Another Small Victory over CPS in Texas.

A couple weeks ago we reported on the victory of the Bright family of Tomball, Texas who had been harassed unmercifully for years because of a legitimate accident label "abuse" suffered by their toddler son. Today is the Pardo family of Kaufman County's turn to win a small victory against so-called "child protective" "services".

(Image courtesy of

Here is the link:

Here is a key excerpt:

"Child Protective Services in Texas has dropped its five-months long case against homeschooling parents who say their son was unfairly removed by the state on allegations of child medical abuse. On Tuesday, Kaufman County Judge Tracy Gray signed an order that ended the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services' cases against the Pardo family.

On June 20, Daniel and Ashley Pardo’s 4-year-old son, Drake, was taken from their home on the authority of a court order after the family missed a CPS-facilitated meeting at Dallas Children’s Medical Center that they were not informed of and was hours away from their home.

The family’s lawyers at the Texas Home School Coalition argued throughout the case that CPS failed to meet the legal requirements needed for an emergency removal and failed to notify the parents about a meeting they were ordered to attend with a child abuse pediatrician..."

(The Pardos...courtesy of thetexan. news.)

This is, perhaps, the beginning of the end-- in one state, anyway-- of CPS's unmitigated reign of terror in the Lone Star State. These cases are important because they can become legal "precedence" that can then be used by the other homeschooling families (and other honest skeptical families) when the State tries to partner with corrupt and incompetent medical "professionals" against innocent people.

Medical kidnapping is, of course, one of the newest and gravest new CPS-originated threats against parental rights. In the case of the Pardo family, in particular, the infamous "children's hospital" racket is at the bottom of it, per usual. However, the bureaRATS in Big Pharma (that profit so handsomely by all the hardcore psychotropics that are prescribed to CPS-seized children, and paid for by the taxpayer) that work with the hospitals (especially "children's hospitals") to build up a vulnerable and powerless young new patient class may be thwarted by an awakened populace.

Texas seems to be leading the way back to sanity. Let's hope this small trend becomes a tidal wave!


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Wow, I didn't know about this case. These things are infuriating! I'm so glad that Texas has some judges that aren't bought and paid for.

Right...but, sadly, they tend to be older...and close to retirement age.

Oh rats. Well Trump is appointing a record number of judges so I hope we're getting some of them and that they're Constitutionalists.

Let's hope, although I think the county judges are the ones that have the most to say about CPS, unfortunately, and they're not appointed by DJT.

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