Medical kidnapping...a rising epidemic: A heart-wrenching chapter in our devoloping AmeriKan police state.

I've written about this topic before, and it sure does seem like Arizona has been at the center of a lot of issues lately surrounding the abuse (and kidnapping) of children. You all remember the famous story a few months ago about the homeless park in the Tuscon area that had all the signs of systematic child abuse present there, including straps on trees that were obviously used as restraints? Locals tried to do something, but were called "conspiracy nuts," and worse by the mainstream media and their cohorts in "government," and to my current knowledge the whole thing was swept under the rug.

(Phoenix Children's Hospital. Image courtesy of

Now, it appears that the medical seizures of children by out-of-control "healthcare providers" and their cohorts in the "big pharma/big medicine" industries and lobbies are becoming ever more emboldened (especially in Arizona) to the point where they truly feel they have power over any child brought to them for "help." The Hippocratic Oath doesn't seem to matter anymore, IMHO. Now it's "do no harm to our bottom line" rather than to the patient and their families.

Take this excellent and recent article for example:

(Some PCH staff, courtesy of

While it has been happening all over, this article shows that it has reached epidemic proportions in Arizona. Is that because of McCain's influence? Is it because many powerless illegals are being caught up in the system? Regardless of the reasons, this is an absolute travesty of justice and cries out for retribution and cessation of these practice. It's apparently gotten so bad, that the collusion between "the medical profession" and "social services" has resulted in children seized by one being used by the other FOR MEDICAL TESTING of unapproved drugs and therapies!

Here is an excerpt from the above-referenced article:

"Behind each of these stories is a link to experimental drug trials for the same medical conditions these children were suffering. This prompted a group of lawmakers on Capital Hill to introduce new legislation to stop this kind of medical experimentation on children who are seized from parents and made wards of the state (see: “Justina’s Law” Seeks to End Experimental Medical Research on Children Seized by Child Protection Services). Since publishing the Diegel family story, Health Impact News has been approached by many families with similar experiences with CPS in Phoenix, and with Phoenix Children’s Hospital. What we have learned in our investigation is truly troubling, and needs to be exposed by the media."

I also have to also post this one example from the very long article of how children are reportedly being treated by this particular hospital:

"Norma and Luis Bracamontes’ 11-year daughter, who had been diagnosed with leukemia, was being treated at Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH). But while she was in the hospital, she developed a serious infection in her arm that caused her arm to be amputated. The parents became very concerned about the kind of treatment she was receiving, especially when doctors inserted a catheter into her heart. However, PCH would not allow the parents to take their daughter to another hospital. So in an action that was captured on the hospital’s security camera and broadcast to the whole country via the mainstream media, Norma took her daughter into a bathroom, removed her IV, and walked out of the hospital with her daughter. You can watch the original report on NBCLatino here.

Phoenix police searched for the girl and her mother, stating that the girl’s life was in extreme danger and that she would die if she was not returned to the hospital. However, the parents stated just the opposite. They stated the hospital was already responsible for her losing her arm, and they were concerned their daughter’s life was in extreme danger if they continued to allow PCH to hold their daughter. So they escaped to Mexico. Once safe in Mexico, the mother and daughter appeared to the media to prove that the daughter was safe and that she was getting better in the care of her Mexican doctors."

This is just one of the many examples contained in this article. One could possibly forgive a single incident as gross misunderstanding, happenstance, medical bureaucracy, etc., but when the problem has become as widespread (and apparently as systemic) as it has in Arizona, we are forced to look elsewhere for answers. I am glad that Congress has gotten involved to put a stop to the Doctor-Mengele-type testing on CPS-sezied children, but that is just a band-aide. It's like closing the barn door, slapping the door and saying "naughty door, you let my horses out," and then walking away.

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO GO GET THESE CHILDREN BACK and the government seriously needs to assess what they are permitting in the name of "healthcare" and in the name of "social services." I've raved here before, also, about how out-of-control the hocus-pocus "mental health/psychiatry" industry has become, too. We desperately need to reign in these out-of-control Freudians, who, in large numbers, are ATHEIST and demonstrably anti-family in their orientation. Here is how the article says that they fit into the puzzle:

"In almost every single case of medical kidnapping we have covered here at Health Impact News, a psychologist or psychiatrist is used to justify removing the children from the parents. And this seems to be especially true with PCH (Note: the hospital in Phoenix) as well. One person from Arizona told us that PCH uses an out-of-state psychologist that is not licensed in Arizona to come in and review cases where children are removed from parents. "

These people are almost routinely BIG ON BIG GOVERNMENT and the WISDOM OF MAN over the family, church and even the wisdom of God. It's just the way it is when you study atheists for 8-years in college and grad school, and then get told by a piece of paper that you are now "an expert" on human behavior and interaction. You look to the state FIRST whenever their is a dispute between parents and the State (or a closely-tied element of the state-- like our current nearly totally-nationalized and socialized "healthcare" system.)

(Sigmund Freud.)

I would suggest getting the courts more involved in such situations, but, at least in Arizona, it has been shown that the courts are just another element of the same sick paradigm that has allowed parents to lose their rights in the first place. AND, Arizona is a fairly conservative state, so it sure doesn't seem like the people's views are being reflected much there...i.e. government is apparently not going to police government and clean up the problem.

What is the solution?

I'm not sure I have one, but I will say this:




Thank-you @mepatriot for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

@mepatriot thank you for your article. It just seems to get worse and worse. We must keep up the fight and as you said: pray!

YES! Thanks. It certainly starts there.

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