"Child Protective" "Services:" Offering little or no protection against the very worst types of abuse. Part II.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

There are two major types of what we might call "ritual," or "networked" abuse. Ritual abuse has to do with people being tortured, sexually molested, or even literally being sacrificed to the Devil or his demons in a Satanic mockery of a Christian church service. Other, or alternate, "deities" may also be invoked and/or involved as the primary recipient of this "worship." This is the type of ritual abuse that has been made familiar to all of us by Hollywood (probably because of practitioners of this type of abuse being involved in that industry and region) in many films, such as "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), "The Craft" (1996), "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999), "Martha Marcy May Marlene" (2011) and many more.

This type of abuse also may involve mind control of victims, and the long-term kidnapping and "ownership" of the abused by their torturers. Despite leaks from the CIA (and ex-CIA) and others in the military and government admitting the existence of mind control programs under their aegis going back to the 1950s, there is a still a major portion of society that shuts down immediately when they hear that this topic is possibly intertwined with suspected cases of ritual abuse. It is consigned, despite multiple proofs, to the "conspiracy fringe," and oftentimes the other even more serious crimes associated with it are under-investigated or ignored as a result.

The other major type of networked/ritual abuse involves extreme forms of sadomasochism. I had not even heard of "snuff" films until just a few years ago, but the sadomasochist element of the "sex industry" has always been the darkest underbelly of the porno/prostitution/sex trade. There are reports that people, on-line, or in person have been paying upwards of $10,000 per episode to watch innocent children be ritually abused, sexually violated, and then finally murdered--on camera. There is, I am told, a burgeoning "dark web" where "snuff films" are a popular genre with an international network of ultra-wealthy deviants. We may not get very far into this industry, because the evidence for it, and the historiography of this particular crime is so scant, though documented, nonetheless.

The problem with both of these most twisted types of abuse is that no decent person wants to believe they are real. The only people who truly know the full depths and breadth of these types of crimes and the networking are the perps in the network, who oftentimes live and work among us, and strive to keep up a "normal" personae until they are back involved in the crimes on weekends and their "holy" days. They are oftentimes very clever, usually well off, often very well-connected, and even have limited Demonic "super powers" available to them.

Although there were earlier cases, the first time mass ritual abuse really broke into the pubic consciousness was with the McMartin Preschool Case in Manhattan Beach, not surprisingly, quite close to Hollywood. Over 300 very young children were judged by a professional psychiatrist to have been abused at the school over the course of several years, and the resulting indictments of school employees led to the longest (1983-1990) and most expensive criminal trial in the history of the United States. Even though all but two of the jurors claimed they believed that actual ritual abuse had occurred as alleged, the hung jury resulted in all the defendants walking, although one of them did spend five years in jail during the period.

(Photo courtesy of The New York Times.)

As has been the case with almost every major case of suspected ritual abuse since that time, the mainstream media and the psychiatric world, although initially sympathetic, eventually turned on the reporters, parents and children of McMartin, accusing them of "mass hysteria," "false memories" and character flaws of every possible sort. As it turns out, one of the first of these "professionals "(a couple named Eberle) subsequently became "experts" on these new "psychoses," and testified in many similar cases as paid expert witnesses-- even after having been exposed of running a pedophilia magazine.

The first mother to report in 1980 later went crazy and died of alcohol poisoning. She was pronounced "schizophrenic" by the hostile psychiatric community and used as a cause celebre to suggest that all the parents were crazy and fabricating things. The children were ridiculed as well, and some of their detractors even suggested they should be charged with filing false reports, even though most of them were under the age of six at the time the ritual abuse affected their lives.

The media and others mocked the children and their families for reporting that a network of tunnels existed under the school, and even though the D.A.'s office did a cursory dig, discovering animal bones (which matched the children's accounts of small animals being tortured and killed to warn them against what would happen to them, if they reported) outside the foundation, they never dug UNDER the building. Eventually, the parents hired professionals to do the job and they indeed found the tunnels and a secret underground room, laid out just as many of the children had independently reported. The media failed to widely report these finds that occurred after the second dead-locked trial ended.

McMartin birthed a whole slew of ritual abuse denier networks and organizations, the most famous being the "False Memory Syndrome Foundation" (FMSF). New clinical diagnoses were created to explain away the reports of ritual abuse. Prosecutors, reporters and others were threatened. People investigating McMartin met untimely deaths...you name it. In short, McMartin, in my opinion, was a brief window on the real Hollywood, more powerfully (or at least openly) displayed today by the "Me Too" movement. In the McMartin case, only one adult actor was popular enough and seen by enough of the children on the screen to be identified (Chuck Norris,) and he has never been indicted or even interviewed in connection with McMartin, to my knowledge. Hollywood definitely circled the wagons though, and Oliver Stone did an HBO feature helping to cover up.

