The Dream in Action! - Scott Campbell Scenario #7 - Helping Families - Enjoy with Troy!

It seams quite busy for a Tuesday. 'The lunch rush should have passed but it lagged on inside the local Culver's Restaurant. A man dressed in a polo shirt and slacks sat eating fries and a burger and reading the local paper.

"Hey Dave."

Glancing up from the paper he notices a blonde thinly shaped girl in her early 30's.

"Hey Julie how are you? Come on over and have a seat with me."

"Are you sure I am not interrupting?"

"No no not at all. Have a seat. What's going on?"

The girl sets down placing her foot on the table and slowly nibbling at it.

"More of the same. It seams I am still fighting the CPS to get my kids back. It is not fair."

Tears started rolling down her face as she tries to cover them. Dave extends his hands to her.

"I am so sorry. I know how you miss Zach and Amanda. They miss you too I am sure."

For a brief second or two she looks up.

"Damn the system. They are my children. If only my ex had not walked out on us and cheatd..."

again a sob comes from her voice.

"I am sorry for what you are going through Julie. Hey wait I may have just the thing"

Reaching into his briefcase Dave pulls out a brochure.

"Here Julie, this is an extra pamphlet I have on a organization called @familyprotection. They offer help for folks like you in fighting the CPS and I would suggest you check them out. They will be having a workshop Wednesday evening. Their office is over on Locust and Maple Road. You need to check them out."

"Another hoop to get through more red tape and papers."

"No it is worth it. They will help you in getting your children back. Believe me they have helped so many. Promise me you will go. You know God will make you stronger by this and He will bring you through this"

Suddenly the phone rings

"Give me a moment Julie. I need to take this call."

"Yes ."

"Yes Bob."

"Say what??"

"Are you for real!"

"Well praise the Lord! Yes I will let the others know. That is great news!"

"That was Scott's old friend Bob. They say that Scott moved is eyelids and hand and is now out of a coma."


"You know they gunned him down months ago and thought they killed him. He was in a state of a coma all these months. And now. .."

Tears start rolling down Dave's face.

"God has allowed him to live!"

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This is the 7th in a series of possible scenarios of the life of our lead character, Scott Allen Campbell. Scenario 1 showed Scott dead from getting caught up into the CPS system and his father, John Campbell visiting his grave. Scenario 2 offered a Scott in a prison after being tossed around by the CPS. Scott is visited by his mother, Rachel, for the last time and being disowned as a family member upon her death. Scenario 3 has Scott taken by the CPS and sexually abused by the system. He then goes out and sexually abuses others getting on the sex offender registry and facing the crossroads of his life. Scenario #4 we see Scott offered the invitation to join a church based support group especially designed for foster care/CPS victims. Scenario #5 shows Scott taking a job helping children and families and making a difference. Scenario #6 shows Scott at an international crusade for families and being shot and ALMOST killed. I encourage you to read this back stories and blogs as they paint a picture of one person's reality with discussion following each story.

There is a beautiful but unintended progression to this series as shown below. We see a progression. Scott went from death as a victim of the system standing up and dying for victims of the system. There is a natural progression from Scenario 1 to Scenario 6 as shown below. it is a direction from life without meaning to life full of meaning....from meaningless death to life full of purpose and meaning.

Scenario #1 -Dead as a victim of the system
Scenario #2 - Imprisoned as a victim of the system
Scenario #3 - Sexually abused sex offender offered a new beginning
Scenario #4 - Offered a Church based Support group for foster car / CPS victims
Scenario #5 - Interviewed for a job helping children and families and make a difference
Scenario #6 - Risks is life almost dying for the cause of freedom and standing up against the CPS/foster care system

For those who have been faithful readers of the Scott Allen Campbell series, I personally thank you. Feel free to use these stories and catalog them as TOGETHER THEY TELL A LARGER STORY.

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Imagine if you will @familyprotection offices internationally. This would be a resource for those who are victims of the CPS system as well as pro family supporters in the fight against the CPS. Imagine if you will the following available at each office.

Workshops and support groups
Parenting skills taught
videos, brochures, business cards and otherpromo
online resources available for families
In house library available
Chaplain available for ministry
legal services
People trained to fight for you and your family
Referral services for homeless families
Emergency food pantries
Parental visitation drop off location for divorced families
Alliances with other organizations and church ministries locally and internationally.



Scott Allen Campbell sure did. Dave and Bob get it too. I remember how at one time anti-abortion clinics popped up across the street from planned parenthood clinics. We had that happen here in Bettendorf, Iowa. These clinics would offer positive answers and positive alternatives to the status quo abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood. In many instances it ran out the competition. This could be used to minimize the power and profits of the CPS. Sometimes you need to duplicate in a positive way to offer a better alternative.


I constantly say this is spiritual warfare on the family. We are being attacked by the unseen. The spiritual is alive and well as it relentlessly and subtly attacks us at our weakest point. It's sole purpose is to weaken us and forsake God and family. Scott Campbell got it. Bob also got it and understood. What about you? Are you on fire to save our families? Are you a Scott or a Bob? Do you have the conviction and the Godly values of truth to point the way to see this dream come true? Will you stand in the line of warfare against the enemy?

With God on your side, miracles can be seen and dreams can be a reality. God was on Scott's side. He allowed Scott to live. He had more work for him to do...whatever that is. God is in the miracle business and He is in the dream business. Through Him we WILL see the reality of @familyprotection grow large and go international. But our heart must be right with Him. We need to submit to his will. Though Him ALL things are possible. Without Him all things are a struggle. He will bless us in our dream if we let Him.


Christ rose from the dead because there was more work to do for us.
Scott also was spared death because God had more for him to do.
God also has much more for us to do and WE WILL RISE and overpower evil as we glorify Him.

There have been many of us who have written on why we support @familyprotection and why we re here. I encourage more to come forward and share their story. Why are you here today? Where do you see this platform and family ministry going? How can you help to make it happen? I sense that blogging is ONLY the first step. There are hundreds more to come. Together we can see this dream through. Together we can help children and families. Together we CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

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THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for supporting @familyprotection

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This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs.

Thank you my dear friend. @thethreehugs

You are most welcome!

Good job buddy! (Lord, I miss Culver's)

Thank you for taking time my friend. Yes we have a few Culvers here. Blessings @richq11

It was my favorite place to eat in Wisconsin... I wish they'd open up here in Arkansas! God Bless my friend.

enjoy the first part of the story very much, many of us dream that this becomes reality and we can help

Indeed you are right. When we come together for a good cause good things happen. We get results. Thanks for taking time to read and respond. @marynes5

Nice story men.


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