Evil stalks our land, and they call it Child Protective Services!

Child Protective Services is an out of control, unconstitutional, government agency; dispensing Evil to innocent families. They can single you out, and attack you with no reason. All they need do is fake a report from a concerned citizen, since you are blocked from facing your accuser anyway. The need for an actual accuser goes away. Welcome to the French revolution, prepare for the guillotine!

Child Protective Services is an oxymoron. They care about Money, not children. They offer zero protection, while attacking the parents who would Protect the Child! The only Services they offer is screwing the Parents of the targeted children! These are Evil People, dispensing Evil, while ignoring all inconvenient laws!

Picture from Pixabay:
pixabay dad and girls.jpg

I had a friend who gave me good advice. He had a Son who was born premature, and during a routine exam, he was reported to be under weight. The reporting Doctor explained that the boy was a premature delivery, and that the weight was a good weight for this boy! They showed, to investigate his feeding, and he let them in. They found dirty dishes in the sink, and took his son! He Told me: NEVER LET THEM IN! I took his advice years later, when they came for My children!

They are the worst excuse for Humans I have ever heard of! They have no souls, and are vermin not to be trusted. They tried to get into my house years ago, with a "File" on me, about the Abuse they had me recorded for.

My Son had fallen at the Day Care center, and broke his arm. They apologized and paid the medical expenses...BUT THAT was in my "file"!

He was bit by an insect at School during recess, and it swelled up. We took him to the doctor for a shot, and all was better. THAT was in my "File" too!

He was riding on a skate board (NOT ALLOWED!) barefooted, and skinned his foot. He didn't tell me, because skate boards were forbidden. He went to school and asked them to bandage his foot, THAT brought them to my door! I explained, they ignored....

This liberal Monster tried to force his way into my house! All the while telling me what a bad parent I was. I ordered him off my property. He got up in my face. I threatened to arrest him for trespassing, and ordered him of the property again. When I moved to actually arrest him, he decided to leave. He threatened the police, I told him to bring it on. They had nothing, and were unable to get their search warrant.

*NEVER LET THEM INSIDE, they are Evil incarnate! Never trust them, they are smiling vermin with a knife in their hand...intended for your back!*

They have files on everyone that has kids. Any thing that happens will go in that file, and with CPS, you are GUILTY until Proven innocent; then you may still be guilty, because they write their own law! You may not even get your time in court, they will exclude you if they can. IF you ever end up tangling with these Evil people, hire the best attorney you can find, theirs are intended to be worthless!

NOTE: Climb your politicians and DEMAND that this travesty of justice is brought into line with our legal system! There is ZERO reason for a separate court system, and this French style Legal system is Un-Constitutional! The accused also has a RIGHT to face their accusers! This system is rife with abuse, and harms good families every day!


Thank-you @smithlabs for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Thanks, they are getting worse every year! As they are successful destroying families, they grab more power each year.

I expect they will become an offensive political tool in the next decade! If they do not like your politics, they will take your children; we are not there yet, but they are using software to predict abuse before it happens. This is an obvious door for greater abuse!


That’s too much! They are taking advantage of the power that they have!
Some people are just crazy, where is justice in that?? This is one of the things I’m scared of being in the US. Too much power makes you evil.

I know this law is established to protect children but because of this law, some children also take advantage of this, they don’t listen to their parents and threaten them that they’d call CPS!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The are moving from child protection, to income, and the next step is political leverage. They can't help themselves, everything has to become a weapon!


It's sad in America everyone is guilty until proven innocent! It's like someone just saying some random allegations and Guilty!
I'm praying to Jesus to save this once great nation. I'm praying for Trump to somehow turn it around but I'm starting to believe we live in a banana republic. Make's me cry, I love this country.

,They have always hated this country, and have worked hard to destroy it, at a basic change level!


Nice Photo

I really liked this picture myself!


This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.


Child protective services are a blight on this country! They are out of control, and they need to be reigned in...HARD!


Get loud with your Representatives and Senators! DEMAND action!


Right on, Toby. I've really been annoyed by the things I've been reading and seeing about these people lately. I had just one run in with them, myself, and may do a story on that some time, as well.

You should! People need to know the vermin they face! This is an agency out of control; that needs to be FORCED back into a Constitutional format!


I just may, but it is a painful chapter...

Sorry my Brother! They are Evil vermin, and hurt a lot of people. Too many of them enjoy their jobs, which is a sure sign of the abuse they heap on decent people!


We must insist our government agencies are not weaponized against the citizens and hold them accountable.

I begin to worry that we may no longer have the ability to effect the out of control government! I pray we still do, but I fear there may be a need for blood in the streets, soon, SMH!


The people would need to do it by force for sure. Voting is rigged.

That is also my concern, they have been stuffing the Ballot box for decades!

Locally, they passed a massive tax increase in five bills; three were poison, one had a chance, and the last one was quite popular. They all passed by 60.5% to 61%! That is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE, and it also means that the popular one did NOT pass either! So, NONE passed; but they stuffed the ballot boxes so they all passed; butt they went to public school, so we ended up with a mathematical incongruity! Impossible results, recorded as accurate, by the very thieves themselves!


They keep removing systems intended to shunt violences, and thereby they insure that very violence will be needed to correct their tyranny!


I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

Posted using https://Steeming.com condenser site.

Thanks for the up-vote! Steemit draws me in every day! I will keep posting!


what an insane world we live. Everything is backwards or upside down.

That is the liberal influence. It is easier to win an argument if you have changed the meaning of every term. So nothing means what it should....


17 years ago, my daughter was always low on the weight percentile, but above average on the length. Thankfully I had a great health visitor who was always happy that she continued to grow healthily and that it was normal for her build. She was always tiny for her age, but ate well. Then when she hit 11 she started a growth spurt that kept going until just recently. She's now taller than her father!

So glad I didn't have her in these times where I'd be defending myself for her being born to a skinny family.

It is getting worse these days, They become more emboldened with each win, and use that to gather more power. They are already a Monster, and are still growing, to cause even more harm in the future! They need to be fired, and start over with Humans!


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