Education: the inheritance of our children


Education: the inheritance of our children

The importance of education, with respect to a country's economic, social and cultural growth, seems obvious. However, it seems that the Venezuelan government does not have it so clear. Since Hugo Chávez came to power in 1998, there has been an increase in the dropout rate at all levels of education. More and more children and young people are leaving Venezuelan schools, high schools and universities to become part of the labor force, thus losing the opportunity to aspire to a professional degree.


If we review the government's education plans, we will find that they lack viability, are erratic and improvised, and we could even say, in the worst case, that they do not exist. Given that for the revolutionary and socialist government of Venezuela, entrenched in power since the end of the last century, education is of no importance, it simply does not invest in it. It is enough to review and compare the number of high schools and universities created in previous governments and now to verify this sad reality. The same happens if we review the scholarship plans or the food programs, we will realize that they are deficient and in the end they are nests of corruption. Not to mention, the increasingly poor salaries of Venezuelan educators who are also forced to give up their jobs: schools without students and without teachers are meaningless.


Many will come out to defend the so-called educational missions created by the government and which supposedly sought to give study opportunities to those people who, because of their social, physical, mental or economic condition, had been excluded from the national education system. More fallacy, more mockery, more trap. In the first place, we all know that these missions, more than preparing and educating people, have served exclusively to indoctrinate, manipulate, to make propaganda to the government. Secondly, the argument of exclusion and lack of opportunities in what they call the Fourth Republic is one of the greatest lies of the Chavista government, which it knew how to use to gain followers and votes. There are plenty of examples, I count myself among them, of families with very few resources who were able to educate their children and these became excellent professionals.


It calls for reflection that in a country where the government invents "aid bonuses" and squanders large amounts of money on them, no "aid bonus" has been created for students from all over the country. It creates suspicion, for example, that the government values giving aid to teenage mothers, unemployed young people, housewives, and even inmates and delinquents, and not to the best students at all levels of education. Perhaps, if young people had financial support from the government, they would not have to drop out of school to help their families.


According to a quote from Kuan Tse: "If you make plans for a year, plant a seed. If you plan for ten years, plant a tree. If you plan for a hundred years, educate the people". As I said to you in previous lines, in another time my parents, of very few resources, but millionaires of dreams and hopes, they pulled 5 offspring forward, all today professionals and honest people. Every day they told us that our education was the only inheritance they could leave us, that educating us was the greatest act of love they could give us. When we educate ourselves, we acquire certain tools, we open many fascinating and important doors that never close again. When we educate ourselves, we learn to express our opinions, to question, to question any certainty. To educate ourselves is to have a critical awareness of the world. Perhaps for the Venezuelan government this is not convenient.



The regime in Venezuela has privileged ideologization, and for that, as indicated, has implemented these so-called educational mechanisms (missions, university villages, etc.), has created non-autonomous parallel "universities", as well as a powerful propaganda apparatus (as all totalitarian regimes have done). True education hinders them, and when they cannot eliminate the existing one prior to their domination, they take away or diminish their budgets, ignore them or harass them (their authorities, unions, especially teachers.). That is what has been happening with our autonomous universities. And in the case of primary and secondary education something similar, above all, they do not create new institutes, they marginalize the existing ones, they lack support, etc. Above all, they impoverish educators, and reject any sense of merit and quality in effort and performance.
A true plan of domination through the propitiation of the crisis to "reign" over chaos and misery.
Thank you for bringing this hot topic and presenting us with your reflections, dear @nancybriti. Greetings.

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