The next major ritual-network to be uncovered (during the early 90s) was the famous "Boy's Town" (orphanage and foster network) case in Nebraska, detailed so well by my acquaintance, Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp (recently deceased, we hope, of natural causes) in his heart-wrenching expose, "The Franklin Coverup." I think readers of this blog are familiar enough with the details of this case not to have to recount it in detail, but suffice it to say, that the pattern of McMartin was followed to a "T." There was initial neutral-to-positive reportage by the Nebraska MSM, one principle in the crimes was arrested (for bank fraud, not for ritual abuse) and very high political figures were named--up to and including George H.W. Bush.

The cases were all thrown out. One of the primary accusers was jailed for having the courage to speak out, and is still in jail. Her brother (and a couple others) were murdered or suicided, and the psychiatric profession and the mainstream media quickly rushed in to obfuscate, besmirch the reporters, and coverup for the perps. It has gotten so overwhelmingly "pooh-poohed" in the public eye, that I was horrified to see that "Boy's Town" is back on cable advertising for donations, as I write.

Then came the Jimmy Savile and British nobility (Parliamentary) scandals. They were all the rage across Britain about 4-5 years ago, with new hints and allegations breaking almost every day, and then they just suddenly stopped, as though the stories had never broken. A major documentary was all set to run in the United States and Britain covering the scandal (which was purportedly about simple pedophilia, but many ritualistic/Satanic elements had been rumored) but was yanked at the last minute. Even members of the Royal Family were briefly implicated. AND, then everything went silent, and largely remains so to this day.

(Jimmy Savile. Image courtesy of Huffington Post, UK.)

Next came the Clinton Foundation/Haiti stories, the Podesta Brothers, and so-called "Pizzagate." We are all familiar with the basics of how that one built to a crescendo of theories on the internet--supported by many solid facts, especially regarding the Clinton Foundation-Haitian "relief" elements that are known to have involved hundreds of Haitian children being moved out of the country and basically never heard from again... Then, some guy walked into Comet Pizza in Washington, D.C., waved a gun around, and the whole thing has basically been swept away by MSM derision ever since.

Billionaire pedophile and Trump friend, Jeffery Epstein, has his civil trial starting up in a couple of weeks. "Pedo Island" and his ludicrously brief 13-month criminal sentence (during which he was allowed to leave the jail for 16 hours each day) are sure to come up in the civil case, and the President might even be implicated to some degree based on all of the entries of his name and phone numbers in Epstein's "little black book." We will report on that trial separately, if/when the public is allowed to hear what is going on with it.

(Epstein. Courtesy of WeAreChange.org.)

As regards the torture/snuff film industry, both taped and live on the internet... I only know enough from what I have read that it is a real and growing horror. I can not say more about it than that, because it is an even more closely guarded secret--apparently--from the unrecorded ritual abuse mentioned above. I can only say that it is sometimes also known to be linked to Satanic activity (I mean, how could such things not be?) but is more closely/directly linked only to extreme sado-masochism and people who have that clinical issue, rather than to a religious belief. While the same thing could be said of SOME of the participants in the ritualistic examples above, obviously, there is more direct evidence of the religious links in those examples.

Many people have heard of "The Bohemian Grove" in California where many important figures in government, industry and high finance gather annually to engage in sexual perversions of all kinds (including pedophilia) and to worship a giant stone owl. It is rumored that Nixon and the Bushes were there at various times, and other very famous people as well. This is ritualistic, for sure, as the giant owl is involved going back to mystery religions of the Middle East, all the way to Mesopotamia. Skull & Bones at Yale is also implicated, as the rituals used are sexually explicit and perhaps harbingers of the types of activities its initiates engage in throughout life...(again implicating the Bushes.)

We will address in another section of this series the overall impacts of the horrific nature of these abuses in the inability of CPS and LEOs to effectively deal with the problem, but again, it really starts with POWER and MONEY. While you will find legions of people who want to dismiss these crimes as the fevered imaginations of the victims, there is more than enough proof that these things are REAL AND ONGOING to concern every decent human being on the planet.

We will never solve this problem (short of Christ Himself coming back to clean it up) unless we can counter the mainstream media's intentional "skepticism," as well as that coming from major elements of the psychiatric and "child welfare" communities. It truly is an information war that must be won if we are ever going to even make a start at addressing the very worst of the abuse among us.


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