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RE: A dangerous 'trend' is starting to develop in Ireland concerning children in care

Children's feeling are rarely taken into consideration. Sadly they are underrepresented. Their feelings do not matter. That is so wrong. I feel passionate about this injustice personally. My parents divorced when I was a child. I looked up my other parent when I was 18. No one asked me how I felt or what I wanted. Children are either overlooked or manipulated. In the case of CPS the CPS workers are only interested in covering their butts. If a child says something it is exaggerated. Perhaps they are afraid of a suit. Perhaps they have a quota to meet. But it sure as hell is not the welfare of the child. Kids matter. Their feelings matter and their emotions count. Judges need to know this. One last thing. The child's situation is not the problem. CPS IS THE PROBLEM. Children would be better off without CPS. It is a contradiction unto itself. I believe they call that an oxymoron.


Very true. They make it seem like they listen to the child, and do it for the child. That's how they got away with the referendum in the first place. They played the people's heart strings, because who doesn't want children's rights defended? The crazy thing is though that I for one had no vote in this, because I'm not Irish and 'just' live here. But the referendum does concern me and my family. Meaning that it can cause problems for people who had absolutely no say in it whatsoever. So let alone that kids have a say. And yes, CPS is the problem, they create more problems than they solve. Their 'help' is pestering people, giving them stress they don't need and much uncertainty for children and their families. Thank you for your feedback @enjoywithtroy

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