Mother Strikes Again

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!

No, I haven't been around much, but I will try to get to regular posting again soon. I wanted to tell you something that is happening to a dear family member of mine.

You'd think that if a mother called CPS on her daughter, and doing so resulted in losing the privilege of seeing or talking to her grandchildren again, she would hesitate before calling in the future. Well apparently my mom has a real problem. She called CPS again. This time on my brother.


My brother, Jon, has Di-George syndrome, a genetic disorder, as well as Tetralogy of Fallot, a heart condition. He is mildly mentally disabled, and gets monthly SSI payments. Even though he's been on disability most of his adult life (he's 35 now), it hasn't stopped him from holding down a couple of jobs, such as at a grocery store, and most recently, as a parts delivery driver for Carquest. His conditions haven't stopped him from having a social life either. He has many friends and has had a couple of girlfriends over the years.

He lived at home with my mom and stepdad for many years. The environment there was always tumultuous and negative, and he would often butt heads with everyone living there. Well I was very happy for him when he finally found love, the woman he had been looking for all these years. I met her once at Easter, when she and Jon hid Easter eggs for the kids. She was a little shy, but friendly, and they seemed to be a perfect match.

I didn't talk to my brother for months, because I assumed he was still at home, and of course, I wanted to avoid my mom at all costs, since she called CPS on me.

Well, I ran into him a couple of weeks ago, and boy did a lot happen since I last talked to him! More than I caught on Facebook. He and his girlfriend got a lease together, moved in together, got engaged, and she is now pregnant. How exciting! Here's the bad news. My mom called CPS on him and his pregnant fiance, who isn't even out of her first trimester yet.


Jon said, "Mom screwed up my lease with Jenna! She called a social worker who came and questioned us, and Jenna got scared and moved out!" I don't know all the details, but now his pregnant fiance is living in another county, scared to come back. They still are very much in love, and still see each other, but this is not how their love story is supposed to play out. I am very sad for them.

Why my mom thinks it's a good idea to trust CPS with every concern she may have is beyond me. Hopefully my brother and his fiance will be able to salvage this situation, and they will end up as a happy family.

Thanks for reading.

Love, snowpea ❤

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Pray for her. She has much anger and hatred in her heart that eats at her. So sorry you and your brother and all you care for most intimately have to deal with her bullshit.

She is the hardest person to pray for lol.

Can he move out by his fiance and leave no forwarding address?

Can he move out by
His fiance and leave no
Forwarding address?

                 - lturner

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Unfortunately, it seems as though my mom has control over his disability money. I asked if he's talking to her, and he said only when he needs money for rent and bills...

Can you help him by going to the Social Security office and getting him control over his own money? If he's holding his own jobs, he should be able to be in control of his money now that he's over 18. I was just seeing some things recently about how transitions to adulthood are being handled in the social security department so that this kind of thing doesn't happen.

He had those two jobs, but I think he's just back on the disability only now. I don't even think she is legally in charge of the checks. Now that I think of it, he is, unless something changed I don't know about. She's just taken care of it all his life and is a controlling person. I'm pretty sure the fight would be against her and my stepdad...

If the checks are legally his, he should be able to get the address changed so she can no longer receive them. That might be the first step to allowing him to safely join his fiance and be present in his little child's future.

Great idea! Thank you!

Is it feasible for them to move to a different country with less messed up regulations? It's a very tough choice, but it is good to have all your options analyzed. Maybe moving to a different state where the mom can't track them down could help. But then again, there is government surveillance.

Wish them luck!

I really don't think my brother would consider moving to a different country or state. It's a tough situation all around.

What is crazy too is that it's obvious that she's the one calling. What did she call them on and how did they find out it was her? Perhaps she told them? Maybe she just think it's like calling some random person to complain and doesn't understand what she is doing...although that's kind of hard to believe these days, knowing the power CPS holds. So crazy and sad for your brother! I hope he and his finacee can get this worked out.

She's gotten in my face before and told me straight up she was going to call, then denied doing so after my social worker at the time told me of the report. She probably told him. I think it has something to do with drinking. I'm not sure if it was just him, or both of them, what they drank (could be wine coolers, beer, liquor, I don't know), or how much and how often. I'm also wondering if she's thinking his fiance should get an abortion because of Jon's health issues possibly getting passed down. She's pushed for me to have one before for different reasons, but I refused and he is now my 10 year old son. She feels the need to be in control I think was the motivation, so she calls in the authorities when things don't go her way. :(

I hope they get this worked out too. Thanks for your comment @apanamamama.

That is so sad and such a malicious response to not getting her way. An adult size temper tantrum with traumatic results. Very sad.

omg what is wrong with her?

Wow that’s so unfortunate. It seems maybe she thinks they will be incapable of raising this child together because of his disabilities. That’s too bad that she’s too scared to come back now. Hopefully they will figure out a way to be closer to one another especially since she’s pregnant. I’ll be praying for this situation and for your mom’s heart as well. It’s really heartbreaking hearing about your mom continuing to call the CPS.

It is very sad all that is happening to them, I wish with all my heart that in the end they can consolidate their family nucleus and be happy. That baby that is soon to come is full of much health and blessings.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

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