CPS UK: Authorities AWOL Turning A Blind Eye To Rape Gangs

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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While researching CPS/Social Services abuse in the UK, I've been trying to find cases that don't involve pedophilia... with very little luck. What I have been finding is case after case where CPS/Social Services (in the UK CPS and Social Services are basically the same thing) and the police running interference for each other while the higher-ups in government covering it all up. The state-run media is complicit as well... This at least as it applies to the Islamic rape gangs. This is the last post on that I'm going to do- combining all of the instances into one... they seem to be pervasive across England wherever there is a sizable Muslim population. As I said in the post on Rotherham, that particular case was just the tip of the iceberg.

In Rotherham alone over 1400 girls were not only raped, but tortured, trafficked and murdered as well... their families silenced by police and CPS. When either the victims or their families spoke up, CPS and police circled protecting each other- not to mention the gangs. In Rotherham it took place for over a 16 year period... However, in Kent, Rochdale, Huddersfield, manchester and numerous other places it took place for well over 20 years.

The victims of the "groomings," girls between 11 and 17 years of age would be "recruited" either by boys their own age or young men in their 20's before being passed along to men often in their 40's and 50's. The younger men would attract the girls promising them things, before they were in effect kidnapped. The Rotherham gangs were primarily Pakistani, while other were from other Islamic states including Afghanistan. In the interest of not offending a cultural minority, Cps/Social Services and police allowed some of the most horrendous torture imaginable. I've seen prisoners interrogated in combat situations and witnessed some pretty horrific methods, but they pale in comparison to what these children endured. The authorities have absolutely no excuse for having allowed what went on.

In addition to the cultural aspect... corruption is endemic in the British judicial-law enforcement- Social Services system that allowed girls as young as 13 to be raped with broken bottles and doused with gasoline to "keep them in line." The authorities knew everything- from the girls and their families- yet did nothing. In some cases they were removed from their homes which made access easier for the perpetrators.

It is also important to look at this from within a cultural context. Let express right from the beginning- I believe that people should be allowed to believe whatever they will and practice whatever religion they please... As long as it doesn't harm anyone else! However, these perpetrators believe in Sharia Law- a theocratic political ideology that holds that all non-Muslims are sub-human... that what happens to these non-Muslim children is perfectly acceptable. In fact, in many Muslim countries marriage to girls as young as 8 is considered proper... and let me say again- these are Muslim countries and have the right to practice what they please whatever they want- I don't have to agree. But, the UK is not a Muslim country and these immigrants do not have the right to impose their views on their adopted country. Moreover, it is absolutely not acceptable for British authorities not to protect their own citizens.

Later reports I've found confirm that somewhere upwards of 1 million young girls have been subjected to this barbarity. Where does it stop and when does it end? This behavior is still going on and it doesn't look like- despite a few arrests- the authorities will stop it. All that's really happening is CPS/Social Services, police and government officials using "hearings" to cover up for one another. I found this video that supports what I've found and does a splendid job of taking into consideration the ethnic aspects of the crimes... and that is what it is crimes- being perpetrated on British citizens both by criminals outside government and their accomplices within the British Social Services system.

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It's so horrible that all these things are getting covered up... We live in a screwed up world and the governments are only trying to hide it but not stop it..

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Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

they gave up their guns..

Exactly... Like I told someone else... In the US we have tolerance- and GUNS!

Call me a Pollyanna, but I believe Rotherham is a watershed. The bell of Hell cannot be unrung.

It's sobering to consider that a system vaunted as rational and disinterested became so dysfunctional. I suspect class had something to do with it. Weren't those girls from poor homes?

Yes, they seem to target girls in poorer families (with no political clout) and/or foster care. The class system in Britain still seem to be very profound. The system, in addition to being "rational and disinterested" is also the basis for systems around the world... almost hear the dominoes falling!

I think that they were from poor homes

Voila! The number of the beast.

Thank GOD that changed!!!

These people have no right to come and do whatever they please...and the fact that no one does anything is truly frightening. 'We're being tolerant' - that is not how tolerance works. Tolerance is...I don't know, not torturing and raping someone just because they're not the same religion as you, something along those lines.
Urrgh, it's depressing to see these horrible things happening. Nevertheless, kudos to you for sharing this. It needs to be said.

Yes! The good thing about the US is that we have tolerance and GUNS!

sir for sharing a

stunning reasoning that you utilized... I awed to saw your post.

amazing thinking that you used... i impressed to saw your post... i am excited to see your next post...

Their system needs an overhaul with some kind of revolution just to change it.

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