TEDx tries to Normalise Pedophilia?!????

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)


Watch the video of a TEDx conference, that will probably make you thing twice about where this world is heading to.


After watching this video, a few thoughts came to mind…

“It is a sexual orientation, like heterosexuality”… Immediately connecting it with something that is normal and accepted by society.

“These people need help because they can’t express their feelings”… Trying to establish the connection to homosexuality and the “gender fluidity” that is accepted now from society.

“It is a feeling and you can’t control your feelings”… Therefore, it is ok for someone to feel sexually attracted to a 6 year old because “it is a feeling”.

“Pedophilia is not child sexual abuse”… As long as the action doesn’t take place, then it is not wrong. The fact that the one leads to the other doesn’t matter for her.

“98% of the pedophiles we treated have not proceeded to sexually attacking a child”… So, it is a “treatable” “sexual orientation” or an illness? And if this gets accepted in society, they would have proceeded to actions or they would have stayed “in the closet”???? I don’t get it. Something is not right.

I have A LOT more to write but I will stop here.

Stop trying to normalize it by calling it a “sexual preference”. I have no problem with the LGBT community, everyone if free to do whatever he/she/it wants in bed. As long as it is cognitive of the actions and it is condescending.

A child CANNOT give consent for such a thing. It is not capable, it doesn’t have the cognitive ability to do so.

I agree that these people need help so no child EVER gets harmed. But, to accept it is like saying that we accept rape, Necrophilia etc. just because they will never get the chance to “practice” their “sexual preference”. In other words, if they get a chance and know that there would be no consequences then they will probably proceed to child molestation, necrophilia, rape, whatever…

photo from,



TEDx is now fucked up. If you check when it was started the people that made the speeches and their backgrounds and compare it with now it's like two different worlds.

Honestly just go to their channel and click sort by the oldest and you can easily understand how low it is for the sake of money and fame.

Also they call out to talk to public useless people like that lady that clearly have issues that have to solve either with their own self or go to psychologist. I won't talk much about the subject cause i believe there is no point in even thinking about accepting it.

Ακομα κ ο μαλιατσης εχει παει στο tedx ως stand up comedian :P

χαχα αλήθεια;; παντός έχουν απήχηση και είναι επικίνδυνοι...

Νομίζω ότι το συγκεκριμένο "Ίδρυμα" εξυπηρετεί πολύ ύποπτους σκοπούς στο όνομα της "Ελευθερίας" του λόγου. Τελευταία φορά έτυχε να δω την ομιλία του γνωστού παλιάτσου ΓΑΠ εκεί, όπου προσπαθούσε να μετατρέψει το κρέας σε ψάρι. Μπροστά σε ένα κοινό που μάλλον το είχε πληρώσει. Πρέπει πάντα να προσέχουμε τις πληροφορίες που παίρνουμε όσον αφορά τη πηγή και το σκοπό τους. Όσο μεγαλύτερη απήχηση έχει ένα μέσο , τόσο περισσότερο θα πρέπει να μας κάνει ύποπτους ως προς το περιεχόμενο των πληροφοριών που μεταδίδει.

κι εγώ αυτό νομίζω πλέων... Καλημέρα... :)

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Kala ekanes pou to ekanes post.

Ευχαριστώ.... :)


Sorry for the foul language, man!
Great job!

Have a good day :)

Good morning, you are right...

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