CPS kidnapped children and illegally gave them to a foster family, in which previously died 2 child. The children have returned home thanks to the intervention of the media.

Hello everyone! I already wrote about the fact, that if CPS illegally removed children, you need to make the story known to the public. Often only after a specific event will draw the attention of the press, TV, and thanks to him and officials - it be seen quicker and children come back into the family. Recently, the Central TV channel considered just such a case.


This story happened in one of the settlements of the Orenburg region in Russia. In mid-January 2018 three children were selected from the registered family. And it happened under rather strange circumstances, and the mother of children believes, that their children were simply stolen. Maria lives in the village of Belyayevka. Family by today's standards is large - it has three children. The family had a house bought on maternity capital. Unfortunately, Maria had a bad relationship with her husband: on the soil aggressiveness, he could dismiss his hands – and as a result he went to prison. In an effort to improve the situation Mary decides to move to another village, Gamaleevka (in the same Orenburg region), where lived her mother By this time Mary has another man. In short, it seemed, that life starts with a clean slate. Maria did not have time to sell the old house, so on the new place she and her civil spouse decided to rent an old wooden house. Husband worked on the railway in Orenburg, therefore it is not always been home. Although the marriage was civil, the couple planned to formalize the relationship.

The problems began with neighbors, who were elderly. Of course, at this age they want peace and quiet, and pensioners felt, that their new neighbors, or rather – children, create a lot of noise. And they concluded, that, probably, civil spouses are not up to children, that they do not pay due attention to children. This was the reason, that CPS began to receive complaints from these elderly people, as a result of which the family came under control of CPS. Aggravated a situation unexpected night incident with casual smoke in the house (on a stove socks accidentally got and started smoldering). Maria woke up from the smoke and, not knowing the causes of this smoke, quickly took the children to her mother. But the incident provoked the further development of events that occurred at an incredible speed.

The next day, CPS staff arrived with the bus to school. Maria's son had just finished his lessons, and Mary was asked to go to school to explain; the girls were with her. But the CPS told the mother, that the children would wait for her in the bus. At school Maria spent quite a lot of time, for some reason, co-workers CPS brought blank forms, that needed to be signed, delayed time. When Maria came out, she did not see the bus, in which the children were waiting for her. So, with a monstrous deception, CPS took the children to an unknown destination.

Within a few days Maria was waiting for explanations from employees of CPS. Without waiting, appealed to the Prosecutor's office. Only then something began to clear up. Children within ten days were in infectious diseases hospital, and then (unclear, on what bases) were transferred to the city Sorochinsk to an adoptive family. And earlier in this family because of parents two children were lost. Indeed, the situation is totally suspicious. And there is an assumption: maybe here everything is built on money? Especially, as it became clear later, new adoptive parents didn't care for Maria's children. Children were dirty and not well-groomed, and the son even forgot how to write, because nobody taught him lessons. Subsequent blood tests showed a decrease in hemoglobin in children, as well as other health problems. Moreover, they were humiliated: because one of the girls offended the native daughter of guardians, she smeared face human excrement. If the children refused to eat, the contents of the plates could go on their heads. They were beaten!
Maria knew nothing about the children for three months. Only then the grandmother allowed to see them. The children were in serious stress, the girls begged to take them home. Things, toys, school supplies, which they passed, they did not reach.


Maria appealed to the court of last resort. In addition, the civil spouses formalized their relationship. And Maria got a job: caring for lonely elderly people. The children returned to the family only three months after the court denied custody and guardianship authorities on 12. April and did not deprive the mother of her parental rights. The session in the city court in April 2018 lasted nine hours. Many witnesses were heard from both sides. Fortunately, the actions of the authorized bodies that took children from the family were declared illegal.

The first time the stress experienced by children crying at night. Maria wrote the application to Prosecutor's office with the requirement to check a family of guardians and regional bodies of guardianship and guardianship. Maria said, she would do anything to keep this family out of the way. And how to explain the actions of the police and guardianship? They need statistics? Or do they really care about the kids? Not only that CPS illegally took children, we can say stole, so they also placed children in foster care, in which the fault of the parents had already killed children. That is, CPS believes a dysfunctional family of Mary, due to complaints of neighbors and doesn't want these complaints to check. Instead, they quietly place children in a really dysfunctional family, where children are subjected to violence and humiliation. During the program, the presenter of the TV program appealed to the Prosecutor General's office to conduct an audit against the employees of the guardianship authorities, who, in his opinion, committed a flagrant violation of the law, first abducting and then holding the children (since the previous appeals were not answered on the merits by the Supervisory authorities). I am glad that the children have returned home and I hope that thanks to this TV show guilty will receive punishment. It is just sad, that once again CPS employees act illegally, and proceedings in their actions occur only after the intervention of the media.

Thanks for reading!

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First time I'm hearing the media having a positive influence in this situation. We need more cases like this exposed, especially on TV where it can reach a larger audience and give massive publicity. CPS must be stopped

I totally agree with you. On this TV show, the presenters openly asked questions not only to CPS, but also to the General Prosecutor's office, where the employees refused to initiate a criminal case on child abduction.

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