in #familyprotection6 years ago



Thanks to all the readers of Steemit, in this opportunity I am writing to you to share information about Stockholm syndrome.
This is a psychological phenomenon in which the victim begins to feel sympathy and even to lament for his aggressor, tyrant and rapist.More recently, this syndrome was considered only in the context of the emergence of positive emotions from the hostages to their invaders. But today this term is applicable to everyday situations, the relationship between a man and a woman. Most of the time, the role of the victim in a relationship is occupied by a woman, although not in 100% of the cases.


It occurs in 8 out of 100 cases. At the heart of the Stockholm syndrome is the principle of dependent relationships. The essence of the syndrome is that the victim begins to feel sympathy, feels emotional and psychological dependence, protects his tyrant before the eyes of other people.

There are cases in which the hostages escaped with their tyrants or closed them with bullets, helping to avoid punishment. In the Stockholm domestic syndrome, the victim harbors a tyrant, seeks the cause of his aggression in himself, finds justification for the aggressor.

In short, it is a change of hatred and fear for sympathy, understanding, sympathy and love. The current understanding of the Stockholm syndrome is much broader and more complex:

Today, information about this syndrome is so accessible that terrorists and other criminals use their characteristics for their own purposes. Therefore, it has become more difficult for psychologists and police and other services to work. It is important to determine not only the true motives of the criminal, but also the true motives of the victim.

The phenomenon of the Stockholm syndrome can be seen in commercial relationships. When workers understand that they live under perpetual overload and inadequate demands of their bosses, but over time they begin to take it for granted. After all, sometimes employees get bonuses. The employees' self-esteem diminishes, the desire to resist, if it exists, is cut immediately. About the dismissal is not the issue. And the fear of being fired or disappointing the authorities becomes the leader.

The term is used not only in relation to family relationships or classically in relation to the invader and the hostage, but also in relation to parent-child relationships. In addition, the role of a tyrant (ruler) can belong to both parents and children.

Another modern use of the term is relations with clients and goods, or shopaholism. The buyer by hook or by thief (later it is useful, promotion, discount, bonus) justifies his purchases. And although the shopping addict knows that these actions are not the last, in the depths of his heart he thinks "what would happen if it were for this particular product that is the last".


The author of the name of the syndrome is criminologist Nils Beierot. The concept of Stockholm syndrome appeared after a real case.

On August 23, 1973, armed criminals (Jan-Erik Olsson, 32, and Clark Olofsson, 26) took the bank and 4 hostages (Brigitta Lundberg, 31, Christina Enmark, 26, Elizabeth Oldgren , 21 years old, Sven Sefstrem years old). In appearance, all the victims are safe, beautiful, successful and sure of themselves.

During the captivity, while the thieves demanded a ransom, the victims survived for 2 days on a full hunger strike, death threats, torture (standing with a rope around the neck, at the slightest change of position, she threw and suppressed) . But in the near future it began to notice the approach of criminals and hostages. To the point that one of the victims was able to transmit information to the police, but she herself admitted it to the thieves. And on the fourth day, she asked the police to allow her and the criminals to leave.

Sven, after his release, claimed that the thieves were good people. On the sixth day of the liberation, the hostages defended the thieves and took their hands with them. Later, two hostages admitted that they copulated voluntarily with the thieves, and shortly after they began to visit the prisoners and finally committed themselves to them.
3Then such a phenomenon was called Stockholm Syndrome. After this incident, the manifestations of the Stockholm syndrome have been seen more than once in different parts of the world and in different situations.


In 80% of cases, the formation of the syndrome is caused by a certain type of thinking. Most victims are psychologically programmed to follow this role.

Thought of the victim

The main characteristics of the victim's thinking are the following:

See the world in pessimistic tones, feeling like a magnet for problems.

The feeling that the sacrifice is greater and does not deserve.

There is an installation for humility and patience. It is especially common for women, if they were instilled in childhood as a need to obey a man. In families where the father was a tyrant or just a rough man, and the mother is silent, weak.

The victims often come from overly demanding families, where the child tried to win the love of the parents. In addition, the attempts observed to please the child received even more criticism. Or in families where the child felt unnecessary and was deprived of attention.

More often, the syndrome develops in people with a mobile and unstable psyche.

The defense mechanism of the psyche.

The second reason for the formation of t
he Stockholm syndrome is the activation of the protection mechanism in a woman who has been subjected to gender violence. The conclusion is that the tyrant's outbursts of aggression will be less and less or will be directed to another object if the victim shows no contradictions. Gender violence is characterized by two stages: humiliation and repentance. Due to emotional weakness, the victim does not stand up and forgives her aggressor.

Effect of stereotypes.

The third variant of the development of the Stockholm syndrome is the influence of stereotypes. Current for the domestic syndrome. Basically, the action has the idea that a single woman can not be happy and successful. Or that a woman must live her whole life with only one man (especially if a man is the first in terms of sex). Women raised by stereotypes can endure physical and mental abuse and "carry their cross" for years.

It should be noted that two or all of the factors described can affect the development of the syndrome. This is not weird And this is not surprising, since as a result, the syndrome problem grows from childhood. And the family is responsible for development, education and the formation of beliefs and culture.


Loose forced stay of the victim and the aggressor in the same space;
The human and loyal attitude of the aggressor towards the victim.
A real threat to the life of the victim, which the aggressor demonstrates;
The victim's conscience of the lack of an alternative, the reality of a single result dictated by the aggressor.

The syndrome itself under these conditions is formed in 4 stages:

The establishment of a close relationship due to joint forced isolation.
The willingness of the victim to do what the aggressor says to save his life.
Closeness through communication, penetration into the inner world of the aggressor, understanding of their motives for behavior.
The development of the emotional dependence of the aggressor due to his loyal attitude and forced communication, a sense of gratitude for life saved, the desire to help.


No one can be helped until she realizes by herself the inadequacy of her own behavior.

Facing independently a problem like the Stockholm syndrome is almost impossible. It is recommended to contact a psychologist. He will help to look at the depths of the soul and understand the true causes of sacrifice. Most of the time, the victim is characterized by the role of "girl / child whipping" in life. But this is where a vital position was formed: the issue is more complex and private.

The correction of the domestic Stockholm syndrome is more difficult than others. After all, the only solution is to realize the irrationality of the victim's behavior, to see the unreality of one's hopes and illusions, to get away from the aggressor. The victim until the end will believe that the situation can be changed.

The easiest is to correct the consumer syndrome. Just look at how many of the items purchased have never been used for a month. Or calculate what the buyer has been deprived, what he donated.
9The syndrome in commercial relationships does not necessarily require a change of work. After all, the victim will find the same tyrant chief again. It is necessary to increase the self-esteem of the victim, establish priorities in life (work should not take all the time), find and appreciate their individuality (beliefs, interests, needs).

Working with any type of Stockholm syndrome involves working with a person's self-awareness, self-concept, increasing self-esteem.

Above all it is important to highlight the importance of strengthening these principles from childhood, trying to train adults who know that no action justifies violence, and that nothing that generates physical or psychological damage to our lives is healthy.

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