New CPS Petition in Michigan. Please Sign and Share. The People of Michigan Thank you.

Petitions are a good thing. Protests are better...especially if we could ever get thousands to show up with quality signs and bull horns. But for now, we'll take what we can get. Better to do SOMETHING than nothing at all, for sure.

Here is a link to a new petition against so-called "child protective" "services" (CPS) beginning to circulate in/for one of the states that is routinely at the head of the list for CPS abuse of children and parental rights:

Here is a key excerpt:

"Under the Michigan States own website while Jennifer Granholm was Governor. Each child in the states care ie. Foster Care was worth and estimated $8,000 dollars per child $10,000 dollars if that child had "special needs." Can you imagine what the going rate is now in 2019? Then they receive a substantial kickback from the Federal Government on top of that amount for every child the State adopts out of the Foster Care system. The State should be using that money to help families in need and trying their hardest that these families are able to support themselves by making programs available to help off set the cost of getting transportation,medical care and reimbursement for mileage if they don't offer it and finding and making available safe and affordable housing to middle and low class income families.They want these families to pull a rabbit out of their collective hats so to speak without offering them any real assistance. They may claim oh but we do have these programs in place. Not true in every state! Also when they do offer assistance for the chosen few they then use that fact against the parents in court by claiming the natural parents are unable to either help themselves, therefore they can not possibly be able to take care of and provide a safe living environment for their children. Especially targeting parents that are young adults that didn't have or were not able to get their GED or had a High school diploma,could not get or keep gainful employment, or due to health complications,but couldn't receive SSI or SSD. They offer state aide/welfare /medicaid however even if and when they did they will use that against them saying they are too disabled/poor and shame on them for getting help; to take care of their child/ren.

The list of excuses the state can come up with citing non compliance to a safety plan, if they have one, is staggering and needs to stop! We understand in extreme cases where blatant abuse is being totally ignored by the state to where we see workers and foster care workers daily being abusive to these children and teens for the sake of the all mighty dollar. What we don't see is the state working to remedy the problem and the viscous cycle they helped to create. DHS and CPS was created to save children from abusive homes, not steal kids from otherwise poor families or families that fell on hard times and need help getting back on their feet."

(Image courtesy of

Hear! Hear! While my personal recommendation is simply to ABOLISH CPS (internationally, nationally, in Michigan...i.e. everywhere) this petition does deserve to have way more than a few dozen signatures on it. Please do take the time to go and sign takes just your first and last name and email address...i.e. 20 seconds of your time.

The family you could save could be related to you, or could have the next President in it, or the next great disease curer, or....whatever. Then do forward the link to all your friends and relatives--especially if they are in Michigan, or know someone who is.


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