
I live off what I make writing online... been pretty slim lately!

Ouch. I can imagine. I can remember looking around when I signed up at the end of April and thinking..."Man, if I can just get my rep score up to 65, and get a 1000 users, I'll have it made."

Not anymore. I'm close on both counts now, and it's clear I'll have to be WAY higher than that, fast, (and that isn't happening) to have this be anything more than pocket change.

60 is the new 50. 70 is the new 60...5000 REAL and active followers, minimum, for any serious cash.

I don't put any stock in followers- I have something like 3500 and probably 150 actually follow me. I've had to power down or my SP would be over 7000 by now. I had to spend $3000 on legal fees for custody of my granddaughter, plus $100 week to help out with her... doesn't leave much for grandpa!

Ouch man. Well, I'm glad for now to get anything beyond my very small salary for playing the organ and piano at church. Although, if steem and SBD prices keep dropping, we could easily get to a point here where lifting even a finger every few days to post "hello" won't be worth it.

I'm kind of feeling like that now. Last Dec. the price of SBD was up around $12 and I was pulling $150- $200 a post and I invested in cryptos but that's beginning to run out. $3.50 a post isn't getting it! I'm hoping Weku does well when they launch- I'm hitting about $15 a post on there.

Hmmm. I may have to switch.

What makes Weku less liable to this pyramid-scheme malaise we've seemed to hit here?

Not certain, they don't seem to have been affected by the last two hardforks. It seems like steemit was when I joined. The price will go down when they launch their coin, that's why I'm trying to build up a good bank there. $4700 in 6 weeks ain't bad.

Wow! I'll say. Did you invest, or did you earn all that? Also, can you use your articles in both places, Rich? TIA...

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