Don't tell me that all these illicit drugs aren't HELPED ALONG by the child thieves.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

It's a pretty well known fact that a lot of the drugs that come here illegally are either brought here by people connected to the elites (or to big government) or that they are ALLOWED to come across the border in certain places, unmolested and un-apprehended. For those who forgot...the CIA Was caught red-handed selling drugs to support the Contra rebels in Nicaragua back in the Reagan era. And, if they were doing it once, they certainly could have (and probably still are) doing it in many places--just being more careful not to get caught.

We've had soldiers returning from Afghanistan tell us that they were literally GUARDING THE POPPY FIELDS there that were wiped out by the Taliban, and restarted, once the Taliban was driven out. Why? THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND is rumored to be involved in opium and heroin, and Afghanistan has always been THE opiate capital of the world. Think that's crazy? Read up on China and The Opium Wars. The British East India Company (according to our doctored "history books") were noted for their "tea ships" which supposedly were most profitable when bringing tea from India and China to the West. But the real cash crop, as far back as the 17th-century, was opium. There are tons of books and articles about the British East India Company (along with some American families too, most notably the Forbes's of Forbes Magazine, but also many others) growing the stuff in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and then taking the raw product to China, where millions were addicted to the stuff and abused it in specially-designed "opium dens." Look it up.

Then, thanks to former British MI-5 agent, Dr. John Coleman, we learned about how the British Tavistock Institute found, underwrote and promoted The Beetles and other British bands and sent them to the USA with bundles of free LSD and other designer psychedelic drugs, that were passed out FREE at their concerts here. No kidding. The USA in the early 1960s, was a (pretty much) drug-free place, with morals. The Tavistock Institute and their globalist cohorts changed all that, and ushered in the "hippy era" with all the drug culture and "free love" culture that went with it.

Now, we are finding out that there is a direct correlation between the cycles of new drugs (from whatever source) spiking in the USA in usage, and the number of children seized from their families and placed in state custody. We all know what happens when people get addicted to heavy drugs like heroin (and other opiates) cocaine, meth, etc. They lose all interest in everything but their next fix, and their children are automatically neglected (or worse.)

The same has been true of the recent opioid crisis. The following article gives some of the statistical proofs:

Here is a key excerpt:

"Across the U.S., soaring use of opioids has forced tens of thousands of children from their homes, creating a generation of kids abandoned by addicted parents, orphaned because of fatal overdoses or torn from fractured families by authorities fearful of leaving them in drug-addled chaos. 'This isn't a trickle. This isn't a wave. It's a tsunami,' Moores said of a child welfare system grappling with an unprecedented crush of parental drug cases."

NOW...we all know that a lot of the kids that are seized are never seen again. We know many end up on the streets, or, even worse, in the child sex trade. We know that even when parents "get clean" it can be very, very difficult for them to get their kids back in a timely fashion, if at all. WE KNOW THE GOVERNMENT--specifically the FDA and their allies at Big Pharma and in the medical lobby-- are responsible for this current opioid crisis, and we know that many of the swamp creatures who run the government and these agencies are BIG TIME PEDOPHILE CRIMINALS at the same time they are creating broken families from which they can get their fresh waves of "fresh meat."

PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I AM WRONG HERE...I want to believe that two + two does not equal FOUR and that the government I am forced to support heavily through mandatory taxation is not also made up of the same people who are then using my money to harm kids and tear apart families, but the evidence is overwhelming. In most states, for example, children can be seized from GOOD FAMILIES without sufficient cause, merely, for example, because a neighbor doesn't like you and calls "Child Protective Services" with a suspicion. There are good people working in "social services" too, but all the laws and practices are stacked against families and (purely coincidentally I'm sure) in favor of anyone who might have a nefarious motive for wanting it to be easy to get kids away from their families.

OK...rant over.

But, let me reiterate the point...WE CAN NOT PROTECT FAMILIES IF WE CAN NOT STOP THE GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN MAKING HARD DRUGS AVAILABLE...under whatever pretext (like, for example, VALID prescriptions from the drug pushers in white coats that used to actually be doctors.) Sure, we are bemoaning the opioid epidemic now, and some in government are making noises about actually doing something, but how much damage has already been done? How many more children (beyond the reported statistics, which are always UNDER-REPORTED) have fallen into the hands of the pedophile elite?

When will it end?

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus."

Thank-you @mepatriot for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Thank YOU find folks for your support. Relieved we're all "back in business" tonight, fighting for the truth and for the children!

I have come to the conclusion over the last few months that nothing is as we were told. I now question if there are any good people in power. The information, testimony, whistle blowers. None of it is painting a picture of any of them not being in on it.

I agree. There may be a few good people in the fedgov and military, but they are obviously too few to make a difference.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

I have to admit that this is the most unsubstantiated, conspiratorial all over the charts, unorganized bullshit I've read so far on this site.


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Awesome. Thanks!

How many more children (beyond the reported statistics, which are always UNDER-REPORTED) have fallen into the hands of the pedophile elite?

You went full retard there at the end. Yes children are being taken from junkie parents, but how the hell you got to John Podesta is a molesta, I guess it makes sense to you. Want to bet that most of the people molesting those foster kids are not the "elite"? Cannibals lol.
For me I don't really care if junkies lose their kids. Drunk people lose their kids all the time.
LSD is awesome, the beatles did not hand it out at their concerts.

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