Tears Of Grief For The Loss Of Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection5 years ago (edited)


Tonight I am struggling. I am hearing all this music on youtube and am in tears. I see the loss of innocence. Even in old recordings, it makes me burst out in buckets of tears. It is uncontrollable. I do not understand it. Am I too awake? I know we have lost our innocence and that makes me cry. I fear for the little ones of tomorrow. I see the loss of dreams and freedoms. I know that tears are cleansing and once innocence is taken, it can never be reclaimed. I fear for America. I fear for our world. I pray for our children who are being brain washed by the teachers of socialism and kidnapped by the CPS.

Children are our future...our tomorrow. Can we ever reclaim our dreams and our freedoms? Can we ever turn this around? It makes me grieve tonight.

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You can comment, upvote ore resteem, but please save innocence ...and our children.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.
"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

You have not even begun to plumb the depths of despair.
If those are the two things you fear for children, then you might be said to live in a rose colored world.

However, there is no help to your heart in those words.

"What? There is worse?

But, let me tell you that things aren't really getting worse. We are only just beginning to notice how bad things were.

And now that we have noticed, we can do something about them.

We need to further expose things. Such as CPS being used to traffic children to pedophiles and worse.

We need to understand that there are people out there who do not have children's best interest at heart, even if they say, "its for the children".
We need to comprehend that there are people that want death... only after the child is tortured to the edge of insanity and despair, and then killed, ritually, to Satan (for lack of a better word)

So, i offer you hope. Now that we see these things, we will not let CPS into our homes. We will not let out children go to govern-cement indoctrination camps... i mean schools. And so, the next generation will grow up stronger, and those who would cloth themselves in words of "its for the children" will be shunned and pushed out of society.

Indeed I know it is worse. I see the writing on the wall and the territory. Thanks for your thoughtful comment my friend @builderofcastles

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Its rough. I worry about it as well. The lines between right and wrong are blurry, even for grown ups, talk less of the children who have to learn from the "adults". I just hope they make better choices than we did

Let's pray they do make better choices. Thanks for you reply.

Great words. Have a great day ahead

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