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RE: Interview with a child, who has been in the paws of CPS. Methods of work of psychologists, conclusions for parents

How awful. In Enhanced Interogation Techniques (EIT), or commonly known as torture, they do the same thing just with added physical punishment for the wrong answer. They put the subject under so much stress that the subject will eventually agree to anything. This is psychological torture. Just one more reason on top of a thousand that CPS should not exist. I might say reformed but they have committed so many unforgivable acts that the perps need to be severely punished and the organization as a whole, abolished. It's so different than a child trafficking ring. The only difference is that the rape and abuse is only a little less common by CPS. Still too common though. Very nice article, thank you for exposing this.


This is terrible. The girl's words in the interview confirm your words. It's good that in her case it did not come to physical impact. But here is psychological impact she experienced on full program. Thanks for comment!

You should totally write a post about this. Yes. You should.

Which one? The psychological torture of children by CPS or the so called EIT? Honestly I'd love write about both but what do you think?

I don't think people realize the level of manipulations that take place psychologically. If you could draw that parallel, just like you did above, it would make people see it in a whole other light.

We only think of "torture" like what we see in the movies (unless you've been trained to deal it out OR have experienced it yourself-- especially in some situations you may not be able to speak of). We never think that people with authority -- "normal" authority could be capable of leaving the same kinds of effects as those with specialized training or experiences.

That's what I'm talking about.

In your comment, you drew that parallel perfectly. You should combine both because that is the what the statement did. It deserves a post all on its own. It does.

Well thanks @mklkent, I think I will do that then. I didn't really consider how huge the implications of that statement were when I was writing it but your right man. That's some serious stuff and does deserve to be rooted out. You have inspired me good sir and I will definitely be writing about it in the near future.

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