CPS & Me- Update: An Offer You Can't Refuse

in #familyprotection7 years ago


When I married my second wife Diane I found myself in the middle of what I can only describe as a hillbilly soap opera... so it shouldn't have surprised me last night when she called and asked to come see me. Let me give a little background to kind of put this in perspective. When I met Diane she was working at a Dollar store near the cemeteries I managed- I used to stop in for cleaning supplies. She lost her mom and dad within a week of each other and for some reason she confided in me. We became friends first (a rarity for me) and then romantically involved. We remain best friends to this day.

Diane raised three daughters pretty much on her own. Rachel, the youngest and Kayla's mom, got pregnant at 14 and her life has been one bad decision after another... nearly all of which Diane has paid for in one way or another. This recent fiasco with CPS is just the next installment of the soap opera- so the phone call last night should have come as no surprise.

Rachel's husband, "the Loser" if anyone remembers, was arrested for drugs and is facing prison time (a good place for him in my opinion) and my only worry is that will adversely affect Kayla. The crux of the situation is that he needs $3000 for legal expenses and whatever. Rachel told Diane that she will sign over guardianship of Kayla in exchange for the money (that obviously Diane doesn't have- and neither do I at this point). My only concern is that Kayla is all right. She is better off with Diane who practically raised her anyway. the Loser always wanted a son and him they won't give up. Kayla they weren't planning on, so I guess she's expendable... except to me.

It took me nearly a year of really hard work here on Steemit to get up to 5000 SP- a number I vowed not to drop below. I started with nothing and have posted almost everyday to get where I am. In order to get $3000 I'll have to power down about 1000 SP... but if it keeps Kayla safe it seems a small price to pay. On the other hand it somehow feels like I'm buying another person. Diane has her house mortgaged to the hilt and it looks like I'm it. I'm going to talk to the lawyer today and if he thinks Diane getting permanent custody will keep Kayla out of the system, I'll pay everything I have. I started with nothing, so I'll probably end up the same way. Anyway, people matter more than money. Say a prayer!

Please join @familyprotection in their fight to save families around the world!

GIF by @papa-pepper



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

Hoping that this situation gets resolved without you having to power down buddy!

Let us know if it gets critical and we'll try and come up with a plan! I would love to be able to help from the fp account but we have taken a decision to let all funds accumulate and grow over 2018 so that in 2019 we can kick some serious butt!

My thoughts are with you and your family!

Stay strong!

Thanks Brother! I've already started to power down. My baby means more to me than my status here on Steemit. I just appreciate the help from all the upvotes and resteems. I can write my way out of this- it's my responsibility and I can make it work. The SP will build back up over time and I'm not going anywhere... I just need an infusion now! Thanks for your support, if we all just keep supporting one another, we'll all win. The enemy we're fighting is big and powerful, but so are we!!!

3,000 chump change to save a life. 100% UP VOTE and resteem @richq11 EVERYONE.

Thanks Mike!

You are very welcome.

If the mom is ready to give up guardianship of her daughter to get money for the 'loser', than I guess the girl is better off with you and the grandmother! Good luck!

Thanks... She always has been better off with us. When she's at my ex's house, she's happy and you can tell she feels secure. When she's around the Loser she acts scared and not well adjusted.

"We became friends first (a rarity for me) and then romantically involved. We remain best friends to this day."

I envy you. That should be the way. Eventually, we'll all grow old and can't be that romantic of sexually active anymore. If you guys are best friends, man, it will last.

The reason we broke up in the first place was that in 2009 I was diagnosed with a glioblastoma and the doctors said I would die in a matter of weeks. I didn't want her to have to watch me disintergrate. A friend from college suggested I come up to Wisconsin and stay on his farm... I got better. Go figure!

Holy shit that's awesome! You guys are keepers for each other!

Good luck mate! Sounds to me like a good decision.

Aw, you made a fabulous decision, don't give a second thought at it. I powered down to save somebody's ass as well, and I never felt sorry for it.
Save one, and you saved the world.

She pretty much is my world!

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs.

Wow cant believe she just gives her daughter away like that even if I guess its a good thing, it will be sad to see you go under the 5000 mark but will be nice to see you here in the bigger pound Rich I might just see you swim by, but anyway its not a problem really as from what I can see you will recover back up to dolphin in no time plus you will make the future of one girl a better one good luck my friend.

That's pretty much how I look at it too... I didn't start with anything. The only regret I have is my votes won't be able to help others as much. But that little girl is a very big part of my world and I'd give every nickel I have to make her safe and her life better!

Me too I cant bring myself to power down and not be able to supprt others, its understandable Rich and we would hold it against you I am sure you would rise again to dolphin in good time.

You are a saint! I'll be putting my positive vibes in your direction... Thank you for showing us how to be a true superhero...

I'm no saint, I just love my granddaughter. I had a really bad life and when I look in those eyes and see total trust and love it reminds me of why I'm alive.

I really admire what you are doing. A similar thing happened in my family where the father was a deadbeat dad and unfortunately my aunt ended up passing away from cancer. Turns out the deadbeat was cheating on her and has 3 kids with another woman too.. So my two cousins had to move in with some other family, but thankfully my grandparents pitched in and did a lot for my cousins.

The deadbeat dad wouldn't even take my cousins to school or do things a dad should. My grandpa everyday would wake up early to take them to school and also pick them up, otherwise they would never get there. He also has basically used all of his own retirement savings to spend on helping them as well and I am very glad he did that.

Fast forward to 7 years later and the deadbeat dad is still an idiot deadbeat, but my cousins are ok and in high school and doing well. Getting A+s and a healthy dose of conservatism and how to save money/not be a deadbeat. :)

Hope you are able to do the same, it will be difficult and time consuming, but I believe in ya!

I'm just happy to be in a position to help! If this had happened a year or two ago, we'd have been screwed!

We will get ya back that Steem in due time!

I know... Right now, it's the least of my worries.

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