CPS forced the mother to sign a voluntary refusal and within more than six months did not return the children to the family

Hello everyone! I want to start the post with the fact, that CPS can come to any family in any country. You may not believe it, claim it's nonsense, but only until you come across the CPS yourself. No matter, how civilized and developed the country is, no matter how well - off the family is, no matter how loving the parents are, no one is immune from this trouble. I often hear statements: in Russia, America, Norway, England, such a nightmare can not happen. Believe me. If you do not believe, it does not mean, that it is not. That's why I wrote a post about how to behave with CPS if they are already knocking at your door. One of the points is that guardianship officers often force parents to sign a voluntary consent to the CPS to take children to an orphanage or a shelter for the duration of the proceedings. This can not be done in any case, because the return of children back after this paper will be difficult. In this was a trap family Zolin from St. Petersburg Russia.


In the family of Zolin there are four children: 4-year-old Tanya, 6-year-old Kolya, 10-year-old Anya and very small Seraphima. This is a good, loving, socially prosperous and even well-off family. In may 2016, there was a tragedy: little Kolya decided to play without asking with a candle, from which his clothes lit up. Mom was home. The fire was quickly extinguished, but the boy received serious burns and was hospitalized. The police began checking on the fact of injury to the boy, the test, of course, ended with the refusal material: there was an accident. However, to the mother, who was in position and was expecting the birth of a daughter, often comes CPS. As for trouble, father also ended up in the hospital. CPS interrogated the mother with a passion, intimidated, threatened to take all the children and forever, if she does not agree to put the children in a shelter. As a result, she signed the consent form, hoping in a week, when her husband get back from the hospital, get the kids back home.

BUT!!! Custody submitted to the court of the parents to deprive and restrict their parental rights. Children are placed in different institutions: Anya was in Lomonosov (near the house). Kohl was placed in the center of Cymbaline. Tanya was taken to the sanatorium in Zelenogorsk again fraudulently, telling his mother that in the summer they want to send the child to the resort and it is necessary to her consent. All subsequent months, the parents are shuttled in and out of shelters in different parts of the city. Children were not given to them in spite of any requests, which in itself is a direct violation of the law: legally children were placed in institutions VOLUNTARILY, at the request of parents, and therefore had to be returned to parents at their first request!!!


In November, the court handed down the decision, having refused to guardianship authorities satisfaction of the claim for deprivation and restriction of the parental rights of the Zolin family. At the same time, the judge specifically pointed out in the text of the decision, that the transfer of children to parents will not only not harm them, but, on the contrary, is good for children. However, the staff of the guardianship considered differently and filed an appeal. On this basis, custody still did not allow parents to take children, offering to wait for the decision of the appellate court. Children are not released even during winter holidays.

Desperate parents appealed to the lawyers of the public Commissioner for the protection of the family in St. Petersburg. They, along with the cameras, went to the head of the Department of guardianship and guardianship and brought him to the wall, forcing him to say to the camera, that he was not against the return of children to the family and that dad can take the children. After that there were still negotiations with a number of officials. As a result, the next day the family was reunited and all the children were at home. It is noteworthy, that one of the daughters, Anya, brought home by the staff of the orphanage, but to take Kohl from the hospital it was not easy for them, hospital staff opened the doors of hospital only after the threat to call the police. The staff of this hospital, to which most of the children taken away in St. Petersburg by the guardianship authorities are delivered, have more than once faced with the lawyers of The public Commissioner, and they lost court many times.

The history of this family ended well, but the horror lies in the fact, that no family in Russia is immune from such a scenario and, turning t with trauma and even just taking the child to kindergarten, none of us is immune from communicating with CPS. Over the past decades, officials and deputies have adopted a huge number of instructions and by-laws, which oblige physicians, doctors, educators to report to the guardianship authorities and the police about all detected cases of "social distress" or children in "difficult situations". This procedure is directly prescribed by regional regulations of interdepartmental cooperation on prevention of neglect. Therefore, no one can say, that the CPS acts illegally, on the contrary. They do not care about the presumption of innocence, the well-being of children, they stupidly follow the instructions. For me, another important fact is, that CPS employees did not incur punishment, although they illegally held children and lost the court, but still did not give the children to their parents. Why, why? No one is interested. So be careful, read the family code of your country, read the posts with sovetami and recommendations to be ready for anything. It can save your family and save your children from psychological trauma.

Thanks for reading!

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