More Proof: The Deep State Wants PERVs Manning CPS...

in #familyprotection5 years ago (edited)

...and only when they get caught doing it, do they back track and bemoan. Thank goodness Texas has some LEOs and legislators, on the State level, who are getting it, AND DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Check out this example:

Here is an excerpt:

"A caseworker with Texas Child Protective Services was fired before Arlington police arrested him on a charge of online solicitation of a child for sex, records show.

Rodney Leon Carroll, 52, of Bedford, is accused of sending inappropriate messages and explicit photos of himself to an individual he was led to believe was a 15-year-old boy, according to an arrest warrant. An Arlington officer was purporting to be the child, using a photo of a real 15-year-old boy who consented to police using the photo, the warrant shows.

Carroll was arrested last week and was released from jail after posting $5,000 bond, records show."

People don't just wake up one morning in their fifties and decide, "Hey, you know what, I think I'll shake thing up and be come a pedophile today." These people have histories--if not actual records-- and if so-called "child protective" "services" is not being bothered to look into those before hiring these predators than the obvious question is "WHY NOT?!?"

I think we all know the answer to that question. And, while they will always claim "lack of time and resources" and beg the local governments (usally, very successfully) for more taxpayer money, the real problem is THEY DON'T CARE, or worse yet, that they just like things the way they are.

Kudos to the LEOs for breaking this case, but let's keeping putting pressure on CPS to do WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING IN THE FIRST PLACE--fully vetting people, before hiring them.

'Nuff said.

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