These Lives are Valued Less?


I don’t know what to make of these stories. The article is linked below. This one was written by a friend of mine who is investigating the story but the fact that this child was apprehended to begin with is unknown, as is the reason she was not with her community, something that is CONSTANTLY pointed out as a necessity in maintaining the well-being of an Indigenous child. She is also on the record as wanting to kill herself AND HAD PREVIOUSLY ATTEMPTED TO, yet her social worker and the child protection agency responsible for her left her alone.

She filmed her death. She filmed the previous attempt. She was looking for help. Why was she ignored and why was she left alone? She was taken from her family and allowed to fall through the cracks and it is terrifying. The fact that the agencies and government don’t appear to be cooperating with the family or the reporter is, I can’t say mystifying because it isn’t, predictable. As a First Nations man I’m used to that response from government agencies. I dread it when one of my students tell me they had an interaction with a social worker because I am scared of where they could end up. Or that they might just one day be gone.

Family wants to know why daughter left alone to film her suicide in foster home

-photo via APTN article linked above.


Excellent post my friend, have a nice day to you @rvgenaille ◕ ‿ ◕✿

thanks for making this situation public it's really unfortunate

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