on some bullshit, finally getting my case closed and these fuckers out of my life forever. The first priority of any agency or institution is its own existence. The more kids that they remove from homes ,the more of a "need" that they create for their department. CPS DCF of whatever it is in your state is a product of 8 years of left liberal democrats that believe the government should control every aspect of our lives. They historically grove government bureaucracy and agencies like this and give their useless voting base useless jobs in these useless partisan cesspools. CPS or DCF in turn creates a need for its other government funded organization cronies by forcing people to substance abuse classes whether they have a history or not, parenting classes taught by people with no kids or experience and all kinds of other self important organizations that have no real purpose except excuses to require more government spending which requires more taxes and more of the populations wealth and freedom. Yes there is a need for a very small operation to deal with people that really just shouldnt be parents but that is not what the Obama administration had in mind for these groups even at the state level. Look at how he filled the FBI CIA DOJ and everything else with the most politically partisan and biased hacks they could find . Now those a holes are using their public positions of power t to undermine the democratically elected government in what is a modern day attempted coup d etat. I know i went off the rails a little bit but , understand that it all comes from the same people with the same elitist ideas and hunger for power and control over the public and the government. we need to vote in the right people that will downsize the government and eliminate all of these unnecessary and overbearing agencies services organizations and the hacks that run them . Great piece Richq11.


Yes!!! Exactly... I've been writing for years that institutions (of every kind) have 2 flaws built in. First they become self-serving out of necessity and they are inevitable taken over by their worst element. This started before Obama, it just seems that he perfected it. Thank God Killary didn't get elected. I don't know about Trump yet but I can say one thing for him... He isn't Hillary!!!

We are obviously on the same page Rich. If Hillary got elected the corruption would have grown exponentially. None of the Fusion GPS, Uranium One, DoJ and FBI partisan bias and corruption and all the sexual assault charges would never have come to light. Trump isnt perfect but I believe he is exactly what this country needs right now. He is pulling us back from the ledge but he cant do it alone. He need congress and the courts to help. We need to vote in like minded people that care more about the future of the country than their personal wealth and power. Anyone spending millions of dollars for a 200k a year job has got to be suspect in the first place. Great posts Rich. you got me fired up with this one.

If you would like to share your experiences with so-called "Child Protection Services" with us,
please create a post and use the tag #familyprotection so that we can easily find it.

It is sad to hear yet another story of how they have terrorized a loving family. We are so sorry that this has happened to you. People need to be made aware of how they operate to destroy children and families.

Thank you for inviting me to do that @familyprotection. You can guarantee that there will be posts coming from me under this tag in the very near future. CPS named like any other government operation to confuse and abuse people. They name things to sound good and positive knowing that the public is too lazy to really research it. I site examples like The Fed. Nothing federal about it, its a private bank the gov cant even audit. Planned parenthood is probably the best example. Planned parenthood only really does abortions for unplanned pregnancies. They wont even give prenatal vitamins. Net neutrality is a current topic that is the exact opposite of its title. Net neutrality gives disproportionate power to the data commm giants over the little guys. Child protection services ends up hurting kids more when they remove the child from a loving family or parent and places them with strangers that foster kids just for the check and traumatize the child causing a need for years of therapy from state funded mental services continuing the cycle of unnecessary government agencies cashing in on the the rails i go again.... I will post my CPS/DCF experiences soon. Thank you

People are aware the problem is the way society has been molded no one cares about each other anymore or they think it is none of my business so i will just let it happen. Anything that happens to defenseless children is my business your business and anyone's business if they are moral.

I just posted my story of my experience with DCF. Here is the link to find it easier. Thanks for this tag. writing this story and getting it out was theraputic. These a holes put me through so much and ive never really put it all together at once

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