CPS & Me: Fear

in #familyprotection7 years ago

I need a little input or maybe reassurance... I have this nagging fear that even though we pretty much won in court- at least for the next 30 days- that CPS is going to try to pull something. As long as the kids are with their grandmothers, I think they will be ok. It's while they're at school that has me worried- if CPS tries to grab them it will be while they're there. I'm still having problems sleeping, my appetite is gone and I can barely focus.

My research, along with what I've learned reading posts on @familyprotection, tells me that the school system is complicit in the kidnapping and trafficking of kids. There's also a premium on blonde haired, blue eyed children... This describes my grandchildren to a "T".
At the hearing the social workers lied so much it sounded like they were at the wrong place... this makes me really suspicious. I don't out a lot of stock in feelings, I go by facts and the fact is they lied through their teeth... and people lie for a reason. I know once those kids are gone, there's no getting them back.

I thought about pulling Kayla out of school and homeschooling- they both hate their school. Kyler is a year older, but he's small and the other kids pick on him. Kayla jumps in to protect him and them gets in trouble for beating the other kids up (she takes after Poppi). But I'm afraid if I pull her out of school it will look bad and it also leaves her brother at the mercy of the bullies. Also the grandmother that has him won't go for it.

There was something in the way that those CPS social workers acted at the hearing that just didn't feel right- something furtive and the more I think about it, the worse I feel... I'm sure they haven't given up. I hope I'm just being paranoid because of all my research- but those people lied and lied so I don't think that's the case. The lawyer we have is one of the best in the area, but he can't be with them at school and once they're taken, I doubt there's much he can do- especially in light of how dishonest CPS is. I spent most of yesterday researching CPS corruption in Arkansas and found a couple of cases in Texarkana (which really isn't much like Arkansas) and one or two in Little Rock which is a cesspool of corruption anyway. I couldn't find anything around the Ft. Smith area... but I'm still worried about the dishonesty of the social workers. If they were really interested in the kids well being, or in justice, they wouldn't have lied. This makes me very uneasy and I'm not sure what to do??? Any words of wisdom?

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Your grand kids need you to be mentally in shape and to be there for them. I can understand why you have these fears, fear that CPS may come back reinforced. If you can't help it with your previous choice to homeschool due to preventing some loopholes for CPS, I would advice you go to the school and file a document "prohibiting" anyone(CPS) from talking with, interviewing or taking your child without you being in consent, permissive or present!,. Put it in the school record so the school doesn't play "we ain't aware" games. That is better than doing nothing, and I doubt if the CPS will be so inclined to creating an "exigency" excuse.

For now., try to free yourself off the fears, I believe you should have a method that works for you. God bless you and your family Sir Rich. .

Thank you... It may even better if I have the lawyer bring a no contact document by. I never thought of that- actually I'm having a problem thinking of anything right now!!!

Yes. That would be great. Please try relax your nerves.

I'm not good at that. I don't like dishonest sneaky people. If you have a problem come at me face to face, we'll settle it and go our separate ways. I hate these CPS people that use trickery and deceit- I don't know how to counter it!

This may sound odd, but please get some organic, cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil and start taking 3 tablespoons a day. I melt mine in my coffee, with cream. I have become an unwilling expert in having my nerves get the best of me and lowering my cognitive abilities. Our brains are mostly fatty tissue, so feed them the best fats you can... I find it helps almost immediately reduce that "frantic" sensation, and by taking it daily it helps prevent that "brain fog" long term. And breathe... Oxygen, baby, it is a wonderful thing! HUGS!
Oh, and I wanted to second @kryptocoin's comment, great suggestions.

The experience sounds awful. Yet your support for the children cannot be denied. You are a powerful love in those kids lives. Maybe it's time to look at what you have done...it sounds like everything you could to be there for them.
So you have been successful with the cards that have been dealt. Sometimes our resistance to what is can keep the solution from our awareness.
You say your not a feeling kinda guy, and that you go on facts, yes but I disagree.
It seems Your hearts so big that any of those facts could never encompasses it's girth...not to say those facts aren't relevant. You can't sleep at night because of the powerlessness you might feel against a seeming army of evil.
Yet your still there giving your love to these precious little ones.
Stars don't shine their brightest until darkest falls..

Stay strong, Rich - @kryptocoin is right, I reckon.

I found this post on FP the other day. It hasn't been upvoted so I've no idea if it's advice is good or not but you could have a read of this lawyer advice:


@healingherb that post was a copy and paste article, the author was pretending to be someone else.

