Vaccination of children without the consent of parents; due to refusal of vaccinations the child cannot attend kindergarten

Hello everyone! We often discuss the topic of vaccinations for our children. It is a personal matter of everyone, to put the child vaccinations or not. Parents are responsible for the health of the child and each of their has arguments. However, often vaccination, or rather refusal of it, becomes the reason for the removal of the child by the guardianship authorities and the non-admission of the child to a kindergarten or school. We know, that all vaccinations are put only with the announcement of parents, moreover, parents sign a voluntary consent to vaccination. Now very often there is a vaccination of children in kindergarten without the knowledge of parents.


For example, one of such cases occurred in my city, I learned about it from the local newspaper. The Prosecutor's office received a statement from the mother of the boy, who was vaccinated in kindergarten without the consent of his parents. During the inspection it was found out, that the kindergarten did not have a special license, now the vaccination is forbidden, and the head of the kindergarten received a fine. Vaccination without parental consent "for medical intervention" is a violation of the Federal law on the basis of health protection. And this case is not the only one. For example, my friend took her daughter from kindergarten after the same actions of a health worker. My friend wrote a written refusal to vaccinate her child against the flu. However, one Friday her daughter came home from kindergarten and said, that she had been given an injection. My friend was surprised, because that day her daughter had only to check the Mantoux reaction. In the morning the girl complained of weakness and dryness in the throat, and over the weekend the child's condition has deteriorated, fever, a dry cough. On Monday my friend got through to the teacher, who said, that the child was not vaccinated, but my friend asked, where did she throw on the shoulder of her daughter a puncture mark? The teacher promised to find out everything and call back. At repeated conversation the teacher told, that really on Friday the nurse put to the girl a flu vaccination and that they have a written consent to a vaccination. My friend reminded of the written refusal. The teacher put the phone down and when she called back for the third time - apologized and began to talk about the benefits of vaccination. The director of the kindergarten persuaded my friend not to contact the Prosecutor's office, but the girl was seriously ill. Now the child needs to be monitored by an immunologist.

A similar case recently occurred in the Republic of Moldova. ( One of the mothers said, that the nurse vaccinated all the children at once, without a preliminary examination of the doctor, without asking whether the child is healthy at the moment, whether he is ready to receive the vaccine. Even a few parents confirmed her words. When the parents brought the children to kindergarten, no one warned them, that today the children will be vaccinated. No one reported it, when the parents took the children in the evening. And nobody warned in advance.
The director of the kindergarten admits, that the teacher could not notify all parents. However, she denied the fact, that the rules were not observed. We can only guess, what is happening with our children in kindergarten. Teachers and health workers do not pay attention even to the written refusal of parents from vaccination. Moreover, often the lack of vaccination is the reason for the ban on kindergarten. In fact, parents have the right to refuse injections, but children, who have missed vaccination are not allowed in the kindergarten. The doctors have their truth, based on sanitary standards.


For example, the son of Yulia Leskinen, a resident of Yekaterinburg, does not go to kindergarten, although the place in the group is allocated for him. The child does not have a single vaccination, and most importantly, in the medical record is not worth the Mantoux test. Without these data the kid can not attend kindergarten. Although by law, parents have the right to refuse injections, the head of the clinic does not sign the card. Doctors refer to the sanitary norms for the prevention of tuberculosis - children need to either put Mantoux test, or get a certificate from a phthisiologist. (

Julia Leskinen says: "A phthisiologist is the same doctor. He says, that he can't give a certificate stating , that my son is healthy, yet until he does x-rays or dioscin test". Yulia has three children, she does not vaccinate anyone. Julia herself after vaccination against hepatitis was sick for almost a year, so she decided not to risk the health of the kids. Now and the eldest daughter - she is 5.5 years old - because of the Mantoux test on the verge of expulsion from the kindergarten. Doctors remain adamant. No skin test in a child care institution is impossible.

Scandals over vaccinations flared up often enough. Many parents consciously refuse vaccination, believing, that it is more harm than good. Doctors with this position, as a rule, do not agree. Hence, the conflict. During the flu epidemic, several dozen children across the region were under house arrest. In the Department of education, the heads of kindergartens then received support, as supposedly unvaccinated kids can easily get sick and become carriers of viruses. Your decision to refuse vaccination you can defend the Prosecutor's office, that did Anna Leskinen. Mantoux is not set, but in the garden the child was taken. Anna Leskinen, a resident of Yekaterinburg, filed an application to the Prosecutor's office, that the rights of the child are violated. Prosecutor's office contacted the clinic, and the clinic quickly decided this question.

Such disagreements with the system of parents in Russia is not a unit. The Prosecutor General's office received more than 300 appeals. People complain, that their children are forced to put Mantoux test. The Prosecutor General's office has connected the Federal Ministry of health and the chief sanitary doctor of Russia to the solution of this issue. The Prosecutor General's office is sure, that the law needs revision. The proposal of the Supervisory authority is to revise the SanPiN, and the actions of parents are legitimate. In accordance with the Federal Law "on preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation", anti-tuberculosis assistance is provided to citizens only with their consent. The refusal of the parents of the child from passing them tuberculostatic should not entail the restriction of his right to attend the educational organization.

Meanwhile, medical experts offer a revolutionary option - to create ECO-kindergartens, which will accept only children without vaccinations. Activists offer parents who do not want to influence the health of their child through vaccinations, to unite with like-minded people and live in such an ecological garden. That would be a civilized way to resolve this conflict. That's how it turns out that many laws work only on paper. In fact, parents are forced to give children vaccinations, so they can attend kindergarten. Another way to solve the problem is to appeal to the Prosecutor's office to protect the rights of the child.

Thanks for reading!

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