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RE: Legally Kidnapped: Doctors Validating CPS Thugs

"Mental health" is a pseudoscience scam perpetrated upon the lay public by bureaucrats who could not classify certain type of humans within their ledger system. Any health "profession" that can conjure diseases into being and normalize previously classified illnesses by mere majority vote is not a "profession" that has much legitimacy or validity. When the statistical distribution of any of the so-called "mental illnesses" reach above 30%, will these previously medically treated illnesses be suddenly normalized? Disease by relativity is no diagnosis at all.

ADHD is nothing more than classification of normal male child behavior as disease by increasingly female dominated education institutions and feminist "mothers" who are unable to comprehend or manage normal boy behaviors. Increasingly sedentary education methods conflict with the normal tendency of males towards activity driven endeavors. Of course, the modern humanist societal system lack the fundamental understanding of inaction, thus, their pathetic attempts at forcing sedentary, "mental" activities are doomed to fail.

The "physicians" of today are nothing more than bureaucrats who tend to figures and statistics their masters issue annually. When a man does not fit into one of these figures, then he is "diseased" and must be "treated." Depending upon the next pharmaceutical profit demands, diabetic threshold will be lowered, statin applicability expanded, and mental health criterion relaxed.


Girls are equally labeled ADHD and pumped full of Ritalin - so they are less likely to experience any restraint in their behavior - easily classified as victims of society.

There's an excellent video on Y-Tube called Marketing Madness (3 hrs) that goes into great detail about the fallacy of psychiatry and psychology, neither of which even meet the standards of pseudo-sciences in my estimation!

And the exact same doctors will insist that same little boy exhibiting non-normative behaviors must actually be a girl and began destroying his hormone balances and mutilating his body to convince everyone that he's perfectly normal in having abnormal mental conditions...

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