Three Days In A Row? Really?

in #familyprotection6 years ago

The day before yesterday they came. You can read the post here.

Yesterday they came. You can read the post here.

Then the urinalysis person came again today. This time for urine samples from both of us. No witness needed this time I guess...just the pregnant woman. I don't know what they think they'll catch us doing. Jared had had a few beers, so they will probably use that against him. I warned him against drinking, but he did anyway. My urine will be clean. She came in and said Sophie's dress was pretty. Then we both gave our samples and she slapped a thermometer sticker on it, to make sure we weren't cheating or something.

The house was clean this time, everyone was up and dressed, hair done. Chloe was doing her schoolwork. She took the samples, told us we should get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather, and left.

This is getting really old though.


I can see how this can break up a relationship. I was so angry at Jared for having to have his precious beer. I even thought maybe it would be a good idea for him to stay at his mom's until he gets his shit together...

I messaged his mom and told her as much. She said, "He's a grown man...what do you want me to do with him?"

It hurt his feelings, and he promised to do more job searching tomorrow.

On a positive note, Naomi wrote a very sweet poem today as part of her schoolwork. The spelling wasn't the best, but it never has been, even when she was in public school. It was so sweet and reflects her affection and beautiful heart. 😍

Love, snowpea ❤

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Wow, three days in a row!! That is kind of crazy! I can imagine that this is a major stress on your marriage. They say that families with children with disabilities are way more likely to split up because of the extreme amounts of stress it creates on the parents. This is another case where the stress created is just too much to handle. Hang in there and pray for your husband!! :)

Thank you @panamamama! Yeah, it's insane! It's so funny you say that because my husband's parents split up because his sister was much stress in this situation too...

Wishing you strength through your ordeal. ✌💛

Thank you @novacadian. :)

That's absolutely crazy! Hang in there! Maybe they give you a break after they're done with the tests.

Hopefully you're right @ladyrebecca! Thanks for the encouragement!

Hola @snowpea soy padre de tres niños hermosos, me imagino que es muy duro por lo que estás pasando. Espero que mantengas el coraje y tu resistencia y que todo se resuelva bien. En verdad amiga ahora que leo tu post siento solidaridad contigo, quizá porque soy padre también y aligual que tu amo a mi familia. Un saludo y el apoyo amistoso desde Venezuela.

Wishing you the best. Three days in a row sounds like harassment to me. I almost think they're trying to catch you off-guard or otherwise to build a case against you. I hope and pray I'm wrong. Be strong my friend you're in our prayers

It feels like harassment. The sad reality is that we're always off guard. Since we homeschool, every day is different, and that's the way we like it. Having 5 kids is chaotic, and I fear each time they come back, there will be more they can use against me. The prayers and support are much appreciated @enjoywithtroy!

Three days in a row, shame man that must be awful. I'm sure you were quite upset and with your husband too. I would of been. Hopefully they will leave you guys alone today and I truly hope that this all gets resolved soon.

Your daughters poem is really adorable and well written, spelling errors aside. I'm sure all of this has been very hard on them too. Dam idiots don't they understand that they are just upsetting the kids unnecessarily, surely by now there should be more than enough evidence that they are not being mistreated in any way.

I lost a relationship the last time I was dragged through family court. I had to do what I had to do for me and the kids. Once court and the others get involved in your life (right or wrong, fairly or unfairly), you have to go through this stuff to either keep your kids (or in my case, just keep the SAME amount of time I've always gotten with my kids and them with each other).

The last thing I could focus on was the relationship. I had to focus on me and my kids and navigating the legal mess. Now on the other side of the latest round, I'm a much different person:

  • quicker to draw healthy boundaries
  • quicker to cut those off with any indication of unhealthy behaviors or things that stress me out
  • quicker to immerse myself in law, concepts and legalities to provide checks and balances
  • quicker to rest when I need it
  • quicker to tell things like it is

The stress of dealing with all of it is unrelenting.

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