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RE: Destruction of American Family

in #familyprotection5 years ago

While it may be true that the US has the highest rate in the world of children living with single parents, that is not necessarily a bad thing. What such stats fail to take into consideration is the fact that many of those single parents actually chose to be single rather than being a byproduct of divorce. Also, more and more couples are now simply living together as if they were married. In fact, many statistics have shown that such relationships quite often last longer than traditional marriages do.

As for the breakdown of the institution of marriage, there are several reasons for this. The first and foremost is the ever-increasing two-career families. More often than not, their separate careers create a conflict with the time available to actually spend together as a family. A family that does not spend at least as much time together as a family as they spend on their careers will sooner or later fall apart. We need only look at Hollywood as proof-positive of that fact.

"Incredibly, our fertility rate is now actually below replacement level. That means that we aren’t even producing enough babies to replace ourselves at this point."

Indeed! And for that, we have the LGBT communities to blame. The last time I looked, you needed both a man and a woman to procreate, not 2 gays, or 2 lesbians, or 2 transgenders.

"Our society has trained our young people to view parenthood and family life as undesirable"

For that, we can put the blame on no other reasons than organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

Planned Parenthood is an International Pro-Abortion Agency. They are in the business of performing abortions and selling baby parts, and not in the business of providing guidance to confused mothers to be as their propaganda might otherwise suggest. As a society, if we do not value children in the womb, we will not value them afterwards. Hopefully, Roe vs Wade will soon be overturned. If it is not, then unfortunately the US will more likely than not fail as a society as its fertility rate continues to decline at an even more rapid pace than it is declining now.

As for the ACLU, it is clearly a Satan driven / Atheist organization. They want to remove God from everything. Now, sadly enough, the fact that God has been taken out of the schools bears much of the blame, because any society that abandons God will ultimately exception.

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