World Charity Day?, Really?

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

A few days back, I was going through my Facebook feed, and I saw some celebration photos and some colorful displays. I was wondering what was up, I thought to myself; "Have I missed another important day?". I looked up some of the facebook groups and pages I had always loved going through due to the type of content they share and what they are trying to do as a "Page". The next thing that came to my mind was; "O boy, was two days ago World Charity Day?"

That was the moment I remembered that I must have received a few messages on Messenger about the World Charity Day. Of course, I had!. I knew I was about to enter my mood of "I am sorry(s)", one of the message read; "Don't tell me you forgot again?!!". I wasn't about to use my present condition as an excuse, no I wasn't. I have a knack for always forgetting all these kind of dated stuffs. Last two years, I forgot, last year I forgot too!, what excuse could I possibly  give for forgetting this year as well!!. None. 

The truth is, I don't give much regards for such days, my memory just isn't programmed to keep such days nor what happens during those dates. Before you start thinking within yourself or popping in those comments of; "What!, you don't care about the World charity day?", just wait a little bit longer and hear me out. Of course I care!, I care about charities, I care about the needy, I constantly pray for them and try my best to do the little I can whenever the need arises. As a matter of fact, my life revolves around the act of loving humanity and doing whatever I can to bring peace and love to those deprived of it and unprivileged. 

But what I don't care about and frown at is the act of crowning a specific day as World Charity Day and the showmanship that revolves around it. Below is a list of what actually goes on on that day for those who at least recognize the day:

  • Oh, today is world charity day, it would improve the way the public sees our organisation if we threw a party centered on charity.

Most people and organisation just do this as a form of organisational Public Display to show they care. Do this people actually understand what it means to care? Engaging in an act of care just ONCE a year. Is that what Charity means?. 

  • Lots of pictures and lots of videos taken when doing an act of giving. 

Many observe the day to be seen by men while they Act Charitable towards the poor or unprivileged. Newsflash, "Dr. XXXX just gave out $xxxx thousand to the xxxx children fund foundation". I don't have any problem with people deciding to give just on the 5th of Sept, but being charitable means giving whenever you can and keeping the public away from what you do. Many have concentrated so much on the Showmanship of charity  than the charity itself.  Giving to be seen by men to be philanthropic instead of concentration on the love of giving. 

  • Giving A Drum Of Dollars Which Yields Zero Drum Of Help  

I often tell people that they need to act by themselves; if they want to give $5, give it in person if they can. If they can't give it in person, give towards a cause that they can easily monitor. Every now and then, millions of dollars are given to charities who can't even boast to have actually spent 5 cents of a dollar towards the cause they stand for. Why then do you give towards such a charity?. Well, the truth is that the givers don't even care about those who are supposed to receive the gift they give, rather it was just for showmanship. 

They give a drum of dollars but such act can't even yield one drop of water of help to the unprivileged it was meant for. 

  • Giving Towards Lame Cause

I get so angry at times when I see millions of dollars been given on Charity Day towards irrelevant causes. I won't mention any cause here, but the truth remains that the 5th of Sept(world charity day) is just a sham most of the time. I am not saying there ain't genuine act of giving that day, but what I am saying is that most of the time, it is a pitiable sight when you look with your third eyes. 

You see people giving millions of dollars towards things like "Abortion research" when just 1 million dollar would change the lives of thousands of children if spent right and given in person or carefully monitored. 

  • Zero Drum Of Help!!

I know I have mentioned this before, but I am saying this once more because it is extremely important. Don't ever ever give towards a cause you can't monitor. Have you given $2k towards some mega charity before?, were you able to monitor it?. No!!. To some mega-charity organisation, $2k is for tooth picks!, irrelevant. It would be lost in transit, but if you personally invest such cash into shopping for food stuff an some needfuls and donating such to a shelter or some sort of in person care service, the impact would be more huge.

This is where the blockchain shines too!, this brings me to remember a post made by @markwhittam last year about the impact of the blockchain to monitoring charities. If a mega charity wants to be trusted, let them move to the blockchain for easy accountability or better still open themselves to a stage where they are easily monitored and truly use donated funds for what they are meant for..

Speaking more, you see those who are supposed to be using donated funds for its true cause wearing Rolexes and driving incredibly expensive rides while those that needs the charity are helpless and un-helped. 


Did I just type out this many words just to speak about charity day and how I feel about it?, well, I did and at the same time I didn't. We humans are so tuned to celebrate days, we sort of condition ourselves and limit our mindset by going under the radar of a particular day. I am not saying the Charity Day is a bad thing, but seeing what it is used for and how people act just to show themselves, it greatly kills my passion for it and makes it feel hypocritical.

 What Is Charity? of all the definition I would love to site, I would pick one; Charity is love for humanity, the power, hunger and desire to make your fellow human as comfortable as possible, 

  1. it is the drive to help that child who is parent-less,
  2. help that family that is being oppressed by CPS,  
  3. Helping that boy who is homeless 
  4. That man that can't have one meal a day
  5. That child or person who sick and unable to cope
  6. Giving that priceless advice to that man in need of it
  7. Comforting someone in their time of uncomfort
  8. Finding ways to better serve humanity.
  9. Making awareness about Charity itself as much as possible. etc. 

CHARITY is the act of giving oneself first to a cause, because when you do, the limits open and you begin to understand that you have serve as much as you can every minute, every day. Giving yourself and time is a priceless gift that money can't comprehend. Not Just Sept 5th, once a year, every day should be your World Charity Day!.

The @familyprotection initiative is one of a kind, and also, the entire community is greatly involved in the very personal sense. They don't even appear to be a charity, but beyond the surface, they embody the need to help children that are made to pass through what they could have easily prevented which tarnish their young beautiful souls for a long time. If these can be prevented, the future of these young ones would be brighter, and shine through the next generations to come. This is as important as the air we breathe. Join the community and spread this divine love wherever you find yourself.

I Love To Make Blooms And Children Need It More Than Ever

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

If you truly care and passionate about helping families and children worldwide facing CPS injustice, an healthy step is to JOIN the @familyprotection community.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Charity is an everyday commitment not just once a year and @familyprotection is an excellent cause to give for. Charity is not always money but often this time and volunteering and giving from the heart. Charity is treating others the way you would want to be treated. Organic local charity usually is the best. Helping families and others brings Joy To The Giver and and blessings of love to the one receiving the gift. Thanks my dear friend @kryptocoin

You just summed it up brilliantly Troy.
Most at times we look at what is being given rather than looking at the way, reason, and the love in which such services is given.
PS: I don't know if you saw my last reply to your previous comment,
Thank you Dear Friend.

So true my dear friend!

I am a fierce critic of NGOs and so called charity organizations, but I guess I have too many things to rant on already. Majority of the organizations simply use the funds they receive to better themselves...with little or nothing left for those that they actually sought it for. Take Haiti for example, NGOs simply milk the situation in the country to attract aid yet No change whatsoever.

It does not take a publicity stunt to help people...neither do we need to be reminded. Charity is love...and love should be given as often as we can

Haiti is perfect example!.
Imagine they don't even have access to clean water after the mountainous funds siphoned in disguise to help them. Capitalizing situations is what they are good at.
Thanks for your sound comment.

Everyday should be World Charity Day! Great post my friend. I too have problems with people giving then bragging about it on social media. they give to make themselves feel better or simple to appease their own conscience. Giving unconditionally without regard for anything in return and out of true compassion for others and to make someones life a bit better is true giving! Oh, by the way, I gave you a whole 2 cent Hope it puts a smile on your face for a brief moment.

Lol, It gave me a huge smile.
Thank you so much.

Good...we all need to smile a bit more! Life is too short to spend all our energy on frowns. Hope you are having a blessed day.


Last year, there was an organisation that spent a huge some of dollars organizing a colorful world charity day, where meals and drinks were served to their workers and invitees and the remainder left to waste.

Imagine what effect such funds would have made if they dropped their ego and actually visited a shelter for the homeless or used it for something similar. But on that day, what they did was to feed people who were already over fed on a world charity day.
It is really sad.

Yes, that money and leftover food would have feed a lot of hungry people!!

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How could you have possibly read my post under 30 seconds and deemed it fit to resteem?. ..
Thanks but no thanks. .

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