A match made in hell: CPS and the mandatory VAXXERS.

The worst case scenario for people who actually read and think for themselves is a marriage between Big Pharma and the thoroughly-corrupted "Child Protective" "Services" (CPS). Plenty of anecdotal evidence already suggests they are at the altar, if not beyond. The average child in CPS custody is on a mandated cocktail of drugs--often serious Schedule 2 psychotropics-- that insure an inert and guaranteed revenue basis for the big pharmaceutical companies.

But the worst is yet to come, and sure seems to be looming as I write. The worst case would be the complete tightening of the mandatory-vaccination noose by forcing all parents who are anti-vaxxers to vaccinate their children against their wishes (and superior parental rights) or to risk losing them. Consider the following article:


Here is an excerpt:

"Pediatricians want to know whether they can call child protective services if a parent refuses to vaccinate. The answer remains unclear...These physicians consider a refusal to vaccinate to be a case of clear-cut medical neglect—an offense in which a parent refuses proper medical care to the point of putting a child in serious danger. 'Parents have a responsibility to get their child vaccinated,' says Frank A. Chervenak, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian. 'It’s very straightforward.' In an article in The Journal of Pediatrics in February 2016, Chervenak wrote that 'informed refusal becomes child neglect, because [parents] are refusing to authorize evidence-based, effective and safe preventive care'.”

Fortunately, most courts do not agree with these "doctors' (aka drug salesmen) but some are beginning to do so. With the manifest power of Big Pharma, and the number of U.S. Congressmen that they literally own, it can't be long before the big push comes to get all States to pass laws defining refusal to vaccinate as "parental neglect." They might even have enough clout inside the beltway to get some onerous federal legislation passed that would do the same thing.

The last bastion of personal liberty is "habeas corpus", which translates to "you shall have the body." To this point in America's imperial decline, that final right continues to reside with the individual unless he/she commits a crime, and gives up "the right of the body" to the State in order for it consider proper punishment. The State can imprison a person. The State can strictly limit your freedom of movement. The State can even kill you. But, never before has the State presumed to have the right to declare you a criminal for not injecting yourself or your children with a cocktail of dangerous "medications."

(Image courtesy of medstarmalpractice.com)

This would be a very severe departure for America, and a total end to the concept of habeas corpus in the traditional sense, and a blatant final violation of the 4th Amendment guarantees against illegal search and seizure. It is also a crushing of the individual conscience...i.e. a "fate worse than death." Now, many liberal politicians will not view it that way, and they will join with the drug salesmen in citing some type of "trolley car dilemma" (See last week's article) justification for killing the several in order to "save the many." It will make no difference that the efficacy level of most vaccines is either unknown, unproven, or UNPROVABLE, because money trumps all in Trump's America.

Here is another excerpt from the link:

"Efthimios Parasidis, associate professor of Law ...(examined) the legal precedents. They found only nine cases in which a parent was brought before a judge on grounds of medical neglect because of vaccine refusal. In seven of the nine cases, vaccine refusal was considered medical neglect by the court—but five of those cases were in states that did not allow religious or philosophical exemptions to vaccination at the time. In states that did allow those exceptions, the legal arguments focused primarily on whether a religious claim was valid, rather than on the medical risk to a child..."

(Image courtesy of pinterest.com)

Just because there has only been nine cases so far should not given anyone a false sense of security. Bills are being introduced in every new session in states all over the country to eliminate BOTH religious and philosophical objections to mandatory vaccination. CPS is already way out of control in so many areas, I am surprised it has not yet occurred to them to just always seize children with whom they come into contact if they are unvaccinated. This is like waiting for the proverbial "other boot to drop" and could begin occurring at any moment.

With the explosion of so-called "medical neglect" cases--usually initiated by "doctors" and other "medical professionals"-- it can only be a matter of time before their hubris and "superior wisdom" kicks in, and they all begin calling CPS every time they come in contact with unvaccinated kids as well. We are quickly reaching the point where--if parents want to remain PARENTS and exercise their own "best practices" when it comes to their own children's health, that they will be forced to homeschool ONLY, and to use only herbalists and homeopaths for their medical care.

(Image courtesy of corbettreport.com.)

The fact that courts are, so far, only considering the religious exemption in these cases is also troublesome. It signals (to me at least) that they have already decided that "the science is settled" and that the only legitimate consideration for them is whether or not a violation of one's body can be prevented on religious grounds. As I write, my own home state of Maine has a bill, just introduced in Augusta, that would eliminate ALL exemptions to mandatory vaccination for children who want to attend public schools, etc. It is being called the most draconian bill of its type ever written in these united States.

We are quickly arriving, I fear, at the final battle. If we get to a place where even the children of the best (and/or wealthiest) parents can be seized for not submitting to government-enforced "remedies," concoctions, drugs, etc., then we are no longer a FREE nation, and we will have no choice but to declare war on the federal government and all of their minions, sycophants and hangers on in the medical and CPS milieus.

(Image courtesy of renegadetribune.com)

William Avery Rockefeller (John D.'s dad), who was the original "snake oil salesman," would be so proud of how his son and further heirs have used big pharma (that they instigated--and the medical schools that took control of and funded) to make millions for every dime he was able to earn hawking snake oil (crude petroleum) "for whatever ails ya."


This is the very reason my family had to find another doctor. When he threatened not to see us any more because of our refusal to vaccinate, we knew we couldn’t trust him and had to leave.

I’m not surprised they are trying to eliminate religious objections to mandatory vaccinations. My family has been fortunate in that we are able to homeschool our children and not have to worry about public school. I know that other families are not able to do so and may have to face these new uglies that are surfacing.

I am seeing more and more people being interested in the natural way of healing such as with essential oils, herbs and foods. It seems they’re are catching on to the big money that is being made off of harsh chemicals and drugs being given for even minor ailments. I tell people I know all the time to “heal at home, treat yourself naturally, save your money and better your health.”

With all that is already going on and the freedoms being stripped away from parents, this hardly feels like a free nation. Is there really a such thing? When you’re accused of “parental neglect” for refusing chemicals that harm your children, you know you’re living in twisted times.

Thanks for this very informative article.

Thank YOU for your amazing, insightful reply! Glad your family is safe.

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