The Visit - Scott Allen Campbell Scenario #2 - CPS Destroying Families - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

A white haired man turned a page of an old book glancing as he silently read.

"Scott, you have a visitor."

The door opened. An weathered old woman standing about 5' 3" and in a black winter coat walked slowly toward the table and took a seat "Hi Scott."

Glancing up he nodded his heed but said nothing. What seemed to be an endless minute passed.

"Who brought you?"

"Oh a friend. What does it matter?"


It does not concern you. "They say you are going to be out soon with good behavior. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Well I know where I am not going."

A pained expression came across the old woman's face as she looked away.

"The town people would not accept you. If only you would have listened to me, the CPS would never had taken you away."

That was years ago Rebecca. It was fucked up long before then. If only I would have had a father figure in my life."

"If John would not have slept with that whore."

"If you would have supported his music career and attended his gigs woman, instead of bitching, he might not have. That's long ago anyway. and he's dead."

"The damn CPS bastards. Had they not got caused their shit you could have been a music teacher or an executive...or a minister."

She glanced at the old Bible in front of her son. "But now it is too late."

Again a pause.

"That was what you wanted. They were your dreams."

Again the old woman looked away as a tear passed. For a brief moment Scott looked hard as he envisioned a silhouette of a stone cold body.

"This is the life I know. This is my home. I've become a damn good cook and folks like me here Mama. We are family."

A deafening silence came across the room.

" I got to go." She stood up and started to walk and then paused in her tracks. "Take care of yourself"

Several months passed. "Scott, I have something for you. Here. Turn to page 6"

Scott opened the dated paper that was placed in his hand and silently read.

Rebecca Campbell, 89, passed away at her home following a brief illness. After high school she attended the American Conservatory of Music and lived in Chicago. She returned to Iowa in 1966 and for many years she made her life as a music teacher and church musician. She is survived by three cousins, Judith (Bob) Osmers, Michael Mitchell and Dan Mitchell all of California.

"Funny it did not mention you, Scott."



Obviously this is fiction with my humble attempt of writing. However It proves the point that the CPS leaves long term irreversible residue on children. It is vital that children grow up with both parents participating actively, lovingly and responsibly in their lives. If they do not they leave the door open for Daddy government CPS to come in and trash their family. Think of it like you have your wife and children but there is this whore mistress waiting to have an affair with you. she may give you a little lovin as bait to trash your family. Well the CPS is that whore in your family's life. And she does not care. She (The CPS) wants control to totally destroy. That is her agenda.


When a child is taken from their family. it erodes the foundation. They develop issues with abandonment, trust, intimacy, abuse addictions and the list goes on and on. They no longer have stability in their lives. They become like a transient and learn to survive. They may learn to lie, cheat or steal to get by. Their moral fabric changes. They run a higher risk of getting in trouble with the law and not completing their education. They also run a higher risk of being abused physically, mentally or sexually. Most of these children do not receive the counseling to work through this baggage. And so they carry it the rest of their lives and pass it on to those in their lives...friends, spouse and offspring. They likely will not have a long lasting relationship like their parents or grandparents because of the baggage. Thus it not only destroy the family they grew up with, but the potential family they could have as adults.


When a child is taken from their family and placed it a foster home, they have less opportunity of reaching their full potential. Along with their innocence being robbed, so to their ability to dream. They could have been a first chair clarinetist or basketball player. Perhaps they would have developed a career that would have brought them success in life. They may have been able to go to college or find the sweetheart of their dreams had the CPS not screwed with their lives. As a result they never learn what it is to dream and see those dream come true. A part of their lives never develops. Some may not ever dream at all. A child must be provided the opportunities that cultivate inspiration to dream and believe in those dreams. How can a young person do that when they may not even believe in themselves.


Think of it as an contagious infection. Once it strikes on one child, it can spread to all those that person encounters. Negativity, baggage and all of its friends come and breed like roaches in their lives. Your child's friends and family are affected by their baggage. It is like a disease for which the residue is radioactive. A Godzilla that will not go away thanks to the whore CPS. The only vaccine I know of for this epidemic is @familyprotection to help fight these cases and bring families together again. I would encourage you to support @familyprotection so others may embrace much of their dreams and potential. Please do not let the CPS rob our children and families of what they can be.



This is scenario #2 of a life in which Scott, our main character, lived. In scenario #1 (The Letter) - The story I offered about four days ago was a case of the CPS causing their same irreversible damage. It was a case where Scott, ended up dead. It was a case of what I could have turned out to be had I not got my shit together. Thank you Lord for watching out over me. I fortunately grew up before the days of the hell of the CPS. I offered a story days before of what would have happened if Scott had not lived. You can read it here.


Please protect our families and our children from the CPS. Our children are OUR future. Make the investment in them and prevent the diseased CPS from infecting and destroying their lives. They deserve better.

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others.

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