MSM priorities...A few kids get the measles: Wall-to-wall coverage. Thousands of kids go missing from CPS?: Crickets.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Every once in awhile, you run into an editorial that NAILS the truth so well, that you just have to share it. When it comes to so-called "child protective" "services" (CPS), they can literally tear apart thousands of families each month, destroy lives, lose children to the tune of hundreds per day, cause dozens of suicides monthly, and put safe children into dangerous and abusive situation by the tens of thousands with nary a peep from the presstitute MSM.

But let a few kids catch the measles, some of them proven to have been from vaccinated carriers, and guess what? We get wall-to-wall coverage, (staged) Congressional hearings, and new "acts of Congress," literally, in States all over the nation. Check out this excellent expose:

Here is a key excerpt:

"If ever you needed a clearer example of the mainstream media’s intentions in this country, you just need to compare the amount of coverage given to the 2019 measles non-crisis—used to bolster vaccine manufacturers’ bottom lines while calling for the silencing of those who advocate for vaccine safety—versus the 18,000 children who will go missing from government-run “protection care” this year—many of whom will be sold into sex slavery. As the Google trend analysis below shows, the former received a ridiculous amount of coverage while the latter received almost zero."

That first sentence sums up the whole excellent article, really. What ARE the media's intentions? Well, as we've pointed out this past week, first and foremost it's "all about the Benjamins." (Yes, even socialist Freshman legislators can occasionally get something right.) With as much as 70% of network ad revenues coming from the pharmaceutical companies, so-called "news" shows are OBVIOUSLY not willing to bite the hand that feeds them, and the people selling vaccines are their "money." The Congressional hearings we SHOULD HAVE would cover this incestuous relationship, as it most definitely does prevent the truth about vaccines from getting fair/even time with the vaccination propaganda.

Secondly, the mainstream media is totally failing American families when it comes to reporting the truth about the extent and seriousness of the sex trafficking network that flows from CPS. With the treatment that Jeffrey Epstein and his well-healed associates got from both the court system and the MSM, we got a clear peak into the billionaire pedo club and it's enormous power last year, but the enablers still have very well-paying jobs, are not facing prosecution, and in at least one case (Alan Dershowitz) still regularly getting to be on these same MSM networks providing their particular slant on the alleged "news."

It is clear the MSM intends to continue to take orders from the billionaire pedophiles that do not want CPS exposed.

(Image courtesy of

Here is another brief excerpt from the article cited above:

"But when 18,000 kids a year go missing, many of them being sold into sex slavery, we hear nothing but crickets from these same people. It is true that some of these kids will run away, others will escape to get away from abuse, and some will get involved with the wrong crowd and follow along. However, many others are outright stolen or kidnapped and end up being sold on the black market like a commodity.

Equally as disturbing as these children going missing is the fact that no one cares to go looking for them, making them easy prey for human traffickers and predators. In fact, in some states, if one of these children goes missing for over 6 months, they are removed from the system entirely and those responsible for them couldn’t care less."

Where are the Congressional hearings on THAT?!? I can not believe that any legislator at any level could sleep at night if they knew about this, let alone cease to act tirelessly to FORCE better accountability for these missing children, and to change CPS culture so that these kids aren't just mishandled and then forgotten in such enormous numbers. I truly believe that, second only to the condoned slaughter of millions of unborn children due to legislative evil and apathy, that our nation will have to answer for allowing CPS to act in such overbearing and callous ways in our midst.

And is a reminder of how serious the apathy of CPS staff and caseworkers truly is, when it comes to allowing our children to be so badly abused (the one thing they are paid to prevent):

"In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system. In 2012, Connecticut police rescued 88 children from sex trafficking; 86 were from the child welfare system...Equally as disturbing as the fact that most sex-trafficked kids come from within the system is the fact that the FBI discovered in a 2014 nationwide raid that many foster children rescued from sex traffickers, including children as young as 11, were never reported missing by child welfare authorities." bad as the admitted numbers are, we now hear that, in many cases, kids go missing and CPS not only does nothing serious to try to get them back, BUT THEY COVER UP THE FACT THAT THEY LOST THEM. Again, as we showed in yesterday's article, intentional mis-reporting, blatant lying, records "adjusting," etc. is endemic to the CPS culture. Simply getting the truth out of CPS is the first and most serious obstacle to shutting down the CPS-to-billionaire-pedo-club pipeline.

I am hereby calling out the mainstream media and the United States Congress. YOU NEED TO HOLD CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS on all these missing children and why NOTHING is being done to improve the situation or to hold CPS staff accountable. It is NOT enough for the President to occasionally make some sounds about "human trafficking" (always with reference to the southern border, and never mentioning CPS failings.) We need real, weekly, PRESS CONFERENCE updates from the White House as to what is being done for OUR CHILDREN.

If you can't or won't prioritize this issue, and also shut down the incestuous big-Pharma/MSM relationship that taints our "news" so completely, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO WALLOW AT THE FEDERAL TROUGH, and you need to resign and go home.

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