OMG, sorry! (If I could do emoticons it would be a shame one.) I did wonder about the style but I figured that person was not a native Eng speaker......thanks for letting me know.

I read that already. What worries me is that using truth to counter lies only seems to work in the "Celestial Court." Here on planet earth lies seem to hold sway! Thanks!

I'm praying for you guys.....keep us updated.

Make sure you document everything for awhile.

Simple things like, you fed them these meals today, you helped them with homework today, you read them a bedtime story, you played with them, you took them to a playground, you cleaned the house, you did the dishes, you x y and z.

They will be like the police, in the regard that they will try to lie to get you to "slip up" or accidentally say something they could take as "incriminating". I know someone who works in this field who is a really good person and doesn't lie to get things done.

But the overall thing they look for is stable home, running water, food, clean house, no bruises, children seem happy, safe environment, paychecks/money coming in to feed/cloth them, clothing, clean kids.

And like I said, just document everything for awhile. Not only does it show proof, but on another level it proves that you are very serious about the childrens needs by documenting everything. I hope all goes well for you, it can really suck to be at the mercy of a liar/sociopath CPS worker.

Thanks, I already know that... what troubles me is that while they're at school, they're at the mercy of the system- if CPS goes there we're screwed!

First of all. Relax.

Take deep breaths. Walk a lot. Even if it is around in circles. Get soul food. Whatever it is that makes you feel good eating it. Force yourself to eat regularly.

For me, I meditate often through the day when faced with such tense situations. The basics of meditation is to stop the chattering in the mind. This stops all the worry for a little bit allowing you to reset.

You have already made you decision.
And it may be the wrong one, but you have decided to leave them in school with the grandparents.

Now you will have to ride this one through.
It may turn out to be the wrong decision.
However, any thoughts in solving that area of doubt are in the distinctly criminal, and thus, the children's future lives will be destroyed anyway.

So, there is nothing to do but make sure you stay in top physical and mental shape.

You may try getting burner phones for the kids and tell them to message you if ever anything at school happens out of normal. Such as being called to the principals office.

Thank you for sharing this @richq11

I understand your fears, but I'm sure that's what they want, don't let them get you down!

Stay strong, and be confident that your family is winning this case!


Thanks Brother... I've had a little rest and am trying to lose myself in my work to keep from obsessing over it. It's still a little hard to concentrate, but I'm trying to focus on all of the positive things we have going for us. I'm going over to spend some time with my little princess today. She's been what keeps me going for the past few years.

Go with your gut. This would have the strongest person tied up in knots. After what you have been through it would be very difficult to trust anyone. All the best. 🐓🐓

Thanks... I just wish it would be over. One thing I know is that once they get their hooks into you, they don't let go!

Their behaviour could be because they were trying to cover their backs and not for more sinister reasons but I understand why you are worried. The home schooling sounds like it could get you into more bother, but only because her guardian is opposed to it. Plus I don't think you would be able to sleep knowing her brother is at school dealing with bullying. As has been suggested already, their are apps that give instant alerts. Documenting your own situation is a great idea, I couldn't agree more with that. Some great advice here mate. It looks like you are in safe hands. Maybe a good idea to get a rapour going with your local police force? They are supposed to be impartial so if they know who you are and they know your a good person then that is a very strong character witness to have. Take care of yourself bud. Your already a step ahead of many of those you have read about because you are aware of possibilities. That is a good thing and this advice will see you even more secure. There is only so much you can do.

I have a friend who's a Captain in the police but he's in charge of the traffic division- but it couldn't hurt to call him. Most people know me from when I managed the cemeteries- everybody dies or has a relative that does... sooner or later, I used to joke, they all came to see me.

Dude, stop it. That is some image in my head now... The grim reaper in cammo, wearing a hockey shirt ;)

Certainly wouldn't hurt to put a nod his way. Sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know. Sad but true. Chin up and keep smiling :)
(would give you an upvote but i'm so low it would be worth about 2c)

It's always good to have a cemetery you never know when it will come in handy ;=}

Get some prominent people to write letters of support for you, Doctors are really good(including people with a doctorate), Pastors (or if your desperate priests) or anyone else who has social capital in the court system.
Mail copies of those letters to anyone involved in the case right away.
This is very powerful in our legal system.

I know the judge. My fear is that if CPS grabs those kids, it's out of his hands. Once they go into the pipeline, that's it.

Letters from other people will still help.

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