A Complaint about "Barnevernet"


To the International Criminal Court in The Hague

In 2016 the Byzantine Ecumenical Patriarchate appealed to the International Criminal Court in order to prosecute Barnevarn officials in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and genocide provided for in articles 5, 6, 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, committed in the territory of Norway, from 1990 to the present.

"Barnevernet" is actually an independent fascist state in Norway, which steals children. It has its own laws, is not accountable to the Norwegian authorities, the Norwegian king, the Norwegian courts and even the UN. "Barnevernet" (management of social and legal protection of children and youth) is absolutely uncontested. Abductions of children by social services have become the foundation for a grandiose business. In 2015, 4,300 employees worked for Barnevernet. Each year, they pursue on average to 53,000 children. Some of them have already been stolen, and some are at risk of kidnapping. In Norway, only 60,000 children are born every year. The total population is 5 million. Expenses for Barnevernet in 2015 amounted to 11.8 billion Norwegian kroner, or 90 billion rubles, or about 1.4 billion dollars!

For that, "Barnevernet" kidnaps children from their parents:

-- The mother does not make an omelet according to the ideas of the psychologist of "Barnevernet" and cuts the child's bread into too large slices.

-- The mother used a lot of soap while washing her baby.

-- The father has a wounded leg and can not climb the ladder, so he can not wipe the dust off the top of the window frame.

-- Mom is too short - when a daughter in adolescence will be taller, her mother will not be able to get to her.

-- Parents love their child and therefore do not want the children to be taken away from them. This, they say, is proof that parents can not cooperate with the social services.

Although the European Court of Human Rights found that "Barnevernet" violates human rights, nothing has changed! Moreover, Norway was also criticized by the United Nations High Commissioner for the systematic non-observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as for the violation of international treaties. However, again nothing has changed, but on the contrary - criminality is even more progressing!


Facts about crimes:

a) According to statistics, "Barnevernet" has 702 deaths of children given to the so-called foster families between 1990 and 2001. MEP T. Zděkhovski emphasizes that at the present time the death rate of children is growing rapidly, and this prompts once again to review the actions of Barnevernet.

b) Barnevernet, based on fictitious accusations against parents, abuses its powers and commits grave crimes. As a result, 59 of the total number of selected children annually commit suicide! This genocidal system, which commits crimes against humanity, sentences parents to wrongful punishment without any evidence or guilt.

c) "A course towards a pure nation for Scandinavia can be dangerous," an article in the newspaper Aftenposten appeared on May 23, 2014 with such a headline. Journalists report that 9 out of 10 disabled children in Norway are killed as "defective" children.

d) As Norwegian TV channel NRK reported on March 6, 2014, dozens of states demanded that Norway stop interfering in the affairs of families of migrants and tourists from their countries. The diplomats demand that the families of all children confiscated in Norway by Barnevernet civil service be returned to their families: "This is a crime of child kidnapping on a mass scale."

The return of abducted Czech children was again demanded by Czech President M. Zeman. Everything was to no avail! Petitions of Czech citizens and a half-thousand demonstration in front of the Norwegian Embassy were also ignored.

e) The book "The betrayal of a Norwegian mother" was written by a 26-year-old woman, who, as a girl, was sexually abused in foster families from 4 to 12 years old. The main characters of this book were also the employees of the Norwegian social system Barnevernet, who not only promoted sexual abuse of children from foster families, but also participated directly in orgies.

f) Barnevernet acts on the principle that at first the child is kidnapped from his parents and only then it looks for the reasoning of its crime. For Barnevernet, an anonymous call and an absurd charge are enough: there are too many or too few toys, a sad look of the child ... It is a question of mass crimes. This practice was used by fascists in the legal documentation of their crimes.

g) In the Norwegian kindergarten, infants and children are fed warm meals only once a week. Mothers are indignant and ask to increase the delivery of food to children in kindergartens at least two times a week. But Norwegian educators for this mediate the withdrawal of children from those mothers who are unhappy with their diet.

As a result,the children are in criminal claws of "Barnevernet."

h) November 1, 2014, "Life News" reported details of the seizure in Norway of a girl who was taken away from her parents only because the CPS found unwashed dishes at home.

i) In Norway, 1/5 of all children (200,000 from 1 million) have already been selected from their parents.

j) On May 3, 2013, a meeting against Barnevernet was held in the Norwegian city of Trondheim. The organizer of the rally, Elizabeth Bettany Kielstad, said in an interview: "I worked at Barnevernet, my three grandchildren are under their" tutelage. " I saw this system from the inside and I want people to know what kind of violations are happening there. " The driving force of "Barnevernet" is the grandiose business of abducted children.

k) On January 14, 2013, a Norwegian lawyer told the Russian woman Irina Bergset that she was obliged to pay tribute to a Norwegian pedophile in the amount of 1 million rubles for his mockery of her son Mikhail Bergset. "Barnevernet" decided to give the Russian`s woman son to a pedophile. The Russian mother was deprived of all types of communication with the child, including Skype and the phone. This is removal system of children sent to foster families. A mother must finance the tyranny of her abducted children!

l) Barnevernet took away three children from his mother for baking a very simple birthday cake for her child's birthday. This was written by the central Norwegian newspaper VG. On May 2, 2014, an article was published in which it was stated that Barnevernet (Norwegian children's police) "saved" children from this careless mother in an emergency and without warning.

I will tell about this case in details.

It turns out that in Norway it is impossible to bake a cake for the children`s birthday only from one grade of chocolates because it discriminates against a Norwegian child. That's why, - the journalists explain, - this offending mother in Norway was immediately arrested.

In addition, the mother's fault is that she also dared to choose a primitive plot for a festive cake. It was specified that she decorated the cakes with marmalade males ONLY ONE yellow COLOR, - writes this newspaper.

For solidity, Norwegian journalists quote Norwegian Minister of Children's Affairs Solveig Horn, who personally clarifies the situation with the confiscation of children from this negligent mother confectioner.

It turns out that the Minister of Children obliges to use for children`s cakes in Norway EXCLUSIVELY Disney Scenes AND NOT LESS than 12,000 calories or more ...

And all because "Norwegian children live in the richest country in the world", - the Minister of Children says. - So, they are worthy of more expensive CAKES. "

The newspaper "VG" does not specify the names of those who "informed" the Norwegian children's minister about the primitive "cake with yellow men", but reports that there are WITNESSES who saw this primitive cake with their own eyes.

The mother's lawyer tried to prove that the mother was completely LEGAL and was going to combine three scenes from Disney in this cake, but on that day she suddenly got a call from work, so she had to hurry and simplify the plot ...

However, "Norwegian children should not start their Norwegian life with such one-chocolates cakes with 20 marmalade men on top," persists the Minister of Children Solveig Horn.

An annex: We call on the Vatican church leadership, the leadership of the Orthodox Patriarchates, the leadership of various Protestant denominations, as well as various public organizations and even ordinary citizens, to send complaints to Barnevernet according to our example. If they remain indifferent, they reveal that they agree with the satanization of children! It is a system of inhuman torture and sexual abuse of children. The crimes of Barnevernet bring a curse not only on Norway, but also on those states that are silently watching!

The mass media are obliged to make the mass crimes public! Silence is a crime of cooperation in a genocide and its own people! "If you do not repent, you all will perish" (Luke 13: 3).

People of all nations, unite! Write, knock, shout, until the criminal "Barnevernet" will not be justly punished and eliminated !!!



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