Child Protective Services Not Effectively Protecting The Child - CPS caseworkers are not just destroying family togetherness but also victimizing innocent parents

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Most times the CPS fail to understand that child protection starts from upholding family unity, protecting innocent parents so they can watch their kids grow up in the way and manner they desire. A child who is not abused would never want to grow up in foster care. Kids want to be around their parents the same way loving parents wouldn't want their little bundles of joy taken away from them. So why make false claims towards parents so as to separate them from their kids! Is the well being and happiness of the child no longer the priority aim or objective of why the CPS was established in the first place?Questions like this goes unanswered.

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A lot of times CPS falsely accuse innocent parents just to take their kids away from them. On many occasions a lot of innocent parents get overwhelmed by these accusations and end up doing or saying a lot of things that actually weaken their stance. No loving parent would be glad to see their child taken away from them without wanting to do something to get the child back especially when they are certain the accusations brought by the CPS are totally false. The actions embarked upon by these parents create a whole new scenario for the CPS to get more involved in their lives and grow a bigger case file against them. A lot of CPS caseworkers are over zealous with their duties, they threaten and try to intimidate innocent parents all because they want to prove a point. They can go to any length to take your happiness away, lots of them are sadistic.

Parents should by now understand that most CPS caseworkers are power-drunk sadist that get off on telling others how to raise their kids. Most of the time these set of workers just want parents to suffer. In some situations parents ask for a change of caseworkers but are never granted their wishes by a bunch of heartless CPS supervisors. Any parent who is well informed should already know that supervisors are people who were such good caseworkers that got promoted. This thus make them more jaded and prone to evildoing towards parents and families than the caseworkers.

I read a comment where a mother narrated the ill treatment she got from a CPS caseworker on

She wrote

I hope I get a comment before Wednesday. My children were molested in April of 2013 and we went through all the legal procedures but nothing came off it. We moved to Florida in August of that year. I found out that in November when my sons dropped the bomb on me at supper. I immediately got therapists involved and have been working to get them on track. They scheduled a forensic interview (basically make them re-tell the abuse without parents present). A few weeks ago my 9 year old started acting out terribly at school and leaving the school grounds. He destroyed his classroom and the police baker-acted him into a mental institution. Since all the outbursts someone at the school called CPS. I flipped out. I was enraged that they were at the school trying to talk to my son without our consent and they called the police. I was called everything but a good mother by that woman and treated horribly.

I was told that I have to sign information over to her or she would take my kids. I know now that my rights were violated and was told by a crisis worker that is on my side. The CPS worker insists that i am crazy and i am abusing my children so she wants to do ANOTHER forensic interview on my kids. She wants to traumatize my kids 3 years after the allegation! LIKE PUNISHMENT BECAUSE I STOOD UP FOR MY RIGHTS!!!!
Can they legally do this?

The answer is YES THEY CAN. They can legally get away with anything. The CPS needs total restructuring because the actions of their over zealous caseworkers and supervisors is causing more harm than good to children and parents by ripping happy families apart. Caseworkers file court reports that contains false statements, lies and misinterpretations. They embark on activities that abuse the rights of parents and also put their kids in harms way. Taking kids away from parents who love them and are ready to sacrifice everything they can for their benefits to a foster family automatically means the CPS is contesting the natural rights of parents on their own offsprings, these insane actions don't just rip families apart but the society as a whole.

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Family togetherness is a core foundation towards building a better society, so breaking up families for no just reason means creating a society of unrest. Taking children away from their parents to foster families make them vulnerable. Most children in foster care, if not all, experience feelings of confusion, fear, apprehension of the unknown, loss, sadness, anxiety, and stress. Such feelings and experiences leads to poor developmental and mental health outcomes that ultimately affect a child's educational experience and the quality of adulthood.

The CPS have an anti-family bias and are trained to target children. They use scams, schemes and cons to get parents to give them permission to ignore constitutional rights. They treat parents and children in a particular pattern and make efforts to twist their every word and actions to show guilt where none exists. They take a false case to the jury, frame an innocent parent, and forcefully bill the parent for the cost of foster care even in cases where they have been proven innocent. These practice sometimes leads to depression and cause some parents to go awol. It gives CPS the audacity to collect money from expenses incurred when they violate people's constitutional rights. Forcing victims to pay victimizers for the cost of victimization is despicable! Worse yet, they’re getting laws passed to create a database of deadbeat parents so they can permanently stigmatize those who refuse to pay this ransom by designating this money as legitimate child support. They even want to be able to keep such people from getting any kind of license, from driver’s licenses to professional licenses, and be able to take such licenses they do have a way as well, all on the “bureaucratic designation” that they are a deadbeat parent–for refusal to pay the cost of their victimization.

These acts needs to stop. The earlier the society wakes up to these dastardly victimization the better a position it will be to solve these kind of problems.

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I will like to commend @familyprotection my steemit mentor @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam for the great efforts they've put in thus far towards the pursuit of this course and will urge those who are not pleased with the activities of the CPS to join in the fight to protect innocent children and families.

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Good post. So inspirative

Thank you very much @randomart

This is a great article, CPS doesn't uphold the main objective of why it was established anymore.

Exactly my point. Thanks for reading

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Forcing victims to pay victimizers for the cost of victimization is despicable!

It's just a matter of time before there is a 'registry' of parents that rates their 'fitness' at parenting. The authorities believe that all children are owned by the state and parents must raise them according to their standards. @ironshield

The problem is how does the state get to know that children are not being raised according to the standards being set ? Is it through falsified CPS statements? That is the conflicting argument about the entire situation

In my church , we have a weekly habit that we call Family Home Evening, in which we build family union ( we sing and pray , have snacks and we have fun together. Our kids love this weekly habit.

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