Blame for poverty. Guardianship authorities in the Kuban threaten to take 4 children from their mother


Not long ago, a message appeared in one of the social networks to draw attention to the problem of the mother of many children, Lucina Isayeva, from the village of Starovelichkovskaya Krasnodar Territory. A volunteer from Krasnodar, Emilia Safina, wrote that the representatives of CPS tortured a woman with daily checks and threatened to give away her daughters to the orphanage because of the poverty of the family. Among the claims - dilapidated housing, the lack of a second set of laundry, insufficient number of products.

"Yes, the family is poor, but the mother is not drinking, healthy, caring, loving her children," explained the author of the cry, which along with other volunteers regularly helps families with children in difficult life situations. "I have known her for many years as a volunteer and fully responsible for my words."

In a telephone conversation, the woman told me that she and her associates often had to support mothers in similar circumstances, when there was a real threat for the children to be taken away by the guardianship authorities. And another activist of the parental volunteer community after the appeal of Emilia began to help the Isaevs precisely because as a mother of many children she experienced this situation on herself.

"In early December, guardianship also appeared on the eve of the repair and we were accused of being dysfunctional , "says Anastasia Demidova, a resident of the village of Dinskaya. - But what are the prerequisites for this, if my husband works, children go to school, we are not registered with the narcology clinics? When I asked this question, they told me: "You have many children." This answer killed me. That is, they believe that since the family has many children, it means that it is dysfunctional. To fight back, I had to contact bloggers and the commissioner for human rights in the Southern Federal District. Other girls found out about this and therefore asked me to help Lucina. "

(Lucina`s house)

To understand the complexity of the Isaevs' situation, it is enough to simply see their house. Lucine and her four daughters live in a small hut, built many decades ago. She looks equally old both outside and inside. For five people there are only two small rooms and there is not even a hint of a bathroom or a toilet. In addition to this, the dwelling is heated by firewood and does not have its own water supply, as several months ago the pipe was cut off for debts. Recently, they could also turn off the electricity, but the volunteers helped pay in arrears of two and a half thousand rubles in time. After such details, it is easy to guess that a woman and her daughters need almost everything.

The roots of most problems are in Lucina`s childhood, which she spent in the same house and it was not easy. A great misfortune was brought to the family by the accident, as a result of which her mother died and her father became disabled. Since the elder Lucina`s brother was serving a sentence at that time, she had to quit school in order to take care of her little sister. As a result, she did not even get an elementary education, let alone a profession.

Then Lusine met a very good man, moved with him to live in Adygea and their daughter was born there, they gave her name as Camilla. But family happiness turned out to be short-lived, because grief has come again.

"Everything was fine in Adygea," says Lusina. - I had a job but then the first husband got very sick and died. When this happened, my father and brother suggested me to return to Starovelichkovskaya and buy this house for maternity capital. ( Maternity/family capital is a form of state support for Russian families raising children. This support is provided from January 1, 2007 at the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child who has Russian citizenship, provided that the parents did not exercise the right to additional measures of state support. -wikipedia) I did, but in the end they deceived me. "

From the words of the woman you can understand that relatives took advantage of her trustfulness, and after receiving money they forgot about their promises. They handed her the house in a sorry state, did not complete the registration of all documents and, as it turned out later, left a big debt for utilities. In addition, Lucina`s sister, her brothers and their children are still registered in this house. The woman complains that they do not want to check themselves out of the house, because of what she can not receive the stipulated benefits, including payment for utilities.

"After a while, my father died, and my brother is an insolent person, he does not want even to speak with me," continues Lucina. "But there's no sense in it because you will not get any help from him, as well as from other relatives." They ignore me, as if I do not exist at all. I did not know what to do, so I turned to volunteers. "

The situation of this family was not so critical, as long as it had a breadwinner. Many years Lusine lived in a civil marriage with a native of Uzbekistan, who became the father of her three daughters. She associated with him hopes for a better life, but they did not materialize.

"My friend introduced me to my husband," says the mother of many children. - They told about Rustam that he was a holy person: that he did not drink, did not smoke. We began to live together, but later he showed us what kind of "holy person" he was. He began to beat me, did not want to do anything here. Repair and other cares about the family did not concern him, he was interested only in drinking. I thought that everything would work out, he would get his mind and we would live normally. But nothing happened. And then one day when he beat me, I just drove him out of my house. "

"My ex husband was deported four months ago, and after that my tortures began with checks and commissions about children," the woman continues. - The CPS decided that since there is no dad, now they can press on me.  Well, yes, we live very hard, because I was left alone, without a man in the house. And yet the children do not starve. I understand everything, if CPS came to check, then why they don`t talk normally with me? Why do they ask the children stupid questions about me, threaten me in their presence, say that they will be scattered around orphanages? "

Most of all, Lusina was angered by the behavior of one juvenile inspector, who, she said, behaved very unceremoniously. Not only that he came to their home with a check at an unseasonable hour, - at half past nine, he also walked around the house in dirty shoes, used foul language, looked where he wanted and photographed everything.

After that, the volunteers decided to tell about the current situation on the Internet in order to protect the family from attacks and draw attention to its problems.

Only after  intervention of the volunteers and the reaction of the media, some measures were taken. One of the volunteers Anastasia Demidova appealed to the district prosecutor's office with a request to help the situation. 

It seems that some of the officials really remembered about the family now. The other day the the settlement administration sent to the Isaevs a tractor with workers who took out garbage from the yard. They also covered  the house with insulation material and brought a music center for the children. In parallel, support continues to be provided by volunteers. They regularly collect money for food and help with clothes.

"Now two children go to school, and two more I am going to send to a kindergarten," says Lusina Isayeva. - And they take me there to work as a cleaner, so my daughters will be with me. Also, in the spring, I will be able to work with farmers. That is, I'm not going to sit forever and wait for someone to give me something. I only ask people to help me now."

Let`s hope that the woman will get a necessary help and the representatives of CPS will not turn her life into hell. It is good that the woman created a buzz around her problem. Do you imagine how this story would end if she kept silent and just cried at home? Her children would not be with their mother now but in the orphanage among strangers. Never try to fight alone-you will lose but do your best to attract the attention of mass media to your story. It will be great if your story is told on one of TV channels but again it should be public for this because in another case TV crew even will not know about it. In a few words, do not give up, make noise, turn to lawyers and then there is a chance that you will defeat the monsters that are called child protective services.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @kristinaljfom for supporting @familyprotection

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I am so glad that this beautiful mother looked for some help and saved her family so far by speaking out and making some noise. Glad you shared this story and for your great tip of never fighting the CPS by yourself by surround yourself with people and social media and get help, as much help from everyone because you cannot fight the CPS yourself.
I hope that this beautiful mother will keep on fighting and I really hope that she will receive as much help as she can and deserves. Maybe somehow this steemit community, all of us can help.

wow interesting story .. thanks for posting this Artical kee it up . :) @kristinaljfom

I know exactly what it is to live in a house in poor condition and that social service is behind you